Publications about Cytoscape
Integration of biological networks and gene expression data using Cytoscape
Cline MS, Smoot M, Cerami E, Kuchinsky A, Landys N, Workman C, Christmas R, Avila-Campilo I, Creech M, Gross B, Hanspers K, Isserlin R, Kelley R, Killcoyne S, Lotia S, Maere S, Morris J, Ono K, Pavlovic V, Pico AR, Vailaya A, Wang PL, Adler A, Conklin BR, Hood L, Kuiper M, Sander C, Schmulevich I, Schwikowski B, Warner GJ, Ideker T, Bader GD
Nat Protoc. 2007;2(10):2366-82
PubMed Abstract
Cytoscape: A Software Environment for Integrated Models of Biomolecular Interaction Networks
Rowan Christmas, Iliana Avila-Campillo, Hamid Bolouri, Benno Schwikowski, Mark Anderson, Ryan Kelley, Nerius Landys, Chris Workman, Trey Ideker, Ethan Cerami, Rob Sheridan, Gary D. Bader, and Chris Sander
Am Assoc Cancer Res Educ Book 2005: 12-16
Cytoscape: a software environment for integrated models of biomolecular interaction networks.
Shannon P, Markiel A, Ozier O, Baliga NS, Wang JT, Ramage D, Amin N, Schwikowski B, Ideker T.
Genome Research 2003 Nov; 13(11):2498-504
Publications citing Cytoscape
Publications that use Cytoscape help to keep it funded, so please cite our papers if you use Cytoscape.
Link to a Google Scholar search for articles citing Shannon et al. (2003): (256 hits as of May 29, 2007)
Link to a Pubmed Central search for (free full-text) articles citing Shannon et al. (2003): (72 articles as of May 29, 2007)
Cytoscape Press
Nov.16.2007 Open-source bioinformatics attracts much interest - Laboratory Talk
Nov.9.2007 Cytoscape open-source bioinformatics platform symposium highlights a mushrooming user community - separationsNOW
Mar.12.2007 Friendster for Proteins - Forbes Magazine