UI Test Cases for File Menu - Export sub menu
Preconditions |
Test Case ID |
Instructions |
Expected Results |
Windows |
Mac |
Date Executed |
Pass/Fail |
Date Executed |
Pass/Fail |
1. Start Cytoscape |
FM10.1 |
1. Select Export → Network and attributes as XGMML… |
Test1 should be an exact copy of the network exported before restarting Cytoscape |
FM10.2 |
1. Select Export → Network as GML… |
Test2 should be a copy of the network exported but should have slightly different features (eg. Background) |
FM10.3 |
1. Select Export → Network as SIF File… |
Test3.sif should be a copy of the network exported and should be exactly the same as galFiltered.sif modulo whitespace and order differences. The displayed networks should be the same. |
FM10.4 |
1. Select Export → Node Attributes |
Verify that the attributes were saved by opening the attribute file in a text editor, the file should contain a list of the gene IDs from the network and their corresponding GO common names |
FM10.5 |
1. Select Export → Edge Attributes |
Verify that the attributes were saved by opening the attribute file in a text editor, the file should contain a list of the edge IDs from the network and their corresponding interactions |
FM10.6 |
1. Click on the galFiltered.sif network from the Networks tab |
The currently selected network should now exhibit the visual style of the network whose Vizmap properties were exported |
FM10.7 |
1. Select Export → Network as Graphics… |
The PDF should contain a screen shot of the portion of the network visible in the canvas |
FM10.8 |
1. Repeat steps 1 & 2 from FM10.7 |
The PNG should contain a screen shot of the portion of the network visible in the canvas |
FM10.9 |
Export of PSI-MI 1.0 under construction |
FM10.10 |
Export of PSI-MI 2.5 under construction |