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Revision 2 as of 2012-07-11 23:33:57
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Editor: server2
Revision 6 as of 2012-07-11 23:52:32
Size: 3177
Editor: server2
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In order to load network from local files you can select File → Import → Network → File... or click on {{attachment:Cy3_icon_net_file_import.png}} on the tool bar. In order to load network from local files you can select File → Import → Network → File... or click on {{attachment:Cy3_icon_net_file_import.png}} on the tool bar. Choose the correct file in the file chooser dialoge and press Open. Some sample network files of different types have been included in the sampleData folder in Cytoscape.

Network files in SIF, GML, and XGMML formats may also be loaded directly from the command line using the –N option.

=== Load Networks from a Remote Computer (URL import) ===
To load network from remote files you can select File → Import → Network → URL... or click on {{attachment:Cy3_icon_net_url_import.png}} on the tool bar. In the import network dialoge, insert the appropriate URL, either manually or using URL bookmarks. Bookmarked URLs can be accessed by clicking on the arrow to the right of the text field (see the Bookmark Manager in [[Cytoscape_User_Manual/Preferences|Preferences]] for more details on bookmarks). Also, you can drag and drop links from web browser to the URL text box. Once a URL has been specified, click on the OK button to load the network.


Another issue for network import is the presence of firewalls, which can affect which files are accessible to a computer. To work around this problem, Cytoscape supports the use of proxy servers. To configure the proxy server, go to Edit → Preferences→ Proxy Server... . This is further described in the [[Cytoscape_User_Manual/Preferences|Preferences]] chapter.

== Import Free-Format Table Files ==

Introduced in version 2.4, Cytoscape now supports the import of networks from delimited text files and Excel workbooks using Edit &rarr; Import &rarr; Network from Table (Text/MS Excel)... . An interactive GUI allows users to specify parsing options for specified files. The screen provides a preview that shows how the file will be parsed given the current configuration. As the configuration changes, the preview updates automatically. In addition to specifying how the file will be parsed, the user must also choose the columns that represent the Source nodes, the Target nodes, and an optional edge interaction type.


There are 4 different ways of creating networks in Cytoscape:

  1. Importing pre-existing, formatted network files.
  2. Importing pre-existing, unformatted text or Excel files.
  3. Importing networks from Web Service.
  4. Creating an empty network and manually adding nodes and edges.

Import Fixed-Format Network Files

Network files can be specified in any of the formats described in the Supported Network Formats chapter. Networks are imported into Cytoscape through the "Import Network" window, which can be accessed by going to File → Import → Network (multiple file types). The network file can either be located directly on the local computer, or found on a remote computer (in which case it will be referenced with a URL).

Load Networks from Local Computer

In order to load network from local files you can select File → Import → Network → File... or click on Cy3_icon_net_file_import.png on the tool bar. Choose the correct file in the file chooser dialoge and press Open. Some sample network files of different types have been included in the sampleData folder in Cytoscape.

Network files in SIF, GML, and XGMML formats may also be loaded directly from the command line using the –N option.

Load Networks from a Remote Computer (URL import)

To load network from remote files you can select File → Import → Network → URL... or click on Cy3_icon_net_url_import.png on the tool bar. In the import network dialoge, insert the appropriate URL, either manually or using URL bookmarks. Bookmarked URLs can be accessed by clicking on the arrow to the right of the text field (see the Bookmark Manager in Preferences for more details on bookmarks). Also, you can drag and drop links from web browser to the URL text box. Once a URL has been specified, click on the OK button to load the network.


Another issue for network import is the presence of firewalls, which can affect which files are accessible to a computer. To work around this problem, Cytoscape supports the use of proxy servers. To configure the proxy server, go to Edit → Preferences→ Proxy Server... . This is further described in the Preferences chapter.

Import Free-Format Table Files

Introduced in version 2.4, Cytoscape now supports the import of networks from delimited text files and Excel workbooks using Edit → Import → Network from Table (Text/MS Excel)... . An interactive GUI allows users to specify parsing options for specified files. The screen provides a preview that shows how the file will be parsed given the current configuration. As the configuration changes, the preview updates automatically. In addition to specifying how the file will be parsed, the user must also choose the columns that represent the Source nodes, the Target nodes, and an optional edge interaction type.


Cytoscape_3/UserManual/Creating_Networks (last edited 2016-04-26 22:14:34 by server2)

Funding for Cytoscape is provided by a federal grant from the U.S. National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) of the Na tional Institutes of Health (NIH) under award number GM070743-01. Corporate funding is provided through a contract from Unilever PLC.

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