Network Analyzer Test Cases
Preconditions |
Test Case ID |
Instructions |
Expected Results |
Date Executed |
Pass/Fail |
1. Start Cytoscape |
NA1 |
Run Analyze Network command as undirected |
NA2 |
Run Analyze Network command as directed |
NA3 |
NA4 |
NA5 |
NA6 |
NA7 |
NA8 |
NA9 |
NA10 |
Command Test Cases
Preconditions |
Test Case ID |
Instructions |
Expected Results |
Date Executed |
Pass/Fail |
1. Start Cytoscape |
CM1 |
Load a sample command file |
Script runs and creates a new network |
CM2 |
Select List All Commands menu |
A dialog appears and all commands should be displayed |
Scripting Test Cases
Preconditions |
Test Case ID |
Instructions |
Expected Results |
Date Executed |
Pass/Fail |
1. Start Cytoscape |
SC1 |
Load a sample script |
Script runs and creates a new network |
SC2 |
Run a command from command line to load a sample script file |
Network Merge Test Cases
Preconditions |
Test Case ID |
Instructions |
Expected Results |
Date Executed |
Pass/Fail |
1. Start Cytoscape |
GM1 |
Before precondition step 5 select the Union operation |
A new graph should be created displaying the merged networks (If this does not happen see preconditions Note) |
GM2 |
Before precondition step 5 select the Intersection operation |
A new graph should be created displaying the common nodes from the two networks |
GM3 |
Before precondition step 5 select the Difference operation (order matters) |
A new graph should be created displaying the parts of the first network that are not in the second network |