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Command Layer Definition

Command layer contains mechanism to make Cytoscape functions easily accessible from application layer. This layer should be separated from application layer and can be used in any mode: Desktop application, server version, and command line version.


Multiple Language Support

Functions Encapsulated as Command

In general, most of the classes in cytoscape.actions will be converted into Commands. In addition, some of the methods under the class cytoscape.Cytoscape will be encapsulated as command. Such as:


   1 // Java
   2 CommandService.getCommand("command_name").execute();
   4 // Ruby
   5 CommandService.getCommand("command_name").execute

We can use similar design to Felix ShellService:

   1 package org.apache.felix.shell;
   3 public interface ShellService
   4 {
   5     public String[] getCommands();
   6     public String getCommandUsage(String name);
   7     public String getCommandDescription(String name);
   8     public ServiceReference getCommandReference(String name);
   9     public void executeCommand(
  10         String commandLine, PrintStream out, PrintStream err)
  11         throws Exception;
  12 }


All commands should implement the following interface:

   1 public interface Command
   2 {
   3     public String getName();
   4     public void execute(Object[] args);
   5 }

   1 public class ImportGraphFileCommand extends Command {
   2     // 
   3 }

Exporting OSGi Service by Spring-DM

If we use one command = one OSGi service style design, we can use Spring Dynamic Module for managing service import/export.

<bean name="importGraphFileCommandService"
                class="org.cytoscape.command.impl.ImportGraphFileCommandService" />

<osgi:service auto-export="interfaces" ref="importGraphFileCommandService" />

And Command Manager will be a class to holds a OSGi Service Tracker:



OSGi Service

Dynamic Language Support on JVM

Funding for Cytoscape is provided by a federal grant from the U.S. National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) of the Na tional Institutes of Health (NIH) under award number GM070743-01. Corporate funding is provided through a contract from Unilever PLC.

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