On Friday, February 22nd, Cytoscape is organizing a global quality control (QC) event for the beta version of Cytoscape 2.6. The goal is to report (and eventually fix) as many bugs as we can before the official release. All Cytostaff members should try to organize local groups to meet and run QC testing sessions. We will have open communication channels throughout the day (see below) to facilitate testing and enhance the sense of community. Furthermore, we will come up with some sort of incentive for participants (see below). Below you'll find the testing protocol, reformatted as a pdf. Note: many areas still need to be filled-in; this event provides a good deadline for completing the protocol. We will reproduce this document again on the day before the event to capture any updated sections, so get your sections updated! Also posted is a flyer (pdf or doc) that you can edit and distribute locally or email to targeted colleagues. == Communication Channels == * [[TestingDayWikiPage]] - dedicated wiki page for issues and questions that come up on testing day * [[http://www.mebeam.com/|MeBeam.com]] - free multi video conference - create a room and invite others - everyone sees everyone else. Look for room name: cytoscape (NOTE: try seting camera to USB type if video doesn't work at first) * [[http://www.skype.com/|Skype]] - free video and chat conferencing. Look for users: * picoa1 = Alex Pico * allan.kuchinsky = Allan Kuchinsky * garybader = Gary Bader * mike.smoot = Mike Smoot * maital.a = Maital Ashkenazi * kristina.hanspers = Kristina Hanspers * ...Add Your Skype Name Here... * [[http://groups.google.com/group/cytoscape-discuss|Cytoscape Discuss]] - our mailing list dedicated to discussion of Cytoscape issues. * [[http://cgiirc.blitzed.org/]] - Free, simple group text chat (IRC channel); no download required. Log into #cytoscape == Incentive == We are considering $5 Amazon Gift Cards distributed via email to the first/top 50 participants. Budget permitting, we may give bonuses to top bug reporters. Remember: quality over quantity! == Testing Protocol == * Submit bugs in our [[http://www.cbio.mskcc.org/cytoscape/bugs/set_project.php?project_id=5|Bug Tracker]]. * [[attachment:testing_protocol.pdf]] - pdf version * [[CytoscapeTesting]] - wiki version == Flyers == * [[attachment:testing_day_flyer.pdf]] * [[attachment:testing_day_flyer.doc]] == Local events == * Toronto: meet in CCBR building 6th floor conference room at 2pm EST for bug fixing and food. * SF Bay Area: meet at the Gladstone Inst on the Mission Bay campus in conference room A-B anytime between 1 - 5pm PST. Pizza ~4pm.