
This is the homepage of the Cytoscape 3.0 Model layer design discussion.

Model Layer definition

The model layer contains the object/data model for core data structures useful for Cytoscape or Cytoscape-like software.

Component Modules


Core structure of the Model layer

Open issues


Open issues

Design Ideas

Two proposals have been made but not fully integrated and neither is necessarily final:

Model API Proposal #1

Model API Proposal #2

[ JavaDocs] This proposal includes all of the interfaces that the graph module is expected to contain, including graph objects, attributes, projects and potentially groups. The basic idea is a two-level API.

A couple of other things to note:


The CyAttributes interface shouldn't be terribly different from what it is now. It basically has 3 different methods, similar to a Map interface:

In one way or another, the interface will need to support the use of primitive types but also limit the allowed types of attributes to those pre-defined values. In general we want to support 4 primitive types which facilitate inter-plugin communication:


Finally, we would also like to support the recursive definition of these classes to support arbitrary types composed of the 4 primitive types:

Other requirements include:

Note: several API's were proposed through email attachments and have not yet been added here. Be sure to look back through email discussions on attributes to find them.

Open issues

The central dilemma of the Model API design is how the Attributes module relates to the Network module. In 2.x era Cytoscape, there is no explicit relationship between these modules. Attributes don't (explicitly) depend on Network and Network doesn't depend on Attributes. However, there is an implicit dependency connecting the two through the use of string identifiers. This means that Attributes effectively depends on a Network model that uses strings to identify graph objects.

Design Ideas

There are essentially two approaches to linking the Attributes module and the Network module:

  1. Attributes depends on Network.
  2. Network depends on Attributes.

Approach 1: Attributes depends on Network. Leave things pretty much as they are, but use an SUID instead of a string identifier. Attributes will at once be both global (i.e. accessible in any context) and local since the SUID is specific to a node/edge/network and not reused in multiple networks (as nodes and edges are now). In this case, Attributes depends on a Network modelthat uses SUIDs, so the dependency is much like it currently is, just not with strings.

For this approach the method interfaces would look something like this:

where the SUID is used to identify which object the attribute is bound to.



Approach 2: Network depends on Attributes. Reverse the dependency so that Networks depend on Attributes and make local Attribute objects part of the CyNetwork/CyNode/CyEdge classes. Instead of getting attributes from one location, attribute objects will become available from individual objects, such as nodes, edges, or networks.

For this approach the method interfaces would look something like this:

where the object binding is implicit to the object.




1. Graph objects = nodes, edges, groups, hyperedges (these are children of GraphObject)
2. Each graph object has a session unique integer ID (G-SUID) (not globally unique, just unique for a given Cytoscape session)
3. Each attribute row in a table has a SUID (A-SUID - not the same space as the G-SUID)
4. A map exists between graph object SUIDs (G-SUIDs) and attribute table row SUIDs (A-SUIDs)
This is simple and allows a lot of flexibility.  The presence of SUIDs mean you don't have to track IDs in any context, which is the simplest option.  This also allows multiple attribute tables (think relational database tables).  For instance, we can implement user attributes in one table and hidden attributes in another table.  In this case of >1 attribute tables, you need to store table context in the map.  Further, we can have multiple attribute tables in the same space e.g. load up 2 gene expression datasets in 2 different tables.  This gets rid of the need for empty attribute table cells.  I don't think we should really implement this latter option, as the GUI is more complex and we already have an efficient CyAttribute data structure (MultiHashMap), but having it is only a change in how the graph object SUID to attribute SUID map is used.
Also, the presence of a GraphObject superclass will make it easier for more general algorithm code to be written (really important!) and provides a place to track G-SUIDs.  Also, the GraphObject class can have additional children if we need to add more things in the future.  The advantage of this design is that there is no coupling in the model i.e. network doesn't know about groups leaving the model layer to be very flexible, however, composition (bringing different parts of the model together) in the application layer is facilitated.
What about network attributes?  It's just another SUID map.  Networks are separate from other objects that have SUIDs because of the above point about algorithm generality.  You don't want graph algorithms to work on networks as a GraphObject (and semantically, networks should not be network objects, otherwise we introduce a high level of complexity into the model by having hierarchy in there by default - you could be tempted to implement groups like this, but I'm not sure it would be a good idea due to the complexity issue).
5. Graph objects are not shared between graphs.
This is important for reducing complexity.  If you want to have network specific attributes or shared attributes across networks, just update the SUID map.
Challenges: keeping the map up to date is work, unlike in our current model.  It could be implemented either using an event based manager design or building a layer on top of the simple model APIs that handles adding attributes to graph objects and keeping the map current.  This is all application layer work, though, and the application sets the policy of attribute sharing among graph objects.
Persistence: The only rule for persistence would be uniqueness within a session or file, so you can write or read IDs however you want, as long as you maintain uniqueness per session.  This would likely involve renumbering the SUIDs of all graphobjects upon reading from a session file.
Network merging: you can't use SUIDs to determine equivalence between graph objects.  This needs to be done at the application layer using additional information, such as attributes of those graph objects.

Open Issues


Open Issues


A Group is a concept where multiple nodes and edges get collapsed into a single node in a network view. There are several use cases for groups.

Open Issue

Design Ideas


A hyperedge is an edge in a hypergraph that can connect two or more nodes at once. A multigraph is subset of a hypergraph where one edge may connect a maximum of two nodes. The requirement for hyperedges is the ability to render biochemical interaction diagrams where reactions are modeled as edges between nodes and these reactions are modified by connecting another edge to the existing reaction edge. The appearance is roughly that of one edge connecting 3 nodes, which would imply that a hyperedge is needed.

Open Issues

Design Ideas

Funding for Cytoscape is provided by a federal grant from the U.S. National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) of the Na tional Institutes of Health (NIH) under award number GM070743-01. Corporate funding is provided through a contract from Unilever PLC.

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