2.1 Node Attribute Browser Test Cases
Preconditions |
Test Case ID |
Instructions |
Expected Results |
Windows |
Mac |
Date Executed |
Pass/Fail |
Date Executed |
Pass/Fail |
1. Start Cytoscape |
B2.1.1 |
1. Click Select Attributes |
A new column for the attribute should appear in the panel |
B2.1.2 |
Select a node and then select another node while in the Node Attribute Browser |
Attributes should change to those for each specific node |
B2.1.3 |
Drag and select multiple nodes |
Nodes should be highlighted and their attributes listed |
B2.1.4 |
Click one of the attributes of a node with multiple nodes selected |
The selected attribute should have a different background and the node a new highlight colour |
B2.1.5 |
1. Select a node |
The Browser should reflect the text changes and they should persist even if the node is unselected and then reselected |
B2.1.6 |
1. Drag and select several nodes (say 5) |
The contents of the Copy From cells should now appear in the new attribute column Names |
B2.1.7 |
1. Select the Clear tab from the Attribute batch editor box |
The Browser should reflect the changes by showing no entries in the Names column |
B2.1.8 |
1. Select the Operation tab from the Node Attribute Batch Editor |
The Names attribute column should contain “Galactose Metabolism” for all the selected nodes |
B2.1.9 |
1. Repeat step 1 from B2.1.8 |
The Names attribute column should contain “Galactose Transport” for all the selected nodes |
B2.1.10 |
1. Repeat step 1 from B2.1.8 |
The Names attribute column should contain “GALACTOSE TRANSPORT” or the text in the column should be all capitals |
B2.1.11 |
1. Repeat step 1 from B2.1.8 |
The Names attribute column should contain “galactose transport” or the text in the column should all be lower case |
B2.1.12 |
1. Repeat step 1 from B2.1.8 |
The Names attribute column should contain “Yeast-galactose transport” or the text in the column should be preceded by “Yeast-“ |
B2.1.13 |
1. Repeat step 1 from B2.1.8 |
The Names attribute column should contain “Yeast-galactose transport-intracellular” or the text in the column should be followed by “-intracellular” |
B2.1.14 |
1. Click create a new (Integer) attribute and call it Numbers |
The Numbers attribute column should contain “2” |
B2.1.15 |
1. Repeat step 1 from B2.1.8 |
The Numbers attribute column should contain “4” |
B2.1.16 |
1. Repeat step 1 from B2.1.8 |
The Numbers attribute column should contain “8” |
B2.1.17 |
1. Repeat step 1 from B2.1.8 |
The Numbers attribute column should contain “2" |
B2.1.18 |
1. Click the Import attributes from file icon in the Browser |
Each node selected should display either a 1, 2 or 3 in the TestNodeAttribute1 column |
B2.1.19 |
1. Click the Import Expression Matrix icon in the Browser |
Each node selected should display expression values in the Xexp columns and p values in the Xsig columns (where X is the name of the experiment) |