About this Document

I had hoped to interview more people before the Cytoscape retreat, but unfortunately didn't have time to get to everybody. Below, I have done my best to paraphrase people's comments, and I have not indicated who said what. The order of comments, e.g. Cytoscaper #1, #2, etc. is arbitrary.

Question 1: How do you feel about the quality of the 2.2 release?

Cytoscaper #1:

Cytoscaper #2:

Cytoscaper #3:

Cytoscaper #4:

Cytoscaper #5:

Question 2: If you had to identify the biggest strength in the current Cytoscape development process, what would it be?

Cytoscaper #1:

Cytoscaper #2:

Cytoscaper #3:

Cytoscaper #4:

Cytoscaper #5:

Cytoscaper #6:

Question 3: If you had to identify the biggest weakness with the current Cytoscape development process, what would it be?

Cytoscaper #1:

Cytoscaper #2:

Cytoscaper #3:

Cytoscaper #4:

Cytoscaper #5:

Cytoscaper #6:

Question #4: How does the Cytoscape software process compare to other software projects you have worked on in the past?

Cytoscaper #1:

Cytoscaper #2:

Cytoscaper #3:

Cytoscaper #4:

Question #5: If you were God, and could change one thing about how we develop Cytoscape, what would it be?

Cytoscaper #1:

Cytoscaper #2:

Cytoscaper #3:

Cytoscaper #4:

Cytoscaper #5:

Cytoscaper #6:

Question #6: What else would you change?

Cytoscaper #1:

Cytoscaper #2:

Cytoscaper #3:

Cytoscaper #4:

Cytoscaper #5:

RFC_2/Part_1 (last edited 2009-02-12 01:03:04 by localhost)

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