Differences between revisions 2 and 13 (spanning 11 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2006-02-23 00:04:27
Size: 422
Editor: KeiichiroOno
Revision 13 as of 2006-02-23 02:15:14
Size: 3155
Editor: KeiichiroOno
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 7: Line 7:

Since the basic file format for 2.3 and later is ''Session (.cys)'', we the save and load functions are now called import/export.

 * '''''New'''''
    * Network
      * Empty Network - '''''Cytoscape Editor''''' will be called from here.
           * '''COMMENT''' ''from AllanK: Kei, what if somebody wants to edit an existing network? That wouldn't be possible under this scheme.''
           * '''COMMENT''' ''from Kei: Editor will be called from New AND Edit Menu. I think this is more intuitive UI.''
      * From selected nodes, all edges (Ctrl-N)
      * From Selected nodes, selected edges (Shift+Ctrl-N)
      * Clone current network - Copy current network and create a new one.
    * Session - Clean current workspace (networks and attributes) and start a new session.
 * '''''Open''''' - Open the session file. Current session will be lost (dialog box will appear).
 * '''''Save''''' - Save current session into a CYS file. Overwrite existing session file.
 * '''''Save As...''''' - Save the session with new name. File chooser will pop-up.
 * (Separator)
 * '''''Import'''''
    * Network (Ctrl-L) - Load network files: SIF, GML, or XGMML.
    * Node Attributes
    * Edge Attributes
    * Expression Matrix File (Ctrl-E)
    * Gene Ontology
 * '''''Export'''''
    * Network and Attributes as XGMML
    * Network as GML
 * '''''Print''''' (Ctrl-P) -- Print out current network as a graphic.
 * '''''Quit''''' (Ctrl-Q) -- Quit from Cytoscape. Confirmation dialog will appear.
Line 8: Line 37:
 * '''''Undo'''''
 * '''''Redo'''''
 * (Separator)
 * '''''Edit current network''''' - calls Cytoscape Editor (Is this possible, Allan?)
 * '''''Delete Selected Nodes/Edges'''''
 * '''''Create View'''''
 * '''''Destroy View'''''
 * '''''Destroy Network'''''
 * '''''Squiggle'''''
    * Enable/Disable (F12)
    * Clear
 * (Separator)
 * '''''Prederence'''''
Line 9: Line 52:
''CytoPanels'' menu item is implemented as a submenu of this. Maybe renames something like "Desktop" since menu items under this section manages layout/states of the panels.

 * Network Panel - This is on Cytopanel 1.
 * Attribute Browser (F5)
 * Advanced Panel - This is on Cytopanel 3. Default is off.
 * (Separator)
 * CytoPanels
    * Cytopanel 1 (Ctrl-1)
    * Cytopanel 2 (Ctrl-2)
    * Cytopanel 3 (Ctrl-3)
Line 10: Line 64:
Basically filter is doing selection. So it should be under this menu item.
 * Mouse Drag Selects
 * Nodes
    * (Submenu items are same as 2.2)
 * Edges
    * (Submenu itess are same as 2.2)
 * Select all nodes and edges
 * Deselect all nodes and edges
 * Use Filters (F7) - Filter plugin will be called from here.
Line 20: Line 84:
 * (Separator)

Refactored Menu

The following is a tentative plan for the new menu bar.



Since the basic file format for 2.3 and later is Session (.cys), we the save and load functions are now called import/export.

  • New

    • Network
      • Empty Network - Cytoscape Editor will be called from here.

        • COMMENT from AllanK: Kei, what if somebody wants to edit an existing network? That wouldn't be possible under this scheme.

        • COMMENT from Kei: Editor will be called from New AND Edit Menu. I think this is more intuitive UI.

      • From selected nodes, all edges (Ctrl-N)
      • From Selected nodes, selected edges (Shift+Ctrl-N)
      • Clone current network - Copy current network and create a new one.
    • Session - Clean current workspace (networks and attributes) and start a new session.
  • Open - Open the session file. Current session will be lost (dialog box will appear).

  • Save - Save current session into a CYS file. Overwrite existing session file.

  • Save As... - Save the session with new name. File chooser will pop-up.

  • (Separator)
  • Import

    • Network (Ctrl-L) - Load network files: SIF, GML, or XGMML.
    • Node Attributes
    • Edge Attributes
    • Expression Matrix File (Ctrl-E)
    • Gene Ontology
  • Export

    • Network and Attributes as XGMML
    • Network as GML
  • (Separator)
  • Print (Ctrl-P) -- Print out current network as a graphic.

  • Quit (Ctrl-Q) -- Quit from Cytoscape. Confirmation dialog will appear.


  • Undo

  • Redo

  • (Separator)
  • Edit current network - calls Cytoscape Editor (Is this possible, Allan?)

  • Delete Selected Nodes/Edges

  • Create View

  • Destroy View

  • Destroy Network

  • Squiggle

    • Enable/Disable (F12)
    • Clear
  • (Separator)
  • Prederence


CytoPanels menu item is implemented as a submenu of this. Maybe renames something like "Desktop" since menu items under this section manages layout/states of the panels.

  • Network Panel - This is on Cytopanel 1.
  • Attribute Browser (F5)
  • Advanced Panel - This is on Cytopanel 3. Default is off.
  • (Separator)
  • CytoPanels

    • Cytopanel 1 (Ctrl-1)
    • Cytopanel 2 (Ctrl-2)
    • Cytopanel 3 (Ctrl-3)


Basically filter is doing selection. So it should be under this menu item.

  • Mouse Drag Selects
  • Nodes
    • (Submenu items are same as 2.2)
  • Edges
    • (Submenu itess are same as 2.2)
  • Select all nodes and edges
  • Deselect all nodes and edges
  • Use Filters (F7) - Filter plugin will be called from here.


Formerly called Layout and Visualization.


List of loaded plugins will be displayed here. Same as 2.2.


Basically, this is same as 2.2.

  • Contents (F1)
  • Context Sensitive (Shift+F1)
  • (Separator)
  • About

Refactored_Menu (last edited 2009-02-12 01:03:41 by localhost)

Funding for Cytoscape is provided by a federal grant from the U.S. National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) of the Na tional Institutes of Health (NIH) under award number GM070743-01. Corporate funding is provided through a contract from Unilever PLC.

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