Cytoscape User Group, Toronto (CyT.O.)

Goal: Help users learn to use Cytoscape to answer biologically relevant questions by providing information, tutorials and linking new with experienced users.

Meeting 1 – Introduction and organization

Subject: Cytoscape User Mtg. - Mon.Feb.4 @3pm, CCBR Red

Are you interested in network and pathway analysis of biological data?

Cytoscape ( is free network visualization and analysis software, partly developed at UofT!

You can use Cytoscape to:
-Visualize networks and associated cellular data and create publication quality network diagrams
-Analyze biological interaction networks and pathways
-Analyze gene and protein expression data
-Perform text mining of molecular interactions from PubMed Abstracts
-Download biological networks from multiple databases
-Develop your own network analysis software

Please join us for an initial meeting of the Toronto Cytoscape user group, held to help users learn to use Cytoscape to answer biologically relevant questions by providing information, tutorials and linking new with experienced users.

Monday Feb.4.2008 in the CCBR Red Room from 3-4pm.

Gary Bader ( will provide a Cytoscape overview and together we will plan future meetings. Knowledgeable Cytoscape users will be on hand to meet with and answer your questions.

More details at:

Normal meetings



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