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Revision 24 as of 2005-09-30 19:50:26
Size: 2406
Editor: mskresolve-b
Revision 26 as of 2005-09-30 19:52:48
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Editor: mskresolve-b
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=== Proposed API: Version 0.1 ===

package cytoscape.data;

import cytoscape.data.attr.CyData;
import cytoscape.data.attr.CyDataDefinition;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * Proposed API for AttributeData Interface.
 * [Lots of descriptive comments here...]
public interface AttributeData {

     * Gets a List of All Attribute Names.
     * @return An Array of String Objects.
    public String[] getAttributeNames();

     * Determines if the specified id/attributeName pair exists.
     * @param id unique identifier.
     * @param attributeName attribute name.
     * @return true or false.
    public boolean hasAttribute(String id, String attributeName);

     * Sets an id/attributeName pair of type boolean.
     * @param id unique identifier.
     * @param attributeName attribute name.
     * @param value boolean value.
    public void setAttribute(String id, String attributeName, boolean value);

     * Sets an id/attributeName pair of type integer.
     * @param id unique identifier.
     * @param attributeName attribute name.
     * @param value integer value.
    public void setAttribute(String id, String attributeName, int value);

     * Sets an id/attributeName pair of type double.
     * @param id unique identifier.
     * @param attributeName attribute name.
     * @param value double value.
    public void setAttribute(String id, String attributeName, double value);

     * Sets an id/attributeName pair of type String.
     * @param id unique identifier.
     * @param attributeName attribute name.
     * @param value string value.
    public void setAttribute(String id, String attributeName, String value);

     * Gets a boolean value at the specified id/attributeName.
     * <P>If attributeName refers to a List, the zeroeth element in
     * that list is returned.
     * @param id unique identifier.
     * @param attributeName attribute name.
     * @return Boolean object, or null if no id/attributeName pair is found.
     * @throws ClassCastException Indicates that the specified attribute
     * is not of type Boolean.
    public Boolean getBooleanAttribute(String id, String attributeName)
            throws ClassCastException;

     * Gets an integer value at the specified id/attributeName.
     * <P>If attributeName refers to a List, the zeroeth element in
     * that list is returned.
     * @param id unique identifier.
     * @param attributeName attribute name.
     * @return Integer object, or null if no id/attributeName pair is found.
     * @throws ClassCastException Indicates that the specified attribute
     * is not of type Integer.
    public Integer getIntegerAttribute(String id, String attributeName)
            throws ClassCastException;

     * Gets a double value at the specified id/attributeName.
     * <P>If attributeName refers to a List, the zeroeth element in
     * that list is returned.
     * @param id unique identifier.
     * @param attributeName attribute name.
     * @return Double object, or null if no id/attributeName pair is found..
     * @throws ClassCastException Indicates that the specified attribute
     * is not of type Double.
    public Double getDoubleAttribute(String id, String attributeName)
            throws ClassCastException;

     * Gets a String value at the specified id/attributeName.
     * <P>If attributeName refers to a List, the zeroeth element
     * in that list is returned.
     * @param id unique identifier.
     * @param attributeName attribute name.
     * @return String object, or null if no id/attributeName pair is found.
     * @throws ClassCastException Indicates that the specified attribute
     * is not of type String.
    public String getStringAttribute(String id, String attributeName)
            throws ClassCastException;

     * Gets the Class of the specified attribute.
     * @param attributeName Attribute Name.
     * @return Return type will be of type: Boolean, Integer, Double,
     * String, List or Map. If attributeName has not been
     * defined, this method will return null.
    public Class getClass(String attributeName);

     * Delete the id/attributeName pair.
     * @param id unique identifier.
     * @param attributeName attribute name.
     * @return true indicates attribute was
     * successfully removed.
    public boolean deleteAttribute(String id, String attributeName);

     * Sets a List of Attributes.
     * <P><B>Note:</B>
     * <UL>
     * <LI>All items within the list must be of the same type,
     * and and chosen from the following list: Boolean, Integer, Double,
     * or String.
     * </LI>
     * </UL>
     * If the above requirement is not met, an IllegalArgumentException
     * will be thrown.
     * @param id unique identifier.
     * @param list attribute name.
     * @param list List Object.
    public void setAttributeList(String id, String attributeName, List list)
            throws IllegalArgumentException;

     * Gets a List of attributes for the id/attributeName pair.
     * @param id unique identifier.
     * @param attributeName attribute name.
     * @return List object.
     * @throws ClassCastException Indicates that the specified attribute
     * is not of type List.
    public List getAttributeList(String id, String attributeName)
            throws ClassCastException;

     * Sets a Map of Attribute Values.
     * <P><B>Note:</B>
     * <UL>
     * <LI>All keys within the Map must be of type String.
     * <LI>All values within the Map must be of the same type,
     * and chosen from the following list: Boolean, Integer,
     * Double, or String.
     * </UL>
     * If the above requirements are not met, an IllegalArgumentException
     * will be thrown.
     * @param id unique identifier.
     * @param attributeName attribute name.
     * @param map Map Object.
    public void setAttributeMap(String id, String attributeName,
            Map map);

     * Gets a Map of Attribute Value.
     * @param id unique identifier.
     * @param attributeName attribute name.
     * @return Map Object.
    public Map getAttributeMap(String id, String attributeName);

     * Gets the CyData Object, which stores the actual attribute values.
     * <P>By using CyData and CyDataDefintion directly, you can store
     * arbitrarily complex data structures. Recommended for advanced
     * coders only.
     * @return CyData Object.
    public CyData getCyData();

     * Gets the CyDataDefinition Object, which stores attribute definitions.
     * <P>By using CyData and CyDataDefintion directly, you can store
     * arbitrarily complex data structures. Recommended for advanced
     * coders only.
     * @return CyDataDefintion Object.
    public CyDataDefinition getCyDataDefinition();

Cytoscape RFC #1: Replacing Graph Obj Attributes

This is an official Request for Comment (RFC) for replacing GraphObjAttributes.

Status: Version 0.1 of the proposal is below. This represents Ethan's first stab at creating a new API.

How to Comment: To view/add comments, click on any of 'Comment' links below. By adding your ideas to the Wiki directly, we can more easily organize everyone's ideas. Be sure to include today's date and your name for each comment. Here is an example to get things started: ["RFC1_Comment_Name"]

General Notes:

  • I propose that the interface be called AttributeData, rather than CytoscapeData. I think this is more descriptive, and besides, not all our classes have to have the word Cytoscape in it. ["RFC1_Comment_Name"]

  • We provide several overloaded version of setAttribute, one for each basic data type, e.g. setAttribute(String id, String attributeName, double value). We also provide several varients of getAttribute, e.g. Double getDoubleAttribute(String id, String attributeName). ["RFC1_Comment_Getters_Setters"]

  • AttributeData provides support for 'simple' lists. By simple, I mean that each list can only contain Objects of type: Boolean, Integer, Double and String, and each item must be of the same data type. AttributeData enforces this requirement explicitly. See proposed API below. ["RFC1_Comment_Lists"]

  • AttributeData provides support for 'simple' maps. By simple, I mean that all keys in the map must be of type String, and all values must be of the same type, and must be one of: Boolean, Integer, Double, and String. See proposed API below. ["RFC1_Comment_Maps"]

  • To do complicated things, such as create arbitarily complex data structures, you can obtain a copy of CyData and CyDataDefinition from AttributeData. Advanced users who need this functionality can read through the CyData and CyDataDefinition Javadocs. ["RFC1_Comment_Complex_Data_Structures"]

  • Item not yet covered: Event / Listener Framework ["RFC1_Comment_Event_Framework"]
  • Item not yet covered: support for Labels (Rowan has this feature in the current implementation of CytoscapeData ["RFC1_Comment_Labels"]

Proposed API: Version 0.1

   1 package cytoscape.data;
   3 import cytoscape.data.attr.CyData;
   4 import cytoscape.data.attr.CyDataDefinition;
   6 import java.util.List;
   7 import java.util.Map;
   9 /**
  10  * Proposed API for AttributeData Interface.
  11  *
  12  * [Lots of descriptive comments here...]
  13  */
  14 public interface AttributeData {
  16     /**
  17      * Gets a List of All Attribute Names.
  18      *
  19      * @return An Array of String Objects.
  20      */
  21     public String[] getAttributeNames();
  23     /**
  24      * Determines if the specified id/attributeName pair exists.
  25      *
  26      * @param id            unique identifier.
  27      * @param attributeName attribute name.
  28      * @return true or false.
  29      */
  30     public boolean hasAttribute(String id, String attributeName);
  32     /**
  33      * Sets an id/attributeName pair of type boolean.
  34      *
  35      * @param id            unique identifier.
  36      * @param attributeName attribute name.
  37      * @param value         boolean value.
  38      */
  39     public void setAttribute(String id, String attributeName, boolean value);
  41     /**
  42      * Sets an id/attributeName pair of type integer.
  43      *
  44      * @param id            unique identifier.
  45      * @param attributeName attribute name.
  46      * @param value         integer value.
  47      */
  48     public void setAttribute(String id, String attributeName, int value);
  50     /**
  51      * Sets an id/attributeName pair of type double.
  52      *
  53      * @param id            unique identifier.
  54      * @param attributeName attribute name.
  55      * @param value         double value.
  56      */
  57     public void setAttribute(String id, String attributeName, double value);
  59     /**
  60      * Sets an id/attributeName pair of type String.
  61      *
  62      * @param id            unique identifier.
  63      * @param attributeName attribute name.
  64      * @param value         string value.
  65      */
  66     public void setAttribute(String id, String attributeName, String value);
  68     /**
  69      * Gets a boolean value at the specified id/attributeName.
  70      * <P>If attributeName refers to a List, the zeroeth element in
  71      * that list is returned.
  72      *
  73      * @param id            unique identifier.
  74      * @param attributeName attribute name.
  75      * @return Boolean object, or null if no id/attributeName pair is found.
  76      * @throws ClassCastException Indicates that the specified attribute
  77      *                            is not of type Boolean.
  78      */
  79     public Boolean getBooleanAttribute(String id, String attributeName)
  80             throws ClassCastException;
  82     /**
  83      * Gets an integer value at the specified id/attributeName.
  84      * <P>If attributeName refers to a List, the zeroeth element in
  85      * that list is returned.
  86      *
  87      * @param id            unique identifier.
  88      * @param attributeName attribute name.
  89      * @return Integer object, or null if no id/attributeName pair is found.
  90      * @throws ClassCastException Indicates that the specified attribute
  91      *                            is not of type Integer.
  92      */
  93     public Integer getIntegerAttribute(String id, String attributeName)
  94             throws ClassCastException;
  96     /**
  97      * Gets a double value at the specified id/attributeName.
  98      * <P>If attributeName refers to a List, the zeroeth element in
  99      * that list is returned.
 100      *
 101      * @param id            unique identifier.
 102      * @param attributeName attribute name.
 103      * @return Double object, or null if no id/attributeName pair is found..
 104      * @throws ClassCastException Indicates that the specified attribute
 105      *                            is not of type Double.
 106      */
 107     public Double getDoubleAttribute(String id, String attributeName)
 108             throws ClassCastException;
 110     /**
 111      * Gets a String value at the specified id/attributeName.
 112      * <P>If attributeName refers to a List, the zeroeth element
 113      * in that list is returned.
 114      *
 115      * @param id            unique identifier.
 116      * @param attributeName attribute name.
 117      * @return String object, or null if no id/attributeName pair is found.
 118      * @throws ClassCastException Indicates that the specified attribute
 119      *                            is not of type String.
 120      */
 121     public String getStringAttribute(String id, String attributeName)
 122             throws ClassCastException;
 124     /**
 125      * Gets the Class of the specified attribute.
 126      *
 127      * @param attributeName Attribute Name.
 128      * @return Return type will be of type:  Boolean, Integer, Double,
 129      *         String, List or Map.  If attributeName has not been
 130      *         defined, this method will return null.
 131      */
 132     public Class getClass(String attributeName);
 134     /**
 135      * Delete the id/attributeName pair.
 136      *
 137      * @param id            unique identifier.
 138      * @param attributeName attribute name.
 139      * @return true indicates attribute was
 140      *         successfully removed.
 141      */
 142     public boolean deleteAttribute(String id, String attributeName);
 144     /**
 145      * Sets a List of Attributes.
 146      * <P><B>Note:</B>
 147      * <UL>
 148      * <LI>All items within the list must be of the same type,
 149      * and and chosen from the following list:  Boolean, Integer, Double,
 150      * or String.
 151      * </LI>
 152      * </UL>
 153      * If the above requirement is not met, an IllegalArgumentException
 154      * will be thrown.
 155      *
 156      * @param id   unique identifier.
 157      * @param list attribute name.
 158      * @param list List Object.
 159      */
 160     public void setAttributeList(String id, String attributeName, List list)
 161             throws IllegalArgumentException;
 163     /**
 164      * Gets a List of attributes for the id/attributeName pair.
 165      *
 166      * @param id            unique identifier.
 167      * @param attributeName attribute name.
 168      * @return List object.
 169      * @throws ClassCastException Indicates that the specified attribute
 170      *                            is not of type List.
 171      */
 172     public List getAttributeList(String id, String attributeName)
 173             throws ClassCastException;
 175     /**
 176      * Sets a Map of Attribute Values.
 177      * <P><B>Note:</B>
 178      * <UL>
 179      * <LI>All keys within the Map must be of type String.
 180      * <LI>All values within the Map must be of the same type,
 181      * and chosen from the following list:  Boolean, Integer,
 182      * Double, or String.
 183      * </UL>
 184      * If the above requirements are not met, an IllegalArgumentException
 185      * will be thrown.
 186      *
 187      * @param id            unique identifier.
 188      * @param attributeName attribute name.
 189      * @param map           Map Object.
 190      */
 191     public void setAttributeMap(String id, String attributeName,
 192             Map map);
 194     /**
 195      * Gets a Map of Attribute Value.
 196      *
 197      * @param id            unique identifier.
 198      * @param attributeName attribute name.
 199      * @return Map Object.
 200      */
 201     public Map getAttributeMap(String id, String attributeName);
 203     /**
 204      * Gets the CyData Object, which stores the actual attribute values.
 205      * <P>By using CyData and CyDataDefintion directly, you can store
 206      * arbitrarily complex data structures.  Recommended for advanced
 207      * coders only.
 208      *
 209      * @return CyData Object.
 210      */
 211     public CyData getCyData();
 213     /**
 214      * Gets the CyDataDefinition Object, which stores attribute definitions.
 215      * <P>By using CyData and CyDataDefintion directly, you can store
 216      * arbitrarily complex data structures.  Recommended for advanced
 217      * coders only.
 218      *
 219      * @return CyDataDefintion Object.
 220      */
 221     public CyDataDefinition getCyDataDefinition();
 222 }

RFC_1 (last edited 2009-02-12 01:04:12 by localhost)

Funding for Cytoscape is provided by a federal grant from the U.S. National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) of the Na tional Institutes of Health (NIH) under award number GM070743-01. Corporate funding is provided through a contract from Unilever PLC.

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