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Revision 5 as of 2012-05-24 19:57:46
Size: 2334
Editor: AlexPico
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== Debugging ==
The plugin can be debugged in two modes.
One mode is typical and involves restarting Cytoscape each time.
The other mode provides for attaching the plugin to a running version of Cytoscape.

How to set up Netbeans to develop Cytoscape plugins

Fred Eisele (FredEisele)

August 2007


This document is an introduction on how to set up Netbeans to develop Cytoscape plugins. It is assumed that you have Netbeans installed and running.

Setting up a project

  • Create a java class library project
    • File->New->Project... then select Java Class Library

    • Name the project, selecting working directories etc.

  • Edit the projects properties
    • right click the new created project in the Package Explorer and select Properties

    • Add the cytoscape libraries, cytoscape.jar from the main Cytoscape folder and all the .jar files from the lib/ folder inside the main Cytoscape folder.

      • select Libraries from the tree in the left panel

      • add the cytoscape specific Add JAR/Folder

    • Prepare to run cytoscape
      • select Run from the left panel

      • set the "Main class" to 'cytoscape.CyMain'

      • (optional) set the "Arguments"
        • to pick up standard plugins use '-p "C:\Program Files\Cytoscape_v2.5.0\plugins"' (or whatever the plugin directory is), this option can be repeated
        • preload your network, node/edge atributes, expression data, etc. See the Cytoscape's manual for more information on the available command line options.

  • Apply your changes

Cytoscape needs to know that your plugin exists

Netbeans takes care of including the plugin library in the class path but it does not notify Cytoscape of its existance. This can be done in one of two ways. The preferred way is to "install" the plugin. This has the added benefit of making it possible to uninstall and reinstall without restarting Cytoscape.

The easiest way to cause Cytoscape to recognize the plugin is to place a "dummy" jar file in one of the plugin directories. All that is needed is a jar file containing a class with a default constructor. This is not executed at runtime as the actual libraries will be found first.

You can find help at the Developer_Homepage and Cytoscape_Plugin_Tutorial.

Category: NetbeansAndCytoscapeDevelopment

Setting_up_Netbeans_for_plugin_development (last edited 2012-05-24 19:57:46 by AlexPico)

Funding for Cytoscape is provided by a federal grant from the U.S. National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) of the Na tional Institutes of Health (NIH) under award number GM070743-01. Corporate funding is provided through a contract from Unilever PLC.

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