''Please Note:'' This page is not meant for plugin developers. To develop and submit a plugin please see the [[Cytoscape_Plugin_Tutorial| plugin tutorial]]. == Agenda == 1. Plugin Website * Developer View/Website: * developer submit plugin to website (jar (source if possible), documentation, contact info) * services provided: build system, source control, new release support * cytoscape certified plugins vs other plugins (more stringent requirements for certification) * what does certified mean ? * compiles, documentation, some kind of unit test * Open Issues: * where does this website live, how it operates * do we want to require source code submission - should not be mandatory * User View/Website (would be nice, but not currently needed): * common location for plugins * organized * sorting/query (most popular) * download tracking * advertising * community * reduce redundancy 2. Automated Import into Cytoscape (2.5 goal) * Issues: * users have hard time managing/loading plugins * advertising - knowing what is available (funding) * knowing what core code is used by plugins * What are requirements to show up on the certified list ? * when user submits plugin, notifies core team what version of cytoscape it has been tested on * core team member runs plugin on particular version of cytoscape to make sure plugin does not break core * if bug appears, notify user, give them some time, say one week to fix or it gets removed 3. Plugin dependencies * plugins do not depend on each other (exception for core plugins) * plugins communicate via attributes * layout broker, import broker, and others as needed * library issues: * we dont want jars in plugins directory that are not plugins * core team maintains libraries in plugin/libsdirectory