Differences between revisions 9 and 10
Revision 9 as of 2006-01-12 19:22:13
Size: 2120
Editor: KeiichiroOno
Revision 10 as of 2006-01-13 23:04:39
Size: 2858
Editor: GaryBader
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 * GaryBader - Jan.13.2006 - With the GO parser, we have some experience parsing RDF and Ethan has created a very lightweight class that he wrote to perform some basic Xquery like tasks. It was built for OWL, which is a layer on top of RDF, but it would probably still be useful. Jena is a large and slow library. We should try to avoid adding in large libraries if we only need a few features, since each library increases the size of the Cytoscape distribution and the download time of webstarts (webstarts will probably get more popular over time, especially when we make it easier to create them). Ethan's RDF parser is part of the [http://cbio.mskcc.org/cytoscape/plugins/biopax/ BioPAX Plugin source code].

In version 2.3, a function to save entire Cytoscape session will be added. The file will be called "<filename>.cys" (cys = CYtoscape Session). Basically, this is a zip file containing the following:

  1. CySession.xml

  2. vizmap.prop
  3. cytoscape.prop
  4. Arbitrary number of network files written in ["XGMML"].

A directory named with timestamp will be created and files above will be stored in the dir. This function is implemented using ["JAXB"].

On-demand Loader for Gene Ontology Server (tentative, 2.3 or 2.4)

It is not realistic to save entire biodataserver object to the session file. Also, loading entire Gene Ontology data into memory is not space-efficient. To avoid this problem, some sort of mechanism to load GO data only for loaded network files. This can be done with the following:

  1. Prepare GO file in RDF-XML format (available [http://www.godatabase.org/dev/database/ here]).

  2. Save the GO server's location in CySession.xml or cytoscape.prop

  3. Create a checkbox "Load GO data for the network" in the "load network" dialog.
  4. Generate query to select annotation only for nodes to be loaded.
  5. Execute query and store them drectry into CyAttributes or add it to BDS object

We need to refactor biodataserver class and add XQuery/SPARQL libraly to the Cytoscape. This method is universal to all data sources written in XML. I.e., if the database is available in XML format, we can query/load the data as a part of attributes in Cytoscape.


  • GaryBader - Jan.13.2006 - With the GO parser, we have some experience parsing RDF and Ethan has created a very lightweight class that he wrote to perform some basic Xquery like tasks. It was built for OWL, which is a layer on top of RDF, but it would probably still be useful. Jena is a large and slow library. We should try to avoid adding in large libraries if we only need a few features, since each library increases the size of the Cytoscape distribution and the download time of webstarts (webstarts will probably get more popular over time, especially when we make it easier to create them). Ethan's RDF parser is part of the [http://cbio.mskcc.org/cytoscape/plugins/biopax/ BioPAX Plugin source code].

Save_current_session_as_XML_file (last edited 2009-02-12 01:03:18 by localhost)

Funding for Cytoscape is provided by a federal grant from the U.S. National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) of the Na tional Institutes of Health (NIH) under award number GM070743-01. Corporate funding is provided through a contract from Unilever PLC.

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