Filters Core Plugin Test Cases


Test Case ID


Expected Results



Date Executed


Date Executed


1. Start Cytoscape
2. Import a network file (eg. galFiltered.sif)
3. Click Create New Attribute in the Node Attribute Browser and select Integer from the menu
4. Drag and select some nodes
5. Select Attribute Batch Editor and choose Set from the operation tab
6. Type an integer and click GO
7. Repeat steps 5-7 for two other groups of nodes (with different integers)
8. Click Select → Use Filters (F7) (Alternatively, click on the Filters tab in the Control Panel)


1. Click on the Options button and select Create new filter… from the menu
2. Call the new Filter Numbers
3. In the Filter Definition section select node.Numbers from the menu
4. Click Add, double click the range bar and set the Low and High Bound to 5, click Apply

All the nodes with “5” in their Numbers attribute column should be highlighted


1. (Repeat steps 1-4 from F1)
2. Click the Not check box next to the range bar (then click Apply)

All the nodes that do not have “5” in their Numbers attribute column should be highlighted


1. (Repeat steps 1-4 from F1)
2. Click the Advanced “+” symbol in the Filter Definition area and click on the Negation check box

All the nodes that do not have “5” in their Numbers attribute column should be highlighted


1. (Repeat steps 1-4)
2. Select node.Numbers from the Attribute/Filter menu again and click Add
3. Set the Low and High bounds to 1 and click Apply (ensuring that AND appears between the two range bars)

There should be no selected nodes on the graph because the Numbers attribute only contains one integer


1. (Repeat steps 1-3 from F4)
2. Ensure that OR appears between the two range bars by selecting the OR radio button from the Filter Definition area

All the nodes that have either a 1 or a 5 in their Numbers attribute column should be highlighted


1. (Repeat steps 1-4 from F1)
2. Click the garbage can icon beside the range bar

The parameter should be deleted and no longer appear in the Filter Definition area


1. Select edge.interaction from the Attribute/Filter menu and click Add
2. Type “pp” into the text field and click Apply

All the edges in the graph that represent pp interactions should be highlighted


1. Click the Options button and select Rename Filter
2. Type “Filter 1” into the text field and click OK

The Current Filter menu should reflect the name change to “Filter 1”


1. Click the Options button and select Create new topology filter
2. Type “Topology” into the text field and click OK
3. Under Toplogy Filter Definition type “1” into the first and second text fields and leave the menu on none for additional Filters to pass

All the nodes that have 1 neighbour within 1 edge interaction should be highlighted (eg. All the nodes in galFiltered.sif)


Select Filter 1 from the Topology Filter Definition and click Apply

Only those nodes that pass Filter 1 as well as the Topology Filter should be highlighted


1. Click the Options button and select Create new NodeInteraction Filter
2. Type “Node” into the text field and press OK
3. Leave the default settings in the Interaction Filter Definition area and click Apply

All the nodes that are either the source or the target of at least one edge that passes Filter 1 (eg. Is a pp interaction edge)


1. Click the Options button and select Create new EdgeInteraction Filter
2. Type “Edge” into the text field and press OK
3. Select Node from the Filter menu in the Interaction Filter Definition area

All the edges whose source or target node pass the NodeInteraction filter Node should be highlighted


1. Select Edge from the Current Filter menu
2. Click the Options button and select Delete Filter, click YES when the Warning box appears

The Edge Filter should be deleted and should no longer appear in the Current Filter menu


1. Select Filter 1 from the Current Filter menu
2. Click on the Global check box under Advanced in the Filter Definition area
3. Import another network file (eg. galFiltered.gml)
4. Type “pp” into the text filed next to interaction in the Filter Definition area
5. Click Apply

All of the edges that represent pp interactions in both graphs should be highlighted

Outdated_Cytoscape_3.0/Enhanced Test Plan/Core Plugins Testcases/Filters_TestCases (last edited 2011-02-24 16:06:51 by PietMolenaar)

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