Differences between revisions 2 and 6 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2005-10-04 08:26:29
Size: 1122
Editor: bmt-pc59
Revision 6 as of 2005-10-05 09:21:46
Size: 1284
Editor: cp192685-a
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 * I am currently developing a plugin that enables the user to extract pathway information directly from the Reactome MySQL database. At this moment it allows people to select the pathway of interst and do 2 types of colouring:
1) Occurence colouring, gives the node a colour according to how many times an orthologous reaction exist in other species. (white =0, redness is amount)
2) Expression colouring, gives the node a colour according to gene expression levels. (At this moment negative foldchanges are red, positive foldchanges are green)
I am currently working on supporting selective colouring by usage of statistical values such as the p-value. (e.g. Only colour when p-value < 0.05)
he input is file format is the same as GenMAPP uses.
 * I (Willem Ligtenberg, Eindhoven University of Technology) am currently developing a plugin that enables the user to extract pathway information directly from the Reactome MySQL database. At this moment it allows people to select the pathway of interst and do 2 types of colouring:
  1) Occurence colouring, gives the node a colour according to how many times an orthologous reaction exist in other species. (white =0, redness is amount)

2) Expression colouring, gives the node a colour according to gene expression levels. (At this moment negative foldchanges are red, positive foldchanges are green)
  It now also supports selective colouring by usage of statistical values such as the p-value. (e.g. Only colour when p-value < 0.05) The input is file format is the same as GenMAPP uses.
 A screenshot with expression colouring:
 [http://www.wligtenberg.nl/images/stories/screenshot-1.png Screenshot]

Feel free to add your plugins in development to this list.

  • The MSKCC group is developing a plugin that will allow users to view expression data on BioPAX pathways from Reactome and other databases in a more user friendly way than is currently available in Cytoscape. The goal is to allow this in 2 or 3 mouse clicks with no other actions e.g. no file editing.
  • I (Willem Ligtenberg, Eindhoven University of Technology) am currently developing a plugin that enables the user to extract pathway information directly from the Reactome MySQL database. At this moment it allows people to select the pathway of interst and do 2 types of colouring:
    • 1) Occurence colouring, gives the node a colour according to how many times an orthologous reaction exist in other species. (white =0, redness is amount) 2) Expression colouring, gives the node a colour according to gene expression levels. (At this moment negative foldchanges are red, positive foldchanges are green)

      It now also supports selective colouring by usage of statistical values such as the p-value. (e.g. Only colour when p-value < 0.05) The input is file format is the same as GenMAPP uses.

    A screenshot with expression colouring:

    [http://www.wligtenberg.nl/images/stories/screenshot-1.png Screenshot]

Plugins_in_Development (last edited 2009-02-12 01:03:57 by localhost)

Funding for Cytoscape is provided by a federal grant from the U.S. National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) of the Na tional Institutes of Health (NIH) under award number GM070743-01. Corporate funding is provided through a contract from Unilever PLC.

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