============================================================= Meeting Notes -- Cytoscape Collaboration Board of Directors meeting 01Dec05 =============================================================
1 Definition of the role of a Core Developer
1.1 Each newly appointed Core Developer team goes through a probational period.
- CVS access - Attends weekly conference calls + annual retreat - Subscribes to mailing list - Contributes >= 1 FTE to Core over one year - Agrees to release code under open-source license
1.2 After probational period - Logo of institution appears on Web site/spash screen - Acknowledgement - Responsible for Roadmap, Implementation, Maintenance of core - Attends weekly conference calls + annual retreat
2 Funding
2.1 Each organization is responsible for own funding 2.2 exec. letters & support 2.3 board members can apply 2.4 board-level discussion 2.5 full disclosure within CC
3 Publications
3.1 Next Cytoscape publication should be finalized in the coming six months 3.2 Authorship tbd 3.3 Full disclosure within Cytoscape Collaboration