Note: This page is only useful to Cytoscape core developers who have secure access that allows them to modify

Instructions for updating

  1. Check out the cyto_web directory from CVS
  2. Only modify content in this directory instead of directly on Remember to test and commit your changes. This allows us to collaboratively edit the website without overwriting other people's changes.
  3. When you are done editing, deploy the changes to the website (see below)

Deploying to

To deploy web site changes to, from your workstation:

  1. You need the password. If you don't have it, please talk to Trey or Ethan.
  2. You need to have Apache ant installed and available from the command line (test by typing 'ant' on the command line and seeing if it is found).
  3. Run the script to deploy
    1. On Mac OS X or Linux, type: (preferred method)

        This does two things:
        1. runs ant config_prod, so that everything is set up for production.
        2. runs rsync to incrementally and securely update BR rsync is much more efficent and secure than FTP. So this is the preferred way to do deployments.

    2. On Windows, type:
      • ant deploy -Dpassword=[value]

        Where [value] is replaced with the actual password This does two things:

        1. runs ant config_prod, so that everything is set up for production.
        2. copies files over via the ant FTP task. This is slow, so the prefered way to deploy is from a unix based operating system using rsync, above.

Note: you can also use any FTP or SCP client to post files. This might be useful for changes to single files - just make sure the file is in CVS or it will be overwritten next time someone uses the deploy script.

Funding for Cytoscape is provided by a federal grant from the U.S. National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) of the Na tional Institutes of Health (NIH) under award number GM070743-01. Corporate funding is provided through a contract from Unilever PLC.

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