Differences between revisions 39 and 54 (spanning 15 versions)
Revision 39 as of 2008-06-20 22:45:17
Size: 15005
Editor: nebbiolo
Revision 54 as of 2008-11-25 18:13:27
Size: 16759
Editor: nebbiolo
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 49: Line 49:
||[#viewPresentation Presentation (view)] || TBD || Presentation layer that renders the underlying view models ||TBD || || TBD ||
||[#commandModule Command] || TBD || Formerly called ''Actions''. UI-independent collection of high-level functions, such as creating network, execute layout, etc. || TBD || [:Cytoscape 3.0/CommandDiscussions:Command discussions/use cases], [:Cytoscape 3.0/TunableDiscussion:Tunable discussions/use cases]|| TBD ||
||[#viewPresentation Presentation (view)] || TBD || Presentation layer that renders the underlying view models ||TBD || [:Cytoscape 3.0/PresentationDiscussions:Presentation Discussions]|| TBD ||
||[#commandModule Command] || TBD || Formerly called ''Actions''. UI-independent collection of high-level functions, such as creating network, execute layout, etc. || TBD || [:Cytoscape 3.0/CommandDiscussions:Command discussions/use cases], [:Cytoscape 3.0/TunableDiscussion:Tunable discussions/use cases], [:Cytoscape 3.0/MonitorDiscussion: Monitor discussion/use cases]|| TBD ||
Line 52: Line 52:

== API naming ==

The following table summarizes the classes that represent a given
object in each layer.

||'''Object''' ||'''Model''' ||'''ViewModel''' ||'''Presentation''' ||
||network || CyNetwork (and CyRootNetwork, CySubNetwork) || NetworkView || NetworkRenderer ||
||node || CyNode (and CyMetaNode) || NodeView || NodeRenderer ||
||edge || CyEdge|| EdgeView || EdgeRenderer ||
||attribute table || CyDataTable || * || * ||
||row in attribute table || CyRow || * || * ||
||column in attribute table (an attribute) || CyColumn || * || * ||
* After discussing things at the second mini-retreat, we realized that visualizing CyDataTable/CyRow/CyColumns should have the same view-model and presentation layers that networks/nodes/edges have. We haven't discussed these, nor has anyone proposed names for them, which is why those fields are filled in.

Line 127: Line 143:
    * [http://neilbartlett.name/blog/osgibook/ OSGi in Practice]
Line 136: Line 153:
    * [:Cytoscape 3.0/Spring:How to use Spring Framework in Cytoscape 3 (under construction)]
Line 139: Line 155:
    * [http://www.sonatype.com/book/ Maven: The Definitive Guide]
Line 153: Line 170:
== Developer's Tutorials and References ==

=== For Eclipse Users ===
==== Basic Tutorial ====
 * {*} [:Cytoscape 3.0/Eclipse:Developing Cytoscape 3 Core with Eclipse and its Plugins]

==== Optional ====
 * [:Cytoscape 3.0/Spring:How to use Spring Framework in Cytoscape 3]
 * [:Cytoscape 3.0/Maven:Create Cytoscape 3 plugin from Maven Archetype] (incomplete)

=== For Netbeans Users ===
 * {*} [:Cytoscape 3.0/Netbeans:Setting Netbeans 6.1 or 6.5 for building and running or debugging Cytoscape 3]

=== Other OSGi Tools ===
 * [:Cytoscape 3.0/PAX:How to build bundles with Pax-Construct]

= Mini-Retreat Discussions =
 * [:Cytoscape 3.0/MiniRetreatOne]
 * [:Cytoscape 3.0/MiniRetreatTwo]


Release 3.0 Overall Goals

There are several motivations for release 3.0 of Cytoscape, but the overriding theme of the release is to refactor/redesign the code so that things become easier. Things in this case has several specific meanings:

  • Easier interface for plugin writers to understand and use.

  • Better modularity or layering making it easier for components of Cytoscape can be used in different contexts.

  • Clean up/refactor the structure of the existing Cytoscape core so that it can be more easily maintained, modified, and extended in the future.

  • Make backwards compatibility easier to maintain.

  • Clean up the user interface so that it's easier for users.

Desired Features

  • 2.6. The primary feature for Cytoscape 3.0 is to do everything that 2.6 does. See [http://cytoscape.org Cytoscape].

  • Layer Cytoscape. Separate Cytoscape functionality into clearly defined layers or modules. The motivation is to allow alternative users of Cytoscape. For more information read: [:CytoscapeLayerRefactor:RFC 46], [:HeadlessModeRFC:RFC 6], [:WebFrontEnd:RFC 55].

  • Separate the view from the model. The motivation for this is to use Cytoscape in various headless (or alternatively headed) modes. See: [:HeadlessModeRFC:RFC 6], [:WebFrontEnd:RFC 55].

  • Command layer. In current versions of cytoscape one of the primary impediments to headless mode operation is the problem that the GUI it tightly coupled with almost all actions available to users (load file, save file, etc.). To solve this, Cytoscape needs a command layer that is cleanly separated from the application (not necessarily the view). This command layer should also be extensible so that plugin writers can add their own commands. See: [:Cytoscape 3.0/CommandDiscussions:Command Layer Discussions].

  • Improved Event handling. Cytoscape currently uses a mish-mash of different events to signal system state changes. This is confusing, error prone, and causes performance problems. We need to develop a simple, clean Cytoscape event handling interface that can be used listen for and fire common events. See: [:EventHandling:RFC 52].

  • Custom graphics. We would like the ability for plugin writers to be able to define their own shapes and edges to be displayed and integrated into Cytoscape. See: [:RichLineTypes:RFC 32], and (write shape RFC).

  • Improve build process and package structure. We would like to simplify the build process for cytoscape so that all necessary libraries and plugins can easily be found and built with the core. See: [:DependencyManagement:RFC 44].

  • Local Attributes. Allow for attributes to be specific to networks in addition to maintaining the current global attributes. See: [:LocalAttributes:RFC 31], [:AttributeNamespaces:RFC 37].

  • Dynamic language support. Implement a built-in support to access Cytoscape API from dynamic (scripting) languages. See: [:Scripting:Scripting RFC]

Refactoring Strategy

Rather than rewriting Cytoscape from scratch we intend to refactor the existing code base. Since we already have a working version of Cytoscape that suits many people's needs quite well, a central tenet of the refactoring process will be to maintain a working version of Cytoscape. That means that each time a change is made (i.e. code checked into the trunk), all unit tests should pass and Cytoscape's main functionality should still work. This will be an iterative process with many small changes, rather than a few large ones. The hope is that with this process we will not lose functionality as we make changes.

Rough module refactoring plan

The general plan is to begin by cleaning up the existing code base and modularize what we can while changing as little as possible. The goal is to establish the modules that comprise Cytoscape and the dependencies between them. Once we have a coherent structure of existing code, we can begin redesigning modules to suit our new requirements.

Prepare the existing code base for refactoring.

  • Fix all deprecation warnings and remove unused code.
  • Begin building software using maven instead of ant.
  • Separate existing code into modules.

    • Networks
    • Attributes
    • View
    • Layouts
    • VizMapper

    • IO
    • Plugins
  • Write unit tests.

Once the existing code base has been cleaned up, we can begin our redesign efforts for 3.0. The general strategy will be to work from the bottom up. That is to say, begin with the modules at the base of the dependency graph that all other modules depend on. This means work on Networks and Attributes first, followed by the View and on up through the dependency graph.

A time schedule has been put together to allow for time to discuss and plan each module and provide some end dates for when each discussion should be finished and implementation can begin. As much as possible we will work to adhere to this to allow 3.0 to be released in a reasonable time frame. Start dates will be added after 2.6 is officially released.

Layer design discussion schedule


Discussion organizer



Discussion page

Start Date

[#graphModule Model]

Mike Smoot

The core graph model for Cytoscape

Will resume mid-late April

[:Cytoscape 3.0/ModelDiscussions:Model layer design discussions]

May 8, 2008

[#viewModule View Model]


The view model representation (not the presentation layer).


[:Cytoscape 3.0/ViewModelDiscussions:View Module discussions/use cases]


[#ioModule IO]


IO layer (files, web services, databases, etc)


[:IODiscussions:IO Module discussions/use cases]


[#viewPresentation Presentation (view)]


Presentation layer that renders the underlying view models


[:Cytoscape 3.0/PresentationDiscussions:Presentation Discussions]


[#commandModule Command]


Formerly called Actions. UI-independent collection of high-level functions, such as creating network, execute layout, etc.


[:Cytoscape 3.0/CommandDiscussions:Command discussions/use cases], [:Cytoscape 3.0/TunableDiscussion:Tunable discussions/use cases], [:Cytoscape 3.0/MonitorDiscussion: Monitor discussion/use cases]


[#appModule Application]




API naming

The following table summarizes the classes that represent a given object in each layer.






CyNetwork (and CyRootNetwork, CySubNetwork)




CyNode (and CyMetaNode)







attribute table




row in attribute table




column in attribute table (an attribute)




* After discussing things at the second mini-retreat, we realized that visualizing CyDataTable/CyRow/CyColumns should have the same view-model and presentation layers that networks/nodes/edges have. We haven't discussed these, nor has anyone proposed names for them, which is why those fields are filled in.

Project Plan

See attachment for a nicely formatted version of the table below that includes time estimates, potential dates and notes regarding each. Please keep in mind this is meant to be very high level and will gain details through our discussions of each module. attachment:Cyto3ProjectPlan.xls

Note also that the dependencies and time estimates can change. Some of these things are potentially doable in parallel so we will update this as we determine which pieces are being done. As people volunteer for parts we will also add them to the table to keep everyone aware of what is being done.








Modular System

Milestone 1 - Layer current code base


Separate code into layers

Per the RFC's modules for Graph model, View model, IO, View (presentation), Application, Command


Introduce temporary interfaces

Starting with the graph model, write interfaces to allow other layers toaccess the graph model and remove all dependencies to classes outside the graph model. Once it has no dependencies, work on other layers to ensure dependencies are correct and unidirectional.


Unit test/documentation

Per each layer, multiple people can work on this


Build Process - Maven

Mavenize separate layers to build modularly again start from the graph model


Merge 2.6 bug changes

Merge 2.6 changes into 3.0 branch


Recode Core Interfaces

Milestone 2 - Replace temporary interfaces with stable, planned interfaces. First relayered system finished


Graph Model

Use what's been learned from Step 1 to write use cases specific to the graph model as used within core code. Ideally 3-10 use cases should be identified


[:Cytoscape 3.0/GraphModelDiscussions:Use Cases/Discussions]

Based on use cases develop a graph model interface for core usage. Add indexing pattern forfast graph iteration.


Interface Development


Plugin Interface Development

Determine if a separate Plugin interface is required to limit access to specific parts of the graph model.


Interface Implementation


Unit test/documentation

Each layer's interface needs to include unit tests and documentation in order to be considered finished


View Model

Similar to Step 8, the difference being that this layer deals only in the persistable visual data that needs to be stored (but not the actual presentation layer)


Use Cases/Discussions

3-10 use cases


Interface Development

Provide for view models that are persistable but not dependent on the actual presentation.


Interface Implementation


Unit test/documentation




Use Cases/Discussions


Interface Development


Plugin Interface Development


Interface Implementation


Unit test/documentation


View (Presentation)


Use Cases/Discussions


Interface Development

??? Not sure about this one. The presentation layer may require more time and will be adjusted later


Plugin Interface Development


Interface Implementation


Unit test/documentation




Use Cases/Discussions


Interface Development


Plugin Interface Development


Interface Implementation


Unit test/documentation




Use Cases/Discussions


Interface Development


Plugin Interface Development


Interface Implementation


Unit test/documentation


Examine further componentization (OSGi)

Visual Development Timeline

This diagram displays provides lots of information:

  • It provides a best (initial) guess of which modules will exist in Cytoscape 3.0.
  • It shows some of the dependency relationships between modules.
  • It groups modules into layers (based on color).
  • Some modules (pink) haven't been put into layers because there is some question about which layer they should go in, but they have been put near the modules where they might belong.
  • We will begin discussions at the bottom and work our way up (as indicated by the time arrow). There are tentative numbers assigned to the modules which we will discuss first.


Discussions & Useful Information

  • [:Oct2007SeattleMeeting:Seattle Meeting 2007]

  • [:CytoscapeRetreat2007/HackathonNotes:Amsterdam Hackathon 2007]

  • [:Cytoscape 3.0/Model:New Model]

  • [:Cytoscape 3.0/View:View Layer Proposal]

  • [:Cytoscape 3.0/HyperEdges:Hyperedges]

  • [:MavenInfo:Using Maven with Cytoscape] This includes links to plugins for Eclipse, IDEA and NetBeans as well as descriptions for use with Eclipse.

Related Frameworks and Technologies

From 3.0, new technologies/frameworks will be used for implementation. The following is the list of links to documents related to those frameworks/technologies.

Developer's Tutorials and References

For Eclipse Users

Basic Tutorial

  • {*} [:Cytoscape 3.0/Eclipse:Developing Cytoscape 3 Core with Eclipse and its Plugins]


  • [:Cytoscape 3.0/Spring:How to use Spring Framework in Cytoscape 3]

  • [:Cytoscape 3.0/Maven:Create Cytoscape 3 plugin from Maven Archetype] (incomplete)

For Netbeans Users

  • {*} [:Cytoscape 3.0/Netbeans:Setting Netbeans 6.1 or 6.5 for building and running or debugging Cytoscape 3]

Other OSGi Tools

  • [:Cytoscape 3.0/PAX:How to build bundles with Pax-Construct]

Mini-Retreat Discussions

  • [:Cytoscape 3.0/MiniRetreatOne]
  • [:Cytoscape 3.0/MiniRetreatTwo]


Release Date: TBD

Outdated_Cytoscape_3.0 (last edited 2011-12-01 18:04:03 by server2)

Funding for Cytoscape is provided by a federal grant from the U.S. National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) of the Na tional Institutes of Health (NIH) under award number GM070743-01. Corporate funding is provided through a contract from Unilever PLC.

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