Please put any publications that use Cytoscape here (it helps to keep Cytoscape funded!). Periodically, we will edit the main website to copy these over to make them more visible.

Krogan NJ, Cagney G, Yu HY, et al.BR Global landscape of protein complexes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiaeBR NATURE 440 (7084): 637-643 MAR 30 2006BR

Gaggle: An open-source software system for integrating bioinformatics software and data sourcesBR Shannon PT,Reiss DJ,Bonneau R,Baliga NSBR BMC Bioinformatics, 7:(1), Mar, 2006 BR [ Abstract] [ PDF]

Junker BH, Klukas C, Schreiber FBR VANTED: A system for advanced data analysis and visualization in the context of biological networksBR BMC BIOINFORMATICS 7: Art. No. 109 MAR 6 2006BR

Titz B, Thomas S, Rajagopala SV, et al.BR Transcriptional activators in yeast BR NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 34 (3): 955-967 2006BR

Baitaluk M, Qian XF, Godbole S, et al.BR PathSys: integrating molecular interaction graphs for systems biology BR BMC BIOINFORMATICS 7: Art. No. 55 FEB 7 2006BR

Yi M, Horton JD, Cohen JC, et al.BR WholePathwayScope: a comprehensive pathway-based analysis tool for high-throughput data BR BMC BIOINFORMATICS 7: Art. No. 30 JAN 19 2006 BR

Fentem JHBR Working together to respond to the challenges of EU policy to replace animal testing BR ATLA-ALTERNATIVES TO LABORATORY ANIMALS 34 (1): 11-18 FEB 2006BR

Joyce AR, Palsson BOBR The model organism as a system: integrating 'omics' data sets BR NATURE REVIEWS MOLECULAR CELL BIOLOGY 7 (3): 198-210 MAR 2006BR

Mookherjee N, Brown KL, Bowdish DME, et al.BR Modulation of the TLR-mediated inflammatory response by the endogenous human host defense peptide LL-37 BR JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 176 (4): 2455-2464 FEB 15 2006BR

Baudot A, Martin D, Mouren P, et al.BR PRODISTIN Web Site: a tool for the functional classification of proteins from interaction networks BR BIOINFORMATICS 22 (2): 248-250 JAN 15 2006BR

Sarai N, Matsuoka S, Noma ABR simBio: A Java package for the development of detailed cell models BR PROGRESS IN BIOPHYSICS & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 90 (1-3): 360-377 JAN-APR 2006BR

Scott MS, Calafell SJ, Thomas DY, et al.BR Refining protein subcellular localization BR PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY 1 (6): 518-528 NOV 2005BR

Kemmer D, Huang Y, Shah SP, et al.BR Ulysses - an application for the projection of molecular interactions across species BR GENOME BIOLOGY 6 (12): Art. No. R106 2005BR

Suresh S, Mohan SS, Mishra G, et al.BR Proteomic resources: Integrating biomedical information in humans BR GENE 364: 13-18 DEC 30 2005BR

Patwardhan AJ, Strittmatter EF, Camp DG, et al.BR Comparison of normal and breast cancer cell lines using proteome, genome, and interactome data BR JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH 4 (6): 1952-1960 NOV-DEC 2005BR

Ashburner M, Bergman CMBR Drosophila melanogaster: A case study of a model genomic sequence and its consequences BR GENOME RESEARCH 15 (12): 1661-1667 DEC 2005BR

Hooper SD, Bork PBR Medusa: a simple tool for interaction graph analysis BR BIOINFORMATICS 21 (24): 4432-4433 DEC 15 2005BR

Prill RJ, Iglesias PA, Levchenko ABR Dynamic properties of network motifs contribute to biological network organization BR PLOS BIOLOGY 3 (11): 1881-1892 NOV 2005BR

Lacroix V, Fernandes CG, Sagot MFBR Reaction motifs in metabolic networks BR LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 3692: 178-191 2005BR

Polpitiya AD, Cobb JP, Ghosh BKBR Genetic regulatory networks and co-regulation of genes: A dynamic model based approach BR LECTURE NOTES IN CONTROL AND INFORMATION SCIENCES 321: 291-304 2005BR

Lee DBR Component-based software architecture for biosystem reverse engineering BR BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOPROCESS ENGINEERING 10 (5): 400-407 SEP-OCT 2005 BR

Tran N, Baral C, Nagaraj VJ, et al.BR Knowledge-based integrative framework for hypothesis formation in biochemical networks BR LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 3615: 121-136 2005BR

Albrecht M, Huthmacher C, Tosatto SCE, et al.BR Decomposing protein networks into domain-domain interactions BR BIOINFORMATICS 21: 220-221 Suppl. 2 SEP 2005BR [ Abstract] [ PDF]

Pathway analysis of coronary atherosclerosisBR King JY, Ferrara R, Tabibiazar R, Spin JM, Chen MM, Kuchinsky A, Vailaya A, Kincaid R, Tsalenko A, Deng DX, Connolly A, Zhang P, Yang E, Watt C, Yakhini Z, Ben-Dor A, Adler A, Bruhn L, Tsao P, Quertermous T, Ashley EABR Physiol Genomics. 2005 Sep 21;23(1):103-18. Epub 2005 Jun 7BR [ Abstract] [ Full Text] [ PDF]

Tran N, Baral C, Nagaraj VJ, et al.BR Knowledge-based integrative framework for hypothesis formation in biochemical networks BR LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 3615: 121-136 2005BR

Khatri P, Draghici SBR Ontological analysis of gene expression data: current tools, limitations, and open problems BR BIOINFORMATICS 21 (18): 3587-3595 SEP 15 2005BR

Yu TW, Sun W, Yuan SS, et al.BR Study of coordinative gene expression at the biological process level BR BIOINFORMATICS 21 (18): 3651-3657 SEP 15 2005BR

Yeang CH, Mak HC, McCuine S, et al.BR Validation and refinement of gene-regulatory pathways on a network of physical interactions BR GENOME BIOLOGY 6 (7): Art. No. R62 2005BR

Gunsalus KC, Ge H, Schetter AJ, Goldberg DS, Han JD, Hao T, Berriz GF, Bertin N, Huang J, Chuang LS, Li N, Mani R, Hyman AA, Sonnichsen B, Echeverri CJ, Roth FP, Vidal M, Piano F.BR Predictive models of molecular machines involved in Caenorhabditis elegans early embryogenesis.BR Nature. 2005 Aug 11;436(7052):861-5.BR

Maere S, Heymans K, Kuiper MBR BiNGO: a Cytoscape plugin to assess overrepresentation of Gene Ontology categories in Biological Networks BR BIOINFORMATICS 21 (16): 3448-3449 AUG 15 2005BR [ Abstract] [ PDF]

Rhodes DR, Tomlins SA, Varambally S, et al.BR Probabilistic model of the human protein-protein interaction network BR NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY 23 (8): 951-959 AUG 2005BR

de Roos B, Rucklidge G, Reid M, et al.BR Divergent mechanisms of cis9, trans11-and trans10, cis12-conjugated linoleic acid affecting insulin resistance and inflammation in apolipoprotein E knockout mice: a proteomics approach BR FASEB JOURNAL 19 (9): doi:10.1096/fj.05-3953fje JUL 2005BR

Longabaugh WJR, Davidson EH, Bolouri HBR Computational representation of developmental genetic regulatory networks BR DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 283 (1): 1-16 JUL 1 2005BR

Cavelier G, Anastassiou DBR Phenotype analysis using network motifs derived from changes in regulatory network dynamics BR PROTEINS-STRUCTURE FUNCTION AND BIOINFORMATICS 60 (3): 525-546 AUG 15 2005BR

[ Abstract] [ Full Text] [ PDF]

Khalil IG, Hill CBR Systems biology for cancer BR CURRENT OPINION IN ONCOLOGY 17 (1): 44-48 JAN 2005BR

Reiss DJ, Avila-Campillo I, Thorsson V, et al.BR Tools enabling the elucidation of molecular pathways active in human disease: Application to Hepatitis C virus infection BR BMC BIOINFORMATICS 6: Art. No. 154 JUN 20 2005BR

[ Abstract] [ Full Text] [ PDF]

Bing N, Hoeschele IBR Genetical genomics analysis of a yeast segregant population for transcription network inference BR GENETICS 170 (2): 533-542 JUN 2005BR

Grijoriev ABR Understanding the yeast proteome: a bioinformatics perspective BR EXPERT REVIEW OF PROTEOMICS 1 (2): 193-205 AUG 2004BR

Villas-Boas SG, Moxley JF, Akesson M, et al.BR High-throughput metabolic state analysis: the missing link in integrated functional genomics of yeasts BR BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 388: 669-677 Part 2 JUN 1 2005BR

Gutierrez RA, Shasha DE, Coruzzi GMBR Systems biology for the virtual plant BR PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 138 (2): 550-554 JUN 2005BR

Kelley R, Ideker TBR Systematic interpretation of genetic interactions using protein networks BR NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY 23 (5): 561-566 MAY 2005BR

Scott MS, Perkins T, Bunnell S, et al.BR Identifying regulatory subnetworks for a set of genes BR MOLECULAR & CELLULAR PROTEOMICS 4 (5): 683-692 MAY 2005BR

Irwin B, Aye M, Baldi P, et al.BR Retroviruses and yeast retrotransposons use overlapping sets of host genes BR GENOME RESEARCH 15 (5): 641-654 MAY 2005BR

Cavalieri D, De Filippo CBR Bioinformatic methods for integrating whole-genome expression results into cellular networks BR DRUG DISCOVERY TODAY 10 (10): 727-734 MAY 15 2005BR

Li WJ, Kurata HBR A grid layout algorithm for automatic drawing of biochemical networks BR BIOINFORMATICS 21 (9): 2036-2042 MAY 1 2005BR

Becky L Drees, Vesteinn Thorsson, Gregory W Carter, Alexander W Rives, Marisa Z Raymond, Iliana Avila-Campillo, Paul Shannon and Timothy GalitskiBR Derivation of genetic interaction networks from quantitative phenotype data BR GENOME BIOLOGY 6 (4): Art. No. R38 2005BR [ Abstract] [ Full Text] [ PDF]

Lefebvre C, Aude JC, Glemet E, et al.BR Balancing protein similarity and gene co-expression reveals new links between genetic conservation and developmental diversity in invertebrates BR BIOINFORMATICS 21 (8): 1550-1558 APR 15 2005BR

de Roos B, Duivenvoorden I, Rucklidge G, et al.BR Response of apolipoprotein E*3-Leiden transgenic mice to dietary fatty acids: combining liver proteomics with physiological data BR FASEB JOURNAL 19 (3): doi:10.1096/fj.04-2974fje MAR 2005

Uetz P, Finley RLBR From protein networks to biological systems BR FEBS LETTERS 579 (8): 1821-1827 Sp. Iss. SI MAR 21 2005BR

Aksenov SV, Church B, Dhiman A, et al.BR An integrated approach for inference and mechanistic modeling for advancing drug development BR FEBS LETTERS 579 (8): 1878-1883 Sp. Iss. SI MAR 21 2005BR

Loeillet S, Palancade B, Cartron M, et al.BR Genetic network interactions among replication, repair and nuclear pore deficiencies in yeast BR DNA REPAIR 4 (4): 459-468 APR 4 2005BR

Sharan R, Suthram S, Kelley RM, Kuhn T, McCuine S, Uetz P, Sittler T, Karp RM, Ideker TBR Conserved patterns of protein interaction in multiple species BR PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 102 (6): 1974-1979 FEB 8 2005 BR

[ Abstract] [ Full Text] [ PDF]

Alfarano C, Andrade CE, Anthony K, et al.BR The Biomolecular Interaction Network Database and related tools 2005 update BR NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 33: D418-D424 Sp. Iss. SI JAN 1 2005BR

Smink LJ,Helton EM,Healy BC,Cavnor CC,Lam AC,Flamez D,Burren OS,Wang Y,Dolman GE,Burdick DB,Everett VH,Glusman G,Laneri D,Rowen L,Schuilenburg H,Walker NM,Mychaleckyj J,Wicker LS,Eizirik DL,Todd JA,Goodman NBR T1DBase, a community web-based resource for type 1 diabetes research BR NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 33: D544-D549 Sp. Iss. SI JAN 1 2005BR

[ Abstract] [ FullText] [ PDF]

Symeonidis A, Tollis IGBR Visualization of biological information with circular drawings BR LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 3337: 468-478 2004BR

Iragne F, Nikolski M, Mathieu B, et al.BR ProViz: protein interaction visualization and exploration BR BIOINFORMATICS 21 (2): 272-274 JAN 15 2005BR

Said MR, Begley TJ, Oppenheim AV, et al.BR Global network analysis of phenotypic effects: Protein networks and toxicity modulation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae BR PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 101 (52): 18006-18011 DEC 28 2004BR

Hurban PBR Toward an integrative systems toxicology BR PHARMACOGENOMICS 5 (8): 1163-1166 DEC 2004BR

de la Fuente A, Bing N, Hoeschele I, et al.BR Discovery of meaningful associations in genomic data using partial correlation coefficients BR BIOINFORMATICS 20 (18): 3565-3574 DEC 12 2004BR

Wu CC, Huang HC, Juan HF, et al.BR GeneNetwork: an interactive tool for reconstruction of genetic networks using microarray data BR BIOINFORMATICS 20 (18): 3691-3693 DEC 12 2004BR

Grotkjaer T, Nielsen JBR Enhancing yeast transcription analysis through integration of heterogeneous data BR CURRENT GENOMICS 5 (8): 673-686 DEC 2004BR

Haugen AC, Kelley R, Collins JB, et al.BR Integrating phenotypic and expression profiles to map arsenic-response networks BR GENOME BIOLOGY 5 (12): Art. No. R95 2004BR

Facciotti MT, Bonneau R, Hood L, et al.BR Systems biology experimental design - Considerations for building predictive gene regulatory network models for prokaryotic systems BR CURRENT GENOMICS 5 (7): 527-544 NOV 2004BR

Smith KD, Thorsson VBR Exploring toll-like receptor regulation of innate immunity with the tools of systems biology BR CURRENT GENOMICS 5 (7): 545-557 NOV 2004BR

Ludemann A, Weicht D, Selbig J, et al.BR PaVESy: Pathway visualization and editing system BR BIOINFORMATICS 20 (16): 2841-2844 NOV 1 2004BR

Pedrioli PGA, Eng JK, Hubley R, et al.BR A common open representation of mass spectrometry data and its application to proteomics research BR NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY 22 (11): 1459-1466 NOV 2004BR

Paek E, Park J, Lee KJBR Multi-layered representation for cell signaling pathways BR MOLECULAR & CELLULAR PROTEOMICS 3 (10): 1009-1022 OCT 2004BR

Baliga NS, Bonneau R, Facciotti MT, Pan M, Glusman G, Deutsch EW, Shannon P, Chiu Y, Weng RS, Gan RR, Hung P, Date SV, Marcotte E, Hood L, Ng WVBR Genome sequence of Haloarcula marismortui: A halophilic archaeon from the Dead Sea BR GENOME RESEARCH 14 (11): 2221-2234 NOV 2004BR

[ Abstract] [ PDF]

Galitski TBR Molecular networks in model systems BR ANNUAL REVIEW OF GENOMICS AND HUMAN GENETICS 5: 177-187 2004BR


Begley TJ, Rosenbach AS, Ideker T, et al.BR Hot spots for modulating toxicity identified by genomic phenotyping and localization mapping BR MOLECULAR CELL 16 (1): 117-125 OCT 8 2004BR

Blanchard JLBR Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, rapidly evolving tools for interpreting plant response to global change BR FIELD CROPS RESEARCH 90 (1): 117-131 NOV 8 2004BR

Hood L, Heath JR, Phelps ME, et al.BR Systems biology and new technologies enable predictive and preventative medicine BR SCIENCE 306 (5696): 640-643 OCT 22 2004BR

Stephanopoulos G, Alper H, Moxley JBR Exploiting biological complexity for strain improvement through systems biology BR NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY 22 (10): 1261-1267 OCT 2004BR

Mischel PS, Cloughesy TF, Nelson SFBR DNA-microarray analysis of brain cancer: Molecular classification for therapy BR NATURE REVIEWS NEUROSCIENCE 5 (10): 782-792 OCT 2004BR

Bonneau, Richard, Baliga Nitin S, Deutsch, Eric W, Shannon Paul and Hood, LeroyBR Comprehensive de novo structure prediction in a systems-biology context for the archaea Halobacterium sp NRC-1 BR GENOME BIOLOGY 5 (8): Art. No. R52 2004BR

[ Abstract] [ Full Text] [ PDF]

Bioinformatics August 2004BR Reiss David, Schwikowski BennoBR Predicting protein–peptide interactions via a network-based motif samplerBR Bioinformatics. 2004 Aug 4;20 Suppl 1:I274-I282BR [ Abstract] [ PDF]

Yan W,Lee H,Yi EC,Reiss D,Shannon P,Kwieciszewski BK,Coito C,Li XJ,Keller A,Eng J,Galitski T,Goodlett DR,Aebersold R,Katze MGBR System-based proteomic analysis of the interferon response in human liver cells BR GENOME BIOLOGY 5 (8): Art. No. R54 2004BR [ Abstract] [ FullText] [ PDF]

Wei GH, Liu DP, Liang CCBR Charting gene regulatory networks: strategies, challenges and perspectives BR BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 381: 1-12 Part 1 JUL 1 2004BR

Kelley BP, Yuan BB, Lewitter F, et al.BR PathBLAST: a tool for alignment of protein interaction networks BR NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 32: W83-W88 Suppl. 2 JUL 1 2004BR

Han KS, Ju BH, Jung HMBR WebInterViewer: visualizing and analyzing molecular interaction networks BR NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 32: W89-W95 Suppl. 2 JUL 1 2004BR

Chung HJ, Kim M, Park CH, et al.BR ArrayXPath: mapping and visualizing microarray gene-expression data with integrated biological pathway resources using Scalable Vector Graphics BR NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 32: W460-W464 Suppl. 2 JUL 1 2004BR

Baliga, NS, Bjork, SJ, Bonneau, R, Pan, M, Iloanusi, C, Kottemann, MCH, Hood, L, and DiRuggiero, JBR Systems level insights into the stress response to UV radiation in the halophilic archaeon Halobacterium NRC-1 BR GENOME RESEARCH 14 (6): 1025-1035 JUN 2004BR [ Abstract] [ PDF] [ Supplemental Research Data]

Prinz S, Avila-Campillo I, Aldridge C, et al.BR Control of yeast filamentous-form growth by modules in an integrated molecular network BR GENOME RESEARCH 14 (3): 380-390 MAR 2004BR

Genome Research, March 2004BR Prinz S, Avila-Campillo I, Aldridge C, Srinivasan A, Dimitrov K, Siegel AF, and Galitski TBR Control of Yeast Filamentous-Form Growth by Modules in an Integrated Molecular NetworkBR Genome Res. 2004 14: 380-390BR [" Abstract][" PDF] [" Supplemental Research Data]

Science, Feb 2004BR Tong AH, et al., Global mapping of the yeast genetic interaction networkBR Science. 2004 Feb 6;303(5659):808-13BR [ Abstract] [ Full Text]

Seminars in Immunology, January 2004BR A systems approach to dissecting immunity and inflammationBR Aderem A, Smith KDBR Semin Immunol. 2004 Feb;16(1):55-67BR [ Abstract] [ Full Text]

Shannon P, Markiel A, Ozier O, Baliga NS, Wang JT, Ramage D, Amin N, Schwikowski B, Ideker T.BR Free Full Text Cytoscape: a software environment for integrated models of biomolecular interaction networks.BR Genome Res. 2003 Nov;13(11):2498-504BR

PNAS, Septemer 2003BR Kelley BP, Sharan R, Karp RM, Sittler T, Root DE, Stockwell BR, Ideker TBR Conserved pathways within bacteria and yeast as revealed by global protein network alignmentBR Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Sep 30;100(20):11394-9BR [ Abstract] [ Full Text]

RECOMB 2003BR Yeang C-H, Jaakkola TBR Physical network models and multi-source data integrationBR The Seventh Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology, 2003BR [ PDF]

Molecular Cancer Research, 2002BR Begley TJ, Rosenbach AS, Ideker T, Samson LDBR Damage Recovery Pathways in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Revealed by Genomic Phenotyping and Interactome MappingBR Mol Cancer Res. 2002 Dec;1(2):103-12BR [ Abstract]

ISMB 2002BR Ideker T, Ozier O, Schwikowski B, Siegel ABR Discovering regulatory and signaling circuits in molecular interaction networksBR [ Bioinformatics] 18, S233 (2002)BR [ Abstract] [ PDF] [ Abstract] [ Supplementary Material]

Funding for Cytoscape is provided by a federal grant from the U.S. National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) of the Na tional Institutes of Health (NIH) under award number GM070743-01. Corporate funding is provided through a contract from Unilever PLC.

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