
Pax is a project to develop tools for OSGi bundles. Pax-Construct, which is a part of Pax project, is a tool to create, build, manage and deploy OSGi bundles. The basic idea is that instead of writing all pom.xml files manually, generate those using simple shell commands.

Sample Projects

Create New Spring-OSGi Project


# Template for Spring-OSGi projects #

# (1) Create Project "project1"
pax-create-project -g org.cytoscape -a project1
cd project1

# (2) Add SpringSource Enterprise Bundle Repositories
pax-add-repository -i com.springsource.repository.bundles.release -u
pax-add-repository -i com.springsource.repository.bundles.external -u

# (3) Import required bundles
pax-import-bundle -g org.springframework.osgi -a org.springframework.osgi.extender -v 1.1.0 -- -DimportTransitive -DwidenScope

# (4) Create bundles
pax-create-bundle -p org.cytoscape.helloservice1 -- -Djunit
pax-create-bundle -p org.cytoscape.helloservice2 -- -Dspring=2.5.5 -Djunit
pax-create-bundle -p org.cytoscape.helloserviceuser -- -Dspring=2.5.5 -Djunit

# (5) Build and run the project
mvn clean install pax:provision


  1. pax-create-project command creates a new OSGi project in the current working directory. By -g option, you can specify group id of this project.

  2. In general, you CANNOT use existing library files (jar files registered at the maven central repository) as OSGi bundle. There are two options to solve this problem:

    • Wrap existing jar files by pax-wrap-jar command

    • Use OSGi bundle repository instead of maven central repository

    In this example, I used the second option. pax-add-repository command adds an additional maven repository location to the pom file. SpringSource manages a maven repository SpringSource Enterprise Bundle Repository, which is a repository of OSGi bundles. All library files in this repository are wrapped as OSGi bundles.

  3. pax-import-bundle command automatically generates <dependency> statement in the project pom file. In this example, bundles required to run Spring Dynamic Modules are imported.

  4. This section contains the actual statements to generate templates for your bundles. pax-create-bundle commands generates minimal set of files to start writing OSGi bundle. If you do not specify the option, a simple bundle with BundleActivator and an OSGi service will be created. If -Dspring option is specified, an example Spring Bean and XML files to setup Spring-based OSGi services will be created.

  5. Pax is also available as maven plugin. Anytime after you build the bundles by mvn clean install command, you can run your bundles by mvn pax:provision. This command automatically setup Apache Felix to run your bundles.

After you run the script, you will see the prompt (if not, hit enter). Type ps and you can check the current status of the bundles:

-> ps
   ID   State         Level  Name
[   0] [Active     ] [    0] System Bundle (1.0.4)
[   1] [Active     ] [    5] Spring DM Extender (1.1.0)
[   2] [Active     ] [    5] Apache Commons Logging (1.1.1)
[   3] [Active     ] [    5] Spring Beans (2.5.5.A)
[   4] [Active     ] [    5] Spring Context (2.5.5.A)
[   5] [Active     ] [    5] Spring Core (2.5.5.A)
[   6] [Active     ] [    5] Spring DM Core (1.1.0)
[   7] [Active     ] [    5] AOP Appliance API (1.0.0)
[   8] [Active     ] [    5] Spring AOP (2.5.5.A)
[   9] [Active     ] [    5] Spring DM IO (1.1.0)
[  10] [Active     ] [    5] org.cytoscape.helloservice1 (1.0.0.SNAPSHOT)
[  11] [Active     ] [    5] org.cytoscape.helloservice2 (1.0.0.SNAPSHOT)
[  12] [Active     ] [    5] org.cytoscape.helloserviceuser (1.0.0.SNAPSHOT)
[  13] [Active     ] [    1] osgi.compendium (4.0.1)
[  14] [Active     ] [    1] Apache Felix Shell Service (1.0.1)
[  15] [Active     ] [    1] Apache Felix Shell TUI (1.0.1)

At this point, all bundles you have created by the script are running and they are assigned IDs (13, 14, and 15). Type services 10:

-> services 10

org.cytoscape.helloservice1 (10) provides:
objectClass = org.cytoscape.helloservice1.ExampleService = 23

services command in the Felix shell shows a list of services running now. The example above shows an OSGi service named ExampleService is successfully registered at the OSGi service repository.

Now you are ready to write your code for the bundles. If you use Eclipse, use

mvn pax:eclipse

and then import the project from File --> Import. You need to choose Maven Project for project type. The project looks like the following:


Create New Plugin in Cytoscape 3 Project

Since Cytoscape 3 SVN trunk is build as PAX project, you do not need to create new project. You can add your plugin as a new bundle(s).

  1. Install latest version of Maven
  2. Checkout Cytoscape 3 trunk from SVN
  3. cd to the Cytoscape 3 project directory
  4. Check Cytoscape 3 compiles in your environment:
     mvn clean install pax:provision
  5. If OK, quit and run this script:
    # Create new Spring DM bundle in Cytoscape 3 directory  #
    # Add SpringSource Enterprise Bundle Repositories
    pax-add-repository -i com.springsource.repository.bundles.release -u
    pax-add-repository -i com.springsource.repository.bundles.external -u
    # Import required bundles
    pax-import-bundle -g org.springframework.osgi -a org.springframework.osgi.extender -v 1.1.0 -- -DimportTransitive -DwidenScope
    # Create new plugin as a bundle
    pax-create-bundle -n helloPlugin -p org.cytoscape.helloPlugin -- -Dspring=2.5.5 -Djunit
  6. cd to the new plugin directory (in this example, helloPlugin)

  7. Edit osgi.bnd
    # Use this file to add customized Bnd instructions for the bundle
    Export-Package: org.cytoscape.helloPlugin
  8. Edit src/main/java/org/cytoscape/helloPlugin/internal/
    public class ExampleBeanImpl
        implements ExampleBean
        public ExampleBeanImpl() {
          System.out.println("======================= Hello OSGi and Spring! ====================");
        public boolean isABean()
            return true;
  9. mvn clean install

  10. Back to Cytoscape 3 home directory
  11. Type mvn pax:provision

  12. You will see something like this(情報 will be shown in your OS language):

    情報: No outstanding OSGi service dependencies, completing initialization for OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext(bundle=cytoscape.core.helloPlugin, config=osgibundle:/META-INF/spring/*.xml)
    2008/07/18 9:54:28 preInstantiateSingletons
    情報: Pre-instantiating singletons in defining beans [myExampleBean]; root of factory hierarchy
    ======================= Hello OSGi and Spring! ====================
    2008/07/18 9:54:28 publishContextAsOsgiServiceIfNecessary
    情報: Publishing application context as OSGi service with properties {, Bundle-SymbolicName=cytoscape.core.helloPlugin, Bundle-Version=1.0.0.SNAPSHOT}

-- KeiichiroOno 2008-07-08 22:20:36

Outdated_Cytoscape_3.0/PAX (last edited 2011-02-24 16:30:47 by PietMolenaar)

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