## page was renamed from Cytoscape_3.0/Enhanced Test Plan/Core Plugins Testcases/Old Filters_TestCases ## page was renamed from Old Filters_TestCases == Old Filters Core Plugin Test Cases == ||<|2> '''Preconditions'''||<|2> '''Test Case ID'''||<|2> '''Instructions'''||<|2> '''Expected Results'''||<-2> '''Windows'''||<-2> '''Mac'''|| ||'''Date Executed'''||'''Pass/Fail'''||'''Date Executed'''||'''Pass/Fail'''|| ||<|9> 1. Start Cytoscape <
>2. Import a network file (eg. galFiltered.sif) <
>3. Click Create new (Integer) Attribute from the Node Attribute Browser and call it Numbers <
>4. Drag and select a group of nodes and click on the Attribute Batch Editor <
>5. Choose Set from the Operation tab and Numbers from the Attribute menu and type “3” into the text field then click GO, repeat using “2” and “4” <
>6. Click Select → Use Old Filters||OF1||1. Click Create new filter from the Manage Filters box and select Numeric Filter <
>2. Leave the default settings in the Numeric Attribute Filter box but type “3” into the text field, click Apply selected filter||The nodes highlighted should contain “3” in the Numbers attribute column (since the default operation is “=”)|| || || || || ||OF2||1. Change the operation to “<” from the menu in the Numeric Attribute Filter box and type “3” into the text field <
>2. Click Apply selected filter||All the nodes with “2” in the Numbers attribute column (or any number less than 3) should be highlighted|| || || || || ||OF3||1. Change the operation to “>” from the menu in the Numeric Attribute Filter box and type “3” into the text field <
>2. Click Apply selected Filter||All the nodes with “4” in the Numbers attribute column (or any number greater than 3) should be highlighted|| || || || || ||OF4||Click Remove selected filter with the Numbers>3 filter selected||The filter should no longer be listed in the Available Filters box|| || || || || ||OF5||1. Click Create new filter from the Manage Filters box and select String Filter <
>2. Select canonicalName from the text attribute menu in the String Pattern Filter box <
>3. Type “?” into the text field and click Apply selected Filter||The node whose canonicalName value is “?” should be highlighted|| || || || || ||OF6||1. Click Create new filter from the Manage Filters box and select Topology Filter <
>2. Change the “Select nodes with at least” text field to “2” and click Apply selected filter||Only nodes that are the source or target of at least two edges should be highlighted|| || || || || ||OF7||1. Click Create new filter from the Manage Filters box and select Boolean Meta-Filter <
>2. Select the Topology and String filters and click the Negate check box <
>3. Chose ALL, ONLY ONE or AT LEAST ONE from the “Select objects that pass” menu and click Apply selected filter in each case||With the ALL parameter every node apart from “?” should be highlighted, with the AT LEAST ONE parameter every node apart from “?” with at least two interactions should be highlighted and with the ONLY ONE parameter only nodes with one interaction should be highlighted|| || || || || ||OF8||1. Click Create new filter from the Manage Filters box and select Edge Interaction <
>2. Choose “source or target” from the “Select edges with a node” menu and the Topology Filter from the “which passes the filter” menu <
>3. Click Apply selected filter||The edges that connect the nodes which pass the Topology filter should be highlighted (similar results for just target or source)|| || || || || ||OF9||1. Click the Create new filter from the Manage Filters box and select String Filter <
>2. Choose Edge from the “select graph objects of type” menu and interaction from the text attribute menu and type “pp” into the text field <
>3. Click create new filter from the Manage Filters box and select Node Interactions <
>4. Choose “source or target” from the “Select nodes that are” menu and the String Filter created in step 1 in the “at least one edge that passes the filter” menu <
>5. Click Apply selected filter||The nodes that are connected by edges that represents pp interactions should be highlighted|| || || || ||