Differences between revisions 2 and 6 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2012-07-02 20:39:51
Size: 1208
Editor: KeiichiroOno
Revision 6 as of 2012-07-02 20:59:03
Size: 273
Editor: KeiichiroOno
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== GraphMerge Test Cases == == Tools Menu Test Cases ==
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|| '''Preconditions'''|| '''Test Case ID'''||'''Instructions'''||'''Expected Results'''|| '''Date Executed'''||'''Pass/Fail'''||
||<|3> 1. Start Cytoscape <<BR>>2. Import two network files: (eg. galFiltered.sif and BINDyeast.sif) <<BR>>3. Click on Plugins and select Advanced Network Merge <<BR>>4. Select each network from the available networks box and then click the right arrow to move them to the selected networks box. <<BR>>5. Click OK to merge the selected networks (Note: with large networks Cytoscape may not automatically create a graphical view, so click on the Edit menu with the network highlighted and click on Create View)||GM1||Before precondition step 5 select the Union operation||A new graph should be created displaying the merged networks (If this does not happen see preconditions Note)|| || ||
||GM2||Before precondition step 5 select the Intersection operation||A new graph should be created displaying the common nodes from the two networks|| || ||
||GM3||Before precondition step 5 select the Difference operation (order matters)||A new graph should be created displaying the parts of the first network that are not in the second network|| || ||
Test document is available as a [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aogl87Wb8gAmdDIxUFQ1a09SaXF6bWJ0NEdZTlBlQUE#gid=0|Spreadsheet at Google Docs]]

=== Test Data Files for This Section ===

{{createNetwork.js|create network}}

Tools Menu Test Cases

Test document is available as a Spreadsheet at Google Docs

Test Data Files for This Section

create network

Cytoscape_3/Cy3TestPlan/tools_menu (last edited 2012-07-09 21:56:57 by KeiichiroOno)

Funding for Cytoscape is provided by a federal grant from the U.S. National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) of the Na tional Institutes of Health (NIH) under award number GM070743-01. Corporate funding is provided through a contract from Unilever PLC.

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