## page was renamed from Sending an announcement Instructions for sending an announcement to the Cytoscape community. You generally want to do this if you have a new plugin to report, want to advertise the Cytoscape retreat or a new Cytoscape release. Announcements are sent to the [[http://groups.google.com/group/cytoscape-announce|cytoscape-announce Google group]]. This list is moderated by a number of Cytoscape team members. Any message sent to this list, after moderation, will be forwarded to hundreds of Cytoscape users and will automatically appear on the cytoscape.org homepage after a short delay. 1. Send a message to cytoscape-announce@googlegroups.com. The message should be written concisely. A good subject is of the form "Announcing ...". The main points of the announcement should be in the first few sentences because only these will be displayed on cytoscape.org. A good example is: {{{ Subject: Announcing PhenotypeGenetics 2.0 }}} {{{ This Cytoscape 2.1 plug-in constructs genetic-interaction networks from large sets of phenotype measurements (continuous or discrete) from cells with single and pairwise genetic perturbations. Network derivation is generalized and fully computable. It also implements network-analysis methods to find local and global interaction patterns reflecting the effects of gene perturbations on biological processes and pathways. Released by: Galitski Lab at the Institute for Systems Biology Please see: http://cytoscape.org/plugins2.php for downloading and tutorial information. For more details, see publication: Becky L Drees, Vesteinn Thorsson, Gregory W Carter, Alexander W Rives, Marisa Z Raymond, Iliana Avila-Campillo, Paul Shannon and Timothy Galitski (2005). Derivation of genetic networks from quantitative phenotype data. Genome Biology. 6:R38. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&... -- -iliana }}} 1.#2 A message will be sent to all list moderators asking them to approve the message. This might take a little while, depending on how busy the moderators are. 1. Once the moderator approves, the message will be sent to all list members and will appear on cytoscape.org. The 3 most recent announcements automatically appear on cytoscape.org === Notes === * If you are on the core team and want to be a list moderator, just ask. You will receive e-mails when people post to the list with a link allowing you to approve or deny posts. * The PHP script homepage on cytoscape.org fetches the latest announcements from the Google group by RSS feed. MagpieRSS is used.