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Revision 7 as of 2009-03-10 23:37:56
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Editor: KeiichiroOno
Revision 18 as of 2009-03-11 21:35:54
Size: 15152
Editor: KeiichiroOno
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== Status ==
 * 1st draft of concept guide finished - Kei (3/10/2009)
 * Concept guide section updated - Kei (3/11/2009)

= Cytoscape 3 Design Concept =
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== Design and Implementation ==
The goal of Cytoscape 3 is clear: make more __'''modularized, expandable, and maintainable version of Cytoscape'''__. To achieve this goal, we should follow several design principles.

=== Important Design Principle of Cytoscape 3 ===
==== Interface Oriented Design ====
The most important design concept throughout Cytoscape 3 is '''''~+Interface Oriented Design+~'''''. Since Cytoscape 3 is a ''platform'' rather than a stand-alone desktop application, we need to carefully design and implement the mechanism to make components as modular as possible. All of the technologies described above are for archiving this goal. The basic idea of interface oriented design is simple: building system wired through interfaces, not through the concrete classes' methods. You need to remember two simple rules when you develop Cytoscape 3 code:

 1. Hide unnecessary classes - you should expose only limited number of interfaces. This makes your module (plugin) easy-to-use for other developers. This can be done by OSGi.
 1. Separate implementation from API - If you export only small set of interfaces, it is easy to replace implementations without breaking other modules because they access your classes only through exported interfaces. Spring DM is one of the best tools to do this job.

In other words, '''''you need to be very careful when you design public interfaces which will be accessed by other modules'''''.

==== Dependency Injection ====
(under construction!)

==== Micro Core Architecture ====
In Cytoscape 3, all modules are equal and there is no clear borderline between ''Core'' and ''Plugins''.
Line 36: Line 59:
    // Run my clustering algorithm and return clusters as a set of CyNetwork
    public Set<CyNetwork> getClusters(CyNetwork network);
    // Run my clustering algorithm for a given network "parent" and return clusters as a set of subnetworks.
    public Set<CyNetwork> getClusters(CyNetwork parent);
Line 52: Line 75:
The diagram above shows the relationships between objects in Cytoscape 3 desktop application. In Spring, objects are defined as '''''beans'''''.   The diagram above shows the relationships between objects in Cytoscape 3 desktop application. In Spring, objects are defined as '''''beans'''''.
Line 55: Line 78:

This diagram represents the '''cytoscapeDesktop''' bean, which is defined in a '''''Bean Configuration XML file''''':
Line 63: Line 88:
}}} }}}

''Cytoscape Desktop'' is the main GUI component which includes some other components such as ''Network Panel'' or ''Menu Bar''. To create an instance of Cytoscape Desktop, we need to provide those objects prepared somewhere outside of it. Instead of creating new instances of those required objects inside Cytoscape Desktop, you can '''''inject''''' them by Spring. In this case, all of the required '''''dependency''''' (cytoscapeMenus, networkViewManager, networkPanel, and cytoscapeVersion) are defined as beans in the Bean configuration file, and Spring injects those automatically to Cytoscape Desktop.
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Spring is a powerful tool, but if we use '''''Spring Dynamic Modules (Spring DM)''''', we can take advantage of both Spring and OSGi.

If we use Spring DM, Cytoscape 3 code is '''independent from OSGi API and Spring API'''. This means all of the Cytoscape objects are [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POJO|POJOs]] and we can replace the framework later when necessary.
The most important design concept you need to understand to develop Cytoscape 3 code is '''''Interface-Oriented Design'''''. Since Cytoscape 3 is a ''platform'' rather than a stand-alone desktop application,
Spring is a powerful tool, but if we use [[http://www.springsource.org/osgi|Spring Dynamic Modules (Spring DM)]] along with it, we can take advantage of both Spring and OSGi.

Remember the ''ClusteringService'' in the last section. Without Spring, users of this object should do:

public class ClusteringServiceUser {
  private ClusteringService service;

  public ClusteringServiceUser() {
     // Now ClusteringServiceUser depends on an implementation ClusteringServiceImpl.
    service = new ClusteringServiceImpl();
This creates a dependency to specific implementation of !ClusteringService API. With Spring, we can avoid this dependency:

    AbstractApplicationContext ctx
      = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(new String []{"bean-configuration.xml"});
    service = ctx.getBean("clusteringServiceBean");

However, this introduces a new dependency to Spring Framework itself (''AbstractApplicationContext''). With Spring DM, the client code looks like the following:

public class ClusteringServiceUser {
  private ClusteringService service;

  public ClusteringServiceUser(ClusteringService service) {
     // No dependency to frameworks!
    this.service = service;

  // Sample client code to find clusters for each network passes as parameter.
  public Map<Integer, Set<CyNetwork>> analyzeNetwork(Set<CyNetwork> networks) {
    final Map<Integer, Set<CyNetwork>> clusterMap = new HashMap<Integer, Set<CyNetwork>>();

    for(CyNetwork net:networks) {
      clusterMap.put(net.getSUDI(), service.getClusters(net));

In this case, the user object depends on ClusteringService interface only and completely independent from implementations or framework. But what's the magic behind this? The answer is the combination of service configuration file and '''''Spring OSGi Extender''''' bundle.

===== Service Provider =====
To create an instance of !ClusteringServiceImpl, you can define it as a regular Spring bean:

<bean name="clusteringServiceBean" class="org.foo.clustering.iternal.ClusteringServiceImpl">
    <constructor-arg ...

Now you need to export this as an OSGi service:
<osgi:service id="clusteringServiceBeanService" ref="clusteringServiceBean"
  interface="org.foo.clustering.ClusteringService" />
Spring OSGi Extender read the configuration file and export ''clusteringServiceBeanService'' as an OSGi service automatically.

===== Service Consumer =====
In the client (!ClusteringServiceUser), you need to import ''clusteringServiceBeanService'' to inject the service to the client. This can be done by writing a simple enty in the XML file:

<osgi:reference id="clusteringServiceBeanServiceRef" interface="org.foo.clustering.ClusteringService" />

Once client import the service, you can use it as a regular Spring bean. Therefore, you can inject it like:

<bean name="clusteringServiceUserBean" class="org.bar.client.iternal.ClusteringServiceUserImpl">
    <constructor-arg ref="clusteringServiceBeanServiceRef" />

As you can see the example above, if we use Spring DM, Cytoscape 3 code is '''independent from OSGi API and Spring API'''. This means all of the Cytoscape objects are [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POJO|POJOs]] and we can replace the framework later when necessary.

= Working with Cytoscape 3 Code =
/!\ Need to update the sections below.
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== Books ==
=== Spring ===
 * [[http://www.apress.com/book/view/1590599799|Spring Recipes]] - Nice ''cookbook''-style introduction to Spring framework and related projects. Based on 2.5.
 * [[http://www.manning.com/walls3/|Spring In Action]] - Based on version 2, but still good introduction to the framework.

=== Spring DM and OSGi ===
 * [[http://www.apress.com/book/view/1430216123|Pro Spring Dynamic Modules for OSGi™ Service Platforms]] - As far as I know, the only book which covers both Spring and OSGi.

=== Maven ===
 * [[http://www.sonatype.com/products/maven/documentation/book-defguide|Maven: The Definitive Guide]] - The best Maven 2 book on market, and online version is '''free'''!

Questions? Please e-mail me (kono_at_ucsd_edu)

http://www.cytoscape.org/images/logo.png http://www.osgi.org/www/osgi_logos_supporter_final.png http://static.springframework.org/images/spring25.png

Cytoscape 3 Developer's Guide


  • 1st draft of concept guide finished - Kei (3/10/2009)
  • Concept guide section updated - Kei (3/11/2009)

Cytoscape 3 Design Concept


Cytoscape 3 is based on new technologies such as OSGi or Spring to provide maximum flexibility and expandability for all plugin writers. These technologies are very powerful, but you need to understand some new concepts to utilize them. The purpose of this document is to introduce new concepts you need to understand to develop Cytoscape 3 code and giving you a hands-on introduction to actual Cytoscape 3 code development.

Design and Implementation

The goal of Cytoscape 3 is clear: make more modularized, expandable, and maintainable version of Cytoscape. To achieve this goal, we should follow several design principles.

Important Design Principle of Cytoscape 3

Interface Oriented Design

The most important design concept throughout Cytoscape 3 is Interface Oriented Design. Since Cytoscape 3 is a platform rather than a stand-alone desktop application, we need to carefully design and implement the mechanism to make components as modular as possible. All of the technologies described above are for archiving this goal. The basic idea of interface oriented design is simple: building system wired through interfaces, not through the concrete classes' methods. You need to remember two simple rules when you develop Cytoscape 3 code:

  1. Hide unnecessary classes - you should expose only limited number of interfaces. This makes your module (plugin) easy-to-use for other developers. This can be done by OSGi.
  2. Separate implementation from API - If you export only small set of interfaces, it is easy to replace implementations without breaking other modules because they access your classes only through exported interfaces. Spring DM is one of the best tools to do this job.

In other words, you need to be very careful when you design public interfaces which will be accessed by other modules.

Dependency Injection

(under construction!)

Micro Core Architecture

In Cytoscape 3, all modules are equal and there is no clear borderline between Core and Plugins.

Why Do We Have To Learn These New Technologies?

Cytoscape 2 has several architectural problems. They are:

  • Modularity
    • View and models are coupled in some places and hard to run in command line or server backend.
    • Unnecessary packages are open to public access. The result is broken plugins every time core developer update some implementations.
  • Expandability
    • There are no mechanism for plugins to communicate to each other.
    • Cytoscape crashes if different versions of a same library load at once.

The main purpose of new technologies we use is solving these problems.


OSGi is relatively complex technology, but important points you need to understand for Cytoscape 3 development are only four:

  1. OSGi framework manages modules as bundle. Bundle is a new kind of JAR files with set of metadata.

  2. In Cytoscape 3, everything is a bundle. The border between plugin and core is very ambiguous.

  3. You can explicitly define which classes are accessible from others. Also, you can define which classes must be imported to run your bundle. This includes version numbers of the library, so different versions of the same library can exists on the same JVM.
  4. You can export any object as OSGi Service to the OSGi Service Registry. All bundles can access those registered services.

These solves lots of problems we had in version 2.x:

  • Plugins developers can publish small set of public functions for other developers. If you define an OSGi manifest file (metadata for OSGi bundles), you can export only selected class(es) for other developers and hide all other classes EVEN IF THEY ARE PUBLIC CLASSES. Suppose you want to develop a plugin to find clusters in a large network. You want to make your clustering algorithms accessible from other plugin developers. In that case, all you have to do is exporting the following interface:

   1 public interface ClusteringService {
   2     // Run my clustering algorithm for a given network "parent" and return clusters as a set of subnetworks.
   3     public Set<CyNetwork> getClusters(CyNetwork parent);
   4 }
  • If you export this as OSGi service, other developers can easily access your clustering algorithms programatically (or even from scripts because it's a part of Cytoscape 3 function). In addition, you can modify its implementation later without breaking other plugins because you are exposing interface (API) only and its implementation is completely hidden.

  • Library version conflict
    • In Cytoscape 2, the entire application sometimes crashes due to library version conflict. For example, if you use JAXB v2.0 in your plugin and other developer uses v2.1, the result is unpredictable. If we run Cytoscape on OSGi framework, this does not happen because you can specify which version of JAXB is required for your plugin and two different version of JAXB can run safely on the same JVM.

Spring Framework and Spring Dynamic Modules

Spring is the defacto standard of lightweight container for dependency injection. Tons of books and documents are available for Spring, and you can learn its mechanism by reading them. The role of Spring in Cytoscape 3 is simple: defining relationships between objects.

Wiring Objects


The diagram above shows the relationships between objects in Cytoscape 3 desktop application. In Spring, objects are defined as beans.


This diagram represents the cytoscapeDesktop bean, which is defined in a Bean Configuration XML file:

<bean name="cytoscapeDesktop" class="cytoscape.view.internal.CytoscapeDesktop">
    <constructor-arg ref="cytoscapeMenus" />
    <constructor-arg ref="networkViewManager" />
    <constructor-arg ref="networkPanel" />
    <constructor-arg ref="cytoscapeVersion" />

Cytoscape Desktop is the main GUI component which includes some other components such as Network Panel or Menu Bar. To create an instance of Cytoscape Desktop, we need to provide those objects prepared somewhere outside of it. Instead of creating new instances of those required objects inside Cytoscape Desktop, you can inject them by Spring. In this case, all of the required dependency (cytoscapeMenus, networkViewManager, networkPanel, and cytoscapeVersion) are defined as beans in the Bean configuration file, and Spring injects those automatically to Cytoscape Desktop.

Separate Implementation from API

Spring is a powerful tool, but if we use Spring Dynamic Modules (Spring DM) along with it, we can take advantage of both Spring and OSGi.

Remember the ClusteringService in the last section. Without Spring, users of this object should do:

   1 public class ClusteringServiceUser {
   2   private ClusteringService service;
   4   public ClusteringServiceUser() {
   5      // Now ClusteringServiceUser depends on an implementation ClusteringServiceImpl. 
   6     service = new ClusteringServiceImpl();
   7   }
   8 }

This creates a dependency to specific implementation of ClusteringService API. With Spring, we can avoid this dependency:

   1     AbstractApplicationContext ctx
   2       = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(new String []{"bean-configuration.xml"});
   3     service = ctx.getBean("clusteringServiceBean");

However, this introduces a new dependency to Spring Framework itself (AbstractApplicationContext). With Spring DM, the client code looks like the following:

   1 public class ClusteringServiceUser {
   2   private ClusteringService service;
   4   public ClusteringServiceUser(ClusteringService service) {
   5      // No dependency to frameworks! 
   6     this.service = service;
   7   }
   9   // Sample client code to find clusters for each network passes as parameter.
  10   public Map<Integer, Set<CyNetwork>> analyzeNetwork(Set<CyNetwork> networks) {
  11     final Map<Integer, Set<CyNetwork>> clusterMap = new HashMap<Integer, Set<CyNetwork>>();
  13     for(CyNetwork net:networks) {
  14       clusterMap.put(net.getSUDI(), service.getClusters(net));
  15     }
  16   }
  17 }

In this case, the user object depends on ClusteringService interface only and completely independent from implementations or framework. But what's the magic behind this? The answer is the combination of service configuration file and Spring OSGi Extender bundle.

Service Provider

To create an instance of ClusteringServiceImpl, you can define it as a regular Spring bean:

<bean name="clusteringServiceBean" class="org.foo.clustering.iternal.ClusteringServiceImpl">
    <constructor-arg ...

Now you need to export this as an OSGi service:

<osgi:service id="clusteringServiceBeanService" ref="clusteringServiceBean"
                interface="org.foo.clustering.ClusteringService" />

Spring OSGi Extender read the configuration file and export clusteringServiceBeanService as an OSGi service automatically.

Service Consumer

In the client (ClusteringServiceUser), you need to import clusteringServiceBeanService to inject the service to the client. This can be done by writing a simple enty in the XML file:

<osgi:reference id="clusteringServiceBeanServiceRef" interface="org.foo.clustering.ClusteringService" />

Once client import the service, you can use it as a regular Spring bean. Therefore, you can inject it like:

<bean name="clusteringServiceUserBean" class="org.bar.client.iternal.ClusteringServiceUserImpl">
    <constructor-arg ref="clusteringServiceBeanServiceRef" />

As you can see the example above, if we use Spring DM, Cytoscape 3 code is independent from OSGi API and Spring API. This means all of the Cytoscape objects are POJOs and we can replace the framework later when necessary.

Working with Cytoscape 3 Code

/!\ Need to update the sections below.

Related Frameworks and Technologies

From 3.0, new technologies/frameworks will be used for implementation. The following is the list of links to documents related to those frameworks/technologies.

  • OSGi - Cytoscape will be modularized by following this standard.
    • OSGi in Practice

    • OSGi Alliance

    • Apache Felix: Although OSGi is implementation-independent, this implementation will be used as standard development/testing tool.

    • OPS4J Products: This project has a lot of usuful scripts to develop OSGi bundles

    • SpringSource Bundle Repository: To use existing plain JAR libraries in an OSGi environment, we need to add metadata to it. This repository is a collection of OSGi-ed popular libraries, i.e., repository of OSGi bundles managed by Spring Source.

  • Dependency Injection Frameworks - One of the scopes of 3.0 is modulalization and make Cytoscape usable as a part of other programs, including server-side application or command -line tools. The following DI frameworks are POJO-base and popular among server-side application developers.
  • Apache Maven: 3.0 project will be moved from Ant to Maven.

  • Server-Side / SCA - Once Cytoscape is modulalized based on OSGi, we can use Cytoscape bundles and these frameworks to build server-side applications or web services.
  • Scripting Language Support - There are several implementations of scripting languages running on JVM. These will be used to implement scripting feature in Cytoscape.

Developer's Tutorials and References

For Eclipse Users

Basic Tutorial


For Netbeans Users

Other OSGi Tools and Technical Notes



  • Spring Recipes - Nice cookbook-style introduction to Spring framework and related projects. Based on 2.5.

  • Spring In Action - Based on version 2, but still good introduction to the framework.

Spring DM and OSGi


Questions? Please e-mail me (kono_at_ucsd_edu)

Outdated_Cytoscape_3.0/Developer (last edited 2011-02-24 16:16:23 by PietMolenaar)

Funding for Cytoscape is provided by a federal grant from the U.S. National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) of the Na tional Institutes of Health (NIH) under award number GM070743-01. Corporate funding is provided through a contract from Unilever PLC.

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