RFC Name : Making undirected edges first-class citizens

Editor(s): DanielAbel

<<TableOfContents: execution failed [Argument "maxdepth" must be an integer value, not "[2]"] (see also the log)>>

About this document

This is an official Request for Comment (RFC) for Making undirected edges first-class citizens.

For details on RFCs in general, check out the Wikipedia Entry: Request for Comments (RFCs)


Open for public comment, implementation being done as a Google Summer of Code project. See DanielAbel/EdgeDirectionality.

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Try to keep your comments as concrete and constructive as possible. For example, if you find a part of the RFC makes no sense, please say so, but don't stop there. Take the extra step and propose alternatives.


Although the current base libraries Cytoscape is built on support undirected edges (see for example CyEdge.isDirected() or the "directed" flag of one of the Cytoscape.getCyEdge() methods), Cytoscape as a whole doesn't really handle undirected edges. The aim of this RFC is to fix this by fixing all the places where undirected edges not handled correctly:

Open Issues

Backward Compatibility

As the sorry state of undirected edges can be seen as a bug, none of these changes can possibly break backward compatibility.


Implementation Plan


The directed flag of Cytoscape.getCyEdge() doesn't mean "make sure that the edge returned is of that directionality" but means "if set to false, check in other direction, as well" this means that getCyEdge() will return edges with the opposite directionality. (i.e. if 'directed' is set to false, it can still return directed edges, and if it is set to true, it can return undirected edges). I don't know whether this 'misfeature' should be kept or fixed. It is only triggered if directed and undirected edges are created with the same interaction-type.

In general, a decision needs to be made about the identity of edges: currently the unique identifying features of an edge are its source and target vertices (or endpoints for undirected edges), and the interaction type. directedness is not used. I don't know whether this should be corrected or not. (For example it means that after creating an a->b directed edge, asking for an b-a undirected edge with getCyEdge(b,a,...,'foo', false, false) will return that directed edge.) -- DanielAbel

See also bug no. 1351 -- DanielAbel

UndirectedEdges (last edited 2009-02-12 01:03:38 by localhost)

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