Differences between revisions 3 and 14 (spanning 11 versions)
Revision 3 as of 2007-02-20 16:18:19
Size: 5393
Editor: PietMolenaar
Revision 14 as of 2007-05-29 21:18:33
Size: 3273
Editor: host86-137-242-99
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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'''This is a preliminary set-up for the retreat 2007. Consider it a kind of RFC for the coming month or so; any suggestions changes are welcome!
The only date that's pretty much fixed is the symposium date; than is the only time a big conference room is available. In the current scenario (CytoRetreat2007Planning : due in a few days) a first announcement will be sent at the beginning of april; so that should be the end of RFC status.'''
'''This set of pages will from now on serve as the central site for the organization of the retreat. During the retreat this will also serve as starting point for notes, planning etc. The actual announcement site (now under construction) will come directly under the Cytoscape site; much like the tutorial pages are organized.'''
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The 5th Annual Cytoscape Retreat will be held November 6th - 9th, 2006 (Tue-Fri) at the [http://www.amc.nl/ Academic Medical Center] of the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=Academisch+Medisch+Centrum,+Amsterdam,+North+Holland,+Netherlands&ie=UTF8&sll=52.373922,4.958954&sspn=0.178998,0.466919&z=11&ll=52.32275,4.957581&spn=0.179205,0.692139&om=1&iwloc=addr map] The budget is stored as an excel sheet: attachment:CytoBudget.xls
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The goal of the retreat is threefold: Planning is a separate wiki page''' CytoRetreat2007Planning '''
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 1: Involve the large user community in Europe in Cytoscape development; create a Cytoscape bridgehead in the Netherlands
 2: Gather user feedback and use it to plan future development.
 3: Establish a development roadmap for the next year
= Discussion points for Cytoscape Board of Directors Teleconference, Wed 30th May 2007 =
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We want to reach these goals in a retreat spanning four days. The first and last day are mainly intended for the Cytoscape core development team and other developers who write their own Cytoscape plugins. The second and third days are aimed at a wide audience of molecular biologists and bioinformaticians in the Netherlands, Europe and internationally and to attract them we will invite several high profile speakers. '''____'''
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Cytoscape is jointly developed by the groups of Benno Schwikowski (Pasteur Institute, Paris), Trey Ideker (University of California San Diego), Chris Sander (Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center), Lee Hood (Institute of Systems Biology, Seattle), and Annette Adler (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA). This year the retreat will be co-hosted by two new contributor groups of Tom Ferrin (UCSF Computer Graphics Laboratory) and Bruce Conklin (Gladstone/UCSF, GenMAPP). '''__Pre-Reading__: '''
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The meeting will mainly be informal and technically focused with all major Cytoscape team members gathered together to set new directions for Cytoscape, plan new features and collaboratively work on code. Cytoscape-related presentations by invitees are welcome. Social activities around the meeting are also scheduled. This is a great chance to influence the development direction of Cytoscape. Invitation Letters (Template)
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Sponsorship Requests (Template)
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== Preliminary Schedule ==
||<rowbgcolor="#ffeeaa">'''MON November 5th''' ||'''Meet and greet'''||
||<rowbgcolor="#ffcc99">'''Where''' ||Somewhere in Amsterdam ||
||5:00PM-7:00PM ||Meet and greet in bar ||
||7:00 PM-(...) ||Dinner on own but together ;-)||
||<rowbgcolor="#ffeeaa">'''TUE November 6th''' ||'''Hackathon'''||
||<rowbgcolor="#ffcc99">'''Where''' ||AMC Lectureroom K 01-123 ||
||9:30-11:00||Defining issues and breakout groups||
||11:00-11:30||Coffee break||
||11:30-12:30||Hacking/Coding in breakout groups||
||14:00-15:30||Hacking/Coding in breakout groups||
||15:30-16:00 ||Coffee and tea break||
||16:00-17:00 ||Results session||
||17:00-(...)||Hackathon Extension; things todo in Amsterdam||
||<rowbgcolor="#ffeeaa">'''WED November 7th''' ||'''Demoday''' ''Application showcase and hands-on sessions''||
||<rowbgcolor="#ffcc99">'''Where''' ||AMC Lecturerooms K 01-123 and -122 ; parallel sessions||
||9:30-11:00||Application showcase 1A / Hands-on session 1A||
||11:00-11:30||Coffee break||
||11:30-12:30||Application showcase 1B / Hands-on session 1B||
||14:00-15:30||Hands-on session 2A/Application showcase 2A||
||15:30-16:00 ||Coffee and tea break||
||16:00-17:00 ||Hands-on session 2B/Application showcase 2B||
||17:00-(...)||Hackathon Extension; things todo in Amsterdam||
||18:00-(...)||SAB & Board of Directors Meeting||
||<rowbgcolor="#ffeeaa">'''THU November 8th''' ||'''Public Symposium''' ''Cytoscape: Network-Based Approaches to Biological Data Integration and Analysis''||
||<rowbgcolor="#ffcc99">'''Where''' ||AMC Conference Room 5 ||
||9:30-10:15||Speaker 1||
||10:15-11:00||Speaker 2||
||11:00-11:30||Coffee break||
||11:30-12:00||Speaker 3||
||12:00-12:30||Speaker 4||
||14:00-14:45||Speaker 5||
||14:45-15:30||Speaker 6||
||15:30-16:00 ||Coffee and tea break||
||16:00-16:30 ||Speaker 7||
||16:30-17:00 ||Speaker 8||
||19:00-(...)||Conference Dinner||
||<rowbgcolor="#ffeeaa">'''FRI November 9th''' ||'''Roadmap''' ''Defined by devteam''||
||<rowbgcolor="#ffcc99">'''Where''' ||AMC Lecturerooms K 01-123 ||
||9:30|| Cytoscape 2.5 rundown||
||10:30|| Organize Major Development Tasks and BreakoutGroups ||
||12:30|| Working Lunch||
||13:00|| BreakoutGroups Report ||
||13:00|| Parallel session of Board of Directors and SAB to discuss vision||
||15:00||Work on RoadMap2007 / Match Core Developers to Action Items||
||17:00||Wrap-up: SAB Input, Board Issues & Future Vision ||
||18:45-(...)||Things todo in Amsterdam||
1st Announcement
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Budget Spreadsheet
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== Registration == URL for the website (Test Site)
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To be done
== Location ==
__'''Agenda''' __'''__Items__:'''
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To be done
== Hotel Suggestions ==
1. __Web Site__ (Intention is to include this in all announcements)
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To be done
== Travel ==
1.1. URL: [http://www.cytoscape.org/Retreat2007 www.cytoscape.org/Retreat2007]
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To be done
== Example Trip Planner ==
1.2. Test Site: http://humangenetics-amc.nl/test/CytoWebRedux/retreat2007
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To be done
== Amsterdam tourism ==
1.3. Feedback on first impressions: navigation etc
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To be done 2. __Retreat Programme__ - http://humangenetics-amc.nl/test/CytoWebRedux/retreat2007/programme.php

2.1. Overview

2.2. Public Symposium

 . 2.2.1. Confirmed Speakers
 . 2.2.2. 2 Remaining Places: Proposed invitees are Andrew Hopkins - Pfizer, Ruedi Aebersold – ETH
2.3. Cytoscape Training Day

 . 2.3.1. Demand from users voiced in discussion forums 2.3.2. Tues 6th Nov, in parallel with Hackathon 2.3.3. Possibly Wed 7th, part of Demos 2.3.4. Trainers would not be developers (GW, Unilever bioinf team could do this)
2.4. Social Events - Several options dependent on number attending & weather

3. __Board & SAB Meeting __

3.1. Options: Wed 18:00 PM or Thursday 18:00 PM

4. __Announcements __

4.1. Will be made after web-site is stable

4.2. Which lists should we send announcements to?

4.3. 1st Announcement (see pre-reading material)

4.4. Subsequent Announcements:

 . 4.4.1. 2nd announcement for Registration opening (beginning July) 4.4.2. 3rd announcement after summer holidays (end of August)
5. __Budget Incomings__

5.1. Cytoscape consortium contribution

5.2. Public Symposium Charges (assume max 400 pax)

 . 5.2.1. Should we charge fees for Public Symposium? 5.2.2. Academic / Non profit (50 euro) 5.2.3. Commercial, non sponsors (125 euro) 5.2.4. Allow opportunities for scholarship (to allow people to attend)
5.3. Sponsorship from Industry & Grant Bodies

 . 5.3.1. Sponsorship Requests (pre reading material) 5.3.2. Acknowledging sponsors (based on contribution) 5.3.3. Sponsorship so far (NBIC, Agilent, Unilever)
5.4. Accounting

 . 5.4.1. Which a/c to use (NL, US)?
 5.4.2. Invoicing & Receipts
5.5. Other people / organisations / Universities to approach for sponsorship

6. __Budget – Outgoings__

6.1. Spreadsheet

6.2. Assumptions underlying budget

 . 6.2.1. $10k from Cytoscape budget 6.2.2. 2 pax per institute 6.2.3. Economy flights 6.2.4. Funded developers share twin rooms
6.3. Who and what are we paying for?

 . 6.3.1. Speakers (flights, accommodation) 6.3.2. Developers (flights, accommodation)

Cytoscape Retreat 2007

Amsterdam; the Netherlands - November 6th - 9th, 2007

This set of pages will from now on serve as the central site for the organization of the retreat. During the retreat this will also serve as starting point for notes, planning etc. The actual announcement site (now under construction) will come directly under the Cytoscape site; much like the tutorial pages are organized.

The budget is stored as an excel sheet: attachment:CytoBudget.xls

Planning is a separate wiki page CytoRetreat2007Planning

Discussion points for Cytoscape Board of Directors Teleconference, Wed 30th May 2007


Invitation Letters (Template)

Sponsorship Requests (Template)

1st Announcement

Budget Spreadsheet

URL for the website (Test Site)

Agenda Items:

1. Web Site (Intention is to include this in all announcements)

1.1. URL: [http://www.cytoscape.org/Retreat2007 www.cytoscape.org/Retreat2007]

1.2. Test Site: http://humangenetics-amc.nl/test/CytoWebRedux/retreat2007

1.3. Feedback on first impressions: navigation etc

2. Retreat Programme - http://humangenetics-amc.nl/test/CytoWebRedux/retreat2007/programme.php

2.1. Overview

2.2. Public Symposium

  • 2.2.1. Confirmed Speakers
  • 2.2.2. 2 Remaining Places: Proposed invitees are Andrew Hopkins - Pfizer, Ruedi Aebersold – ETH

2.3. Cytoscape Training Day

  • 2.3.1. Demand from users voiced in discussion forums 2.3.2. Tues 6th Nov, in parallel with Hackathon 2.3.3. Possibly Wed 7th, part of Demos 2.3.4. Trainers would not be developers (GW, Unilever bioinf team could do this)

2.4. Social Events - Several options dependent on number attending & weather

3. Board & SAB Meeting

3.1. Options: Wed 18:00 PM or Thursday 18:00 PM

4. Announcements

4.1. Will be made after web-site is stable

4.2. Which lists should we send announcements to?

4.3. 1st Announcement (see pre-reading material)

4.4. Subsequent Announcements:

  • 4.4.1. 2nd announcement for Registration opening (beginning July) 4.4.2. 3rd announcement after summer holidays (end of August)

5. Budget Incomings

5.1. Cytoscape consortium contribution

5.2. Public Symposium Charges (assume max 400 pax)

  • 5.2.1. Should we charge fees for Public Symposium? 5.2.2. Academic / Non profit (50 euro) 5.2.3. Commercial, non sponsors (125 euro) 5.2.4. Allow opportunities for scholarship (to allow people to attend)

5.3. Sponsorship from Industry & Grant Bodies

  • 5.3.1. Sponsorship Requests (pre reading material) 5.3.2. Acknowledging sponsors (based on contribution) 5.3.3. Sponsorship so far (NBIC, Agilent, Unilever)

5.4. Accounting

  • 5.4.1. Which a/c to use (NL, US)?

    5.4.2. Invoicing & Receipts

5.5. Other people / organisations / Universities to approach for sponsorship

6. Budget – Outgoings

6.1. Spreadsheet

6.2. Assumptions underlying budget

  • 6.2.1. $10k from Cytoscape budget 6.2.2. 2 pax per institute 6.2.3. Economy flights 6.2.4. Funded developers share twin rooms

6.3. Who and what are we paying for?

  • 6.3.1. Speakers (flights, accommodation) 6.3.2. Developers (flights, accommodation)

CytoscapeRetreat2007 (last edited 2009-02-12 01:03:17 by localhost)

Funding for Cytoscape is provided by a federal grant from the U.S. National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) of the Na tional Institutes of Health (NIH) under award number GM070743-01. Corporate funding is provided through a contract from Unilever PLC.

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