~+'''How to set up Eclipse to develop Cytoscape plugins (draft)'''+~ ''Márcio Rosa da Silva'' (MarcioSilva) June 2005 <> '''Warning: This page and all Cytoscape 2.x plugins are now out of support. Please see the [[http://wiki.cytoscape.org/Cytoscape_3/AppDeveloper/Cytoscape_App_Ladder|developer page for Cytoscape 3.x apps]]. ''' == Introduction == This document is an introduction on how to set up [[http://www.eclipse.org|Eclipse]] to develop Cytoscape plugins. It is assumed that you have Eclipse installed and running. == Creating the project == * Go to {{{File->New->Project...}}} then select {{{Java Project}}}. * On the next dialog, put a name for your project and click {{{Finish}}}. [[http://csresources.sourceforge.net/docs/images/eclipse1.png]] * Right click the new created project in the {{{Package Explorer}}} and select {{{Properties}}} * Then select {{{Java Build Path}}} on the left panel and {{{Libraries}}} in the tabs on the right panel, then choose {{{Add External JARs...}}} * Add {{{cytoscape.jar}}} from the main Cytoscape folder and all the {{{.jar}}} files from the {{{lib/}}} folder inside the main Cytoscape folder. (you need 2 steps to do this, one for cytoscape.jar and another for the other .jar's) [[http://csresources.sourceforge.net/docs/images/eclipse2.png]] [[http://csresources.sourceforge.net/docs/images/eclipse3.png]] * {{{Apply}}} your changes * Now, create your plugin! You can find some help at the [[Developer_Homepage]]. == Running the plugin == * To Run your plugin, select {{{Run->Open Run Dialog...}}} in Eclipse and click {{{New}}} (at the bottom-left part of the dialog) to create the settings to run your plugin . * Put a {{{Name}}} for the {{{Run Target}}} and choose {{{cytoscape.CyMain}}} as the {{{Main class}}}. [[http://csresources.sourceforge.net/docs/images/eclipse4.png]] * On the next tab ({{{(x)= Arguments}}}) put the path to your Cytoscape's plugins folder as program arguments (you can add other arguments here, like preload your network, node/edge atributes, expression data, etc. See the Cytoscape's [[http://cytoscape.org/manual/Cytoscape2_1Manual.pdf|manual]] for more information on the available command line options. [[http://csresources.sourceforge.net/docs/images/eclipse5.png]] * Now you can run your plugin! '''Note:''' Before running the plugin for the first time, you may need to put a {{{.jar}}} of the plugin in some place Cytoscape will search for plugins (e.g. the {{{plugins/}}} folder inside the Cytoscape installarion folder). Otherwise, Cytoscape will not find your plugin. You don't need to generate the {{{.jar}}} for every run, only the first time. Cytoscape only needs to know your plugin is there, but the actual code will be run from the files in your Eclipse project. ---- Category: EclipseAndCytoscapeDevelopment ## moin code generated by txt2tags 2.0 (http://txt2tags.sf.net) ## cmdline: txt2tags -t moin eclipse.t2t