Filters Core Plugin Test Cases
Preconditions |
Test Case ID |
Instructions |
Expected Results |
Windows |
Mac |
Date Executed |
Pass/Fail |
Date Executed |
Pass/Fail |
1. Start Cytoscape |
F1 |
1. Click on the Options button and select Create new filter… from the menu |
All the nodes with “5” in their Numbers attribute column should be highlighted |
F2 |
1. (Repeat steps 1-4 from F1) |
All the nodes that do not have “5” in their Numbers attribute column should be highlighted |
F3 |
1. (Repeat steps 1-4 from F1) |
All the nodes that do not have “5” in their Numbers attribute column should be highlighted |
F4 |
1. (Repeat steps 1-4) |
There should be no selected nodes on the graph because the Numbers attribute only contains one integer |
F5 |
1. (Repeat steps 1-3 from F4) |
All the nodes that have either a 1 or a 5 in their Numbers attribute column should be highlighted |
F6 |
1. (Repeat steps 1-4 from F1) |
The parameter should be deleted and no longer appear in the Filter Definition area |
F7 |
1. Select edge.interaction from the Attribute/Filter menu and click Add |
All the edges in the graph that represent pp interactions should be highlighted |
F8 |
1. Click the Options button and select Rename Filter |
The Current Filter menu should reflect the name change to “Filter 1” |
F9 |
1. Click the Options button and select Create new topology filter |
All the nodes that have 1 neighbour within 1 edge interaction should be highlighted (eg. All the nodes in galFiltered.sif) |
F10 |
Select Filter 1 from the Topology Filter Definition and click Apply |
Only those nodes that pass Filter 1 as well as the Topology Filter should be highlighted |
F11 |
1. Click the Options button and select Create new NodeInteraction Filter |
All the nodes that are either the source or the target of at least one edge that passes Filter 1 (eg. Is a pp interaction edge) |
F12 |
1. Click the Options button and select Create new EdgeInteraction Filter |
All the edges whose source or target node pass the NodeInteraction filter Node should be highlighted |
F13 |
1. Select Edge from the Current Filter menu |
The Edge Filter should be deleted and should no longer appear in the Current Filter menu |
F14 |
1. Select Filter 1 from the Current Filter menu |
All of the edges that represent pp interactions in both graphs should be highlighted |