Implementation Plan for RFC #1
Stuff that is now done:
Finalize CyAttributes API, based on public review [Done: 10/13/2005]
- Agree on way to access global attributes and implement [Done: 10/17/2005]
Deprecate all attribute access methods in and [Ethan, Done: 10/17/2005]
Revert and to return GraphObjAttribute for backward compability [Ethan, Done: 10/17/2005]
Remove CytoscapeData and CytoscapeDataImpl from core [Ethan, Done: 10/21/2005]
Implement CyAttributesImpl [Nerius, Done: 10/15/2005]
- Write Unit Test [Ethan, Done: 10/15/2005]
Stuff that is still in the works:
Implement GraphObjAttributes [Nerius, Done: 10/21/2005]
- Write Unit Test [Ethan, Done: 10/21/2005]
Write CyAttributesReader [Nerius, Done: 10/24/2005]
- Write Unit Test [Ethan, Done]
Write CyAttributesWriter [Nerius, Done: 10/25/2005]
- Write Unit Test [Ethan, Done]
Replace all calls to GraphObjAttributes with calls to CyAttributes [Iliana, Nerius: Done 10/31/06]
Verify that all references to GraphObjAttributes have been removed [Ethan, Done: 10/31/06]
- Celebrate