During conference calls, etherpad is used to take notes (since it updates instantly compared to the delay when editing the wiki). The etherpad url is: http://etherpad.com/hb7mF9KAXt
In between conference calls, the same etherpad is used to collect agenda items for the next conference call.
Thursday September 10 2009
Participants: Noel, Mike, Sarah, Brian, Daniel, Samad, Maital, Piet, Allan Agenda Items: Sarah: New grant Trey and Illia discussing new grant (R1) complementary to P41, board members will start work on it immediately. Will build on 3.0 architecture to include data, instrumentation etc. integration Looking to get letters of support (likely to be from same sources as for P41) Mike: P41 grant update Actively writing application Letters of support have been requested from list 100 gathered from various sources Working out budget that makes sense LoS from NIH sources particularly welcome Retreat confirmed as officially postponed until Spring 2010 One option is Michigan Another is quebec, but this is unlikely due to lack of local representation Would like there to be a Hackathon in November or thereabouts. Very likely to be held in San Franciso Mike will send out email to get the ball rolling (collect dates etc). There will be several remote attendees Goal will be to port as many core plugins as possible or at least teach people how to port plugins Will probably be over two days
Thursday September 3 2009
Attendees: Noel, Allan, Mike, Scooter, Piet, Maital, Brian, Sarah, Samad (Gary won't be able to make the call) (Daniel won't be able to make the call) Agenda Items: Letters of support for P41 grant Cytoretreat Letters of support for P41 grant Mike wants names of people (anything helps, but PI's have higher impact) for a mass email; send this to Mike the next few days. Contact people directly, automated scripts, or preferably contact people you know personally informally before any automated mail is sent Plugin writers should be targeted specifically Focus on NIH funded researchers; P41 supports providing other NIH funded projects with resources Cytoscape retreat Trey got in contact with David States; David said not to worry, november still ok. Time is pressing however (2 months is hardly feasible!), we need an announcement to start preparations. Mike volunteers to keep in touch with David. Lots of issues (grants, sitevisit P41) though, so postponing might be the best option. When the site visit is there however everybody has to show up. The development team proposes to postpone the retreat after the site visit. Why not combine retreat and site-visit, after the site-visit. Both events require a lot of effort however so might be hard to combine. Mike contacts Trey and Gary first about postponing. This also means that the 3.0 hackathon won't happen in november. Current consensus: Spring, there's a Keystone meeting in Quebec on networks around that time...(http://www.keystonesymposia.org/meetings/ViewMeetings.cfm?MeetingID=1068#utm_source=newsletter1&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Aug09Newsletter) No core team members localized there however. Would be an opportunity for extra hackathon Bugs Prioritize your own bugs Snow leopard is going to be tested
Thursday August 27 2009
Attendees: Noel, Daniel, Mike, Scooter, Gary, Allan, Piet, Brian Agenda Items: Mike announcement P41 grant Cytoscape 2.6.x, 2.7, 3.0 ICSB/SBGN meetings next week Cytoscape retreat Mike: Daniel has been nominated and approved as a core developer! Everyone thinks this is great and welcomes Daniel. Mike will update the list of developer names on the website. ICSB in Palo Alto next week. also an SBGN meeting as a workshop (systems biology graphical notation). Alex will be at the SBGN workshop. P41 grant - grant to NCRR branch of NIH -- a research resource grant. Large grant, requires huge amount of work, letters and support from the community of users, etc. structure => technology, research, and associated driving biology problems each section assigned to teams everyone needs to help in gathering letters of support list collaborations with biomedical researchers that use cytoscape, their publications, possible relations to other grants Stephanie Mirkin <smirkin@bioeng.ucsd.edu> Cytoscape retreat still need to hear back from David States Cytoscape 2.7 release -- do we have a timeline? what should go in it? polished released that will be demoed during site visit. November time frame, to be shown at retreat 3.0 is up and ready to have core plugins ported to it people should play with code, figure out how it works
Thursday August 13 2009
Attendees: Noel, Gary, Maital, Allan, Alex, Samad, Sarah, Kei, Peng, Scooter Agenda Items: -Bug 2055 : Thoughts on changing regexp used to match JAR filenames to allow characters other than [a-zA-Z0-9_] If no change, need to better document restriction on naming. Decision : Will remove regexp and match any jar contained in zip file, bug reassigned to Noel for fixing. -SBGN, Bioinform (Allan) - will we support SBGN? Ideally, but no plans right now. We're keeping an eye on it in the meantime. -GSoC - ending officially next week, code can still be worked on, but Google wouldn't track it --CyAnimator update - should be released soon. Would like to be accessible programmatically. ---The idea is to add a new interface into 2.7 (if there is one) that mimics the 3.0 Command mechanism. The plugin would have to register itself similar to the way Layouts register themselves, but once registered, other plugins could find the Command interface to the registered plugin and use it. I'll post a more detailed description after I get back from vacation. -Cytoscape 3 update --search plugin - hoping to get search functionality by next week, student hit some roadblocks. --Processing update - Sample images for Processing renderer: http://twitpic.com/d50sj/full http://twitpic.com/doymx/full http://twitpic.com/dp1jn/full Schedule note: Scooter, Allan, Gary, Sarah not on call. Cancel the call for next week, so next call would be Aug.27
Thursday Aug 6 2009
Attendees: Noel, Gary, Sarah, Scooter, Samad, Maital, Peng, Kei Agenda Items: Cytoscape Retreat: Trey has contacted David States. David has confirmed commitment to hold retreat on previously mentioned/agreed dates/location. What are people doing: Noel: fixing IO bugs - files not being properly closed - 40-50 places that needed fixing, 4-5 difficult ones. Next: SBML import module, IO discussions for after August. Gary: Working on Cytoscape Lite. Those interested can try it out ( http://beta.genemania.org ) Adding filtering capability using JQuery Visualisation done via Flash, rest is JavaScript and there is a JS API Follows design of Cytoscape Supports XGMML import/export (designed to work with 2.6) V1.0 when released will be embeddable in other sites (contact Gary if you want to try before release) Sarah: Did new tutorial for SysBio course. First airing went well Will be working on assigned bugs Planning on finishing Google DataSource for CytoscapeLite Scooter: New release of clustermaker, include much better MCL, community clustering from Gang Su, added a histogram to tune the edges to use for clustering, fixed interactions with heatmap (paper with Krogan) -Babbit lab - 3500 node, 2M edges network - Cytoscape worked fine -Dendogram work that ChinMoy is doing combined with chemiinformatics plugin - 2D molecule structure visualization -GSOC: CyAnimator - works reasonably well. Record cytoscape animations for movie making. -Brian Shoichet group - protein sequence similarity vs. ligand similarity -Meeting Robin Haw - chemiinformatics data into Reactome Samad:Still working on logging. Some details of startup and configuration are still being defined. Maital: -GSoC: Search functionality added. Trying to combine all aspects. Nearing completion (estimated next two weeks) Search API will be available to other plugins Peng: Working on plugin manager. Looking at Cytoscape release bundle building process GSOC working on formats for Phylogenetic visualisation :- Phylip ( http://evolution.genetics.washington.edu/phylip.html ) PhyloXML ( http://www.phyloxml.org/ ) Kei: Cytoscape 3 - mainly working on vizmap GUI, trying to make it work, but there are still some problems. Refactoring CyDataTable to fire the correct events. GSOC: New rendering engine with processing and openGL. Cytoscape 2.6, some of the web service clients are no longer working, possibly an issue with the service provider. Updated jaxb library. Please try the latest 2.6 with the new library. Q: does clustermaker use group API? Increasingly. Kei and Peng's new module viewer can browse any set of groups, and connects with BubbleRouter. Segue to metanode discussion. Q: can you add a node to multiple metanodes? Yes.
Thursday July 30 2009
Attendees: Noel, Brian, Maital, Sarah, Samad, Mike, Alex, Gary, Scooter, Allan Agenda Items: Cytoscape 3.0 -clean-up of application code - reasonable API is almost defined, so it is almost ready to move into the core3 version. --Everyone should look at http://cytoscape.wodaklab.org/javadoc/ to comment on the cytoscape.* pacakges, which is the application layer. -command line is mostly running. General status of Cytoscape 3.0 vs. 2.6 - application runs, but missing io, session, node browser, some vizmap functionality and a few others. search/filters for 3.0 is going well as a GSOC project Target date for 2.6.4? -no target date yet. -plan? need to improve the software in preparation for the P41 submission at the end of the summer. --need to prioritize which bugs to fix - find the most annoying bugs. Go through the discussion list to find specific things that are confusing people and deal with them - then we have specific example, which may be good for the grant. e.g. support for old expression formats vs. attribute based expression is very confusing to lots of people. We need to make it clearer that people should not use the old formats any more and should instead use the new table importer, which is a lot easier (but the checkbox for loading of all attributes may not be clear right away). Fix: Make the expression data load button on the attribute browser link to the table importer. Update expression correllation plugin to use attributes in general (other plugins using the old code?). Update the manual to say that the old expression data formats are deprecated and everyone should now use the table importer. e.g. review all defaults to ensure they are reasonable e.g. Tooltip in filter stays forever bug 0002038 e.g. some things saved to properties file that maybe should be somewhere else e.g. cytoscape version - immutable property list would be great e.g. menu disappears bug 0002048
Thursday July 23 2009
Participants: Daniel, Gary, Sarah, Brian, Mike, Kei, Peng, Samad, Mathieu, Noel, Allan, Alex Agenda: Cytoscape retreat update - Trey is contacting David States 3.0 -logging (samad) - only one logger will be used, messages above a certain level will be reported to the user - tie in with automatic bugreporting system - internationalization of logged messages (storingmessage strings in a seperate file to allow translations, etc.) will be dealt with later. - Decision, we will use SLF4J and log4j going forward. -general status update (Gary) - updating DevelopmentModules page on wiki. Workflow work offer from Anna-Lena Lamprecht from Biojeti group - she is contacting Benno to see if she can work on implementing a workflow tool on top of the task layer.
Thursday July 16 2009
Thursday July 16 2009 Participants: Noel, Daniel, Brian, UCSD, Sarah, Gary, Allan, Alex, Scooter, Matthieu , Samad Agenda: 3.0 build infrastructure (Hudson, sonar, maven repository). is being updated, might be down during the weekend. 3.0 -Session format (Noel) - How are groups serialized, and how is the state of groups stored? - need session api so that modules can add things during serialization to avoid clashes between modules, use classname or java package name to prefix key used to store things. - will an xgmml-like format for CyDataTable be needed? - how to handle inter-dependency between modules? -- loading networks and DataTables first might help, is it enough? - using graphml instead of xgmml? -- graphml supports mixed networks better, for example. native format for 3.0 might be graphml. Noel to prepare wiki page -Reading sessions saved in 2.x (Noel) - rendering (presentation) api discussion on cytostaff -- current main question: do we want to have seperate top-level objects like CyNetworkView, or have a scenegraph where any View<> can have arbitrary children? will continue discussion on list, and Kei will summarize to wiki - task API (allan) TaskFactories added which take Network, Edge, Node arguments and Task will operate on given object. provide seperation between UI and Tasks -Logging (Samad) Samad will send out questions - discussion postponed until next week ICSB/SBGN workshop (AllanK) Anyone going? should cytoscape be represented? Trey is going Retreat - Nov.6-9 - Trey is looking into it. Nature PID primer? (Gary) - anyone interested? Yes - Arman Aksoy and potentially Samad. Gary will wait for more answers and people seem to be open to working together. 3.0 status - new modules? (gary) - postponed until next week Conference call quality (Gary, Allan) - a number of people were dropped on this call. Hopefully it was a temporary glitch, but we'll try freebridge for a few more weeks. If it continues to be an issue, then we can try freeconference.com. Skype is not ideal because not everyone can use it a work. NOTE: Nexus, Hudson, and Sonar will be unavailable intermittently Sat. July 18.
Thursday July 9 2009
Participants: Noel, Mike, Daniel, Kei, Brian, Maital, Scooter, Alan
Agenda: layouts, plugin website, ISMB,
- hierarchical layout is very crufty (old and kinda undocumented)
- Scooter wants to replace it with a prefuse tree layout (since that seems to be simpler than fixing it)
Decision: keep the current one, add the prefuse tree layout (by wrapping prefuse the same way ForceDirectedLayout is done)
plugin website:
- currently cytoscape and plugins are built on java 1.5; Cytoscape's plugin website only handles java 1.6; (the issue is with supporting 32 bit mac users)
- should the plugin website extended to handle either version of plugins?
- Mike suggests rebuilding this single plugin on java 1.5 instead (which would involve some porting since it uses 1.6 features)
- Alan gave cytoscape 3.0 talk at satellite conference; will write up some notes
Thursday July 2 2009
Brian, Noel, Gary, Daniel, Mike, Kei, Peng, Sarah, Samad and Matthieu Agenda: Question about Benno's article - Sarah. Announcement related to a grant with Trey and the Broad to use Cytoscape and the Cleo system. 2.6.3 - Mike - seems to have gone well, but we need to focus on another release for more bug fixing. 2.6.4 - fix bugs and microbarriers. 3.0 - increased external pressure to get it done - academic and industry requests are increasing. -Daniel is porting layouts which are really important. Brings up issues with tunables - porting core plugins -io is the next big thing. -events may change once enough parts of cytoscape are implemented to find issues with them.
Thursday June 25th 2009
Participants:Sarah, UCSD (Mike), Noel, Maital, Gary *Cy3: Estimated time of arrival? Did board mention anything? (Piet) Not discussed at board meeting Board not anticipated to be setting one. Mac: Basically solved Two main problems :- 1) Windows running over each other Solved by updating swinglayout 2) Menus Cause dialogs need parent More or less fixed in core What to do about plugins ? 2.6.3 Release ASAP 26/6, 29/6, or 30/6 Mike will build release bundles 25/6 Developers should set bugs to resolved. Testers will confirm fix and set to closed. Biopax plugin update Being updated to BioPax 3.0 cpath2 plugin update
Thursday June 18th 2009
Participants: Daniel, Scooter, Sarah, Noel, Maital, Alex, Gary, Mike, Peng, Kei, Allan, Brian Agenda: * mac issues (Mike) - Recent security update to Java broke a lot of Cytoscape functionality. Java 1.5 32-bit . - Among broken functionality: any code that uses the swing-layout library, such as plugin manager dialog or import table. - Piet ran into problems during a demo at EBI. Anyone using apple is expected to encounter these problems. - Mac users will try to characterize and fix these bugs during next week - A quick release of 2.6.3 to fix these bugs next week? Later on, a 2.6.4 version to fix other bugs. Ref -> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/06/16/apple_java_patches/ http://db.tidbits.com/article/10352 * Bug 1990 : discussion of proposed changes (Noel) * 2.6.3 (Scooter) * Cytoscape 3 module page (Gary) http://www.cytoscape.org/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/Cytoscape_3.0/DevelopmentModules - Module leaders: please update relevant table with more information - Next Tuesday: board meeting to discuss development modules * ISMB - We will hold a Birds of a Feather meeting, probably on Tuesday - Opening remarks by Trey or Allan - Plugin demo by Jim: MiMI and MetScape - Informal users discussion - We will be handing softballs and markers with Cytoscape logo
Thursday June 11th 2009
Participants: Brian, Noel, Gary, Maital, Mike, Peng, Kei, Allan, Daniel, Samad, Piet, Sarah Agenda: ISMB (Allan) -Talks at the bioinformatics open source conference before the start of ISMB, in coop with Trey, Kei and Mike; in spirit of 3.0; why switch; trying to obtain feedback from other opensource software projects -A birds of a feather session might a possibility also; basically only a room available and people present to chat with; Allan will try to apply -Jim, Maital, couple of people from Toronto are there also, might help out Allan, especially at the BOF session -Daniele Merico, Magali Michaut from Gary's group are familiar. -TODO: send BOF announcement to Allan (Gary) 2.6.3 status (Mike) -Bugs have been assigned by Mike, please -Piet is trying to get feedback during hands on session at EBI/EMBL (17th of June) -2.6.3 release is something to work on but not that imminent; not before August -Microbarriers might be something to discuss at BOF at ISMB; ask users what they find annoying -Last time we also discussed to send a mail to discuss list asking specifically for annoyances, Mike sends this mail, asap Review of Cytoscape 3.0 module wiki page -http://www.cytoscape.org/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/Cytoscape_3.0/DevelopmentModules -Gary updated the module page -Trying to flesh out this page; to enter it as discussion item for the boardmeeting -Every module has a leader and interested people; if none assigned than that's something to take to the board -Lead is not necessarily lead developer; more manager, and has knowledge about the module -Interested people are mentioned -Assign yourself when you start working on a bundle in the wiki; inform the lead also -Keeps track of progress
Thursday June 4th 2009
Participants: Mike, Piet, Maital, Sarah, Brian,Scooter,Allan,Rosanna, Gary, and others
Agenda: EBI, SVN, 2.6, 3.0, Testplan
- Piet's going to EBI to talk on 3.0, just talk about directions, plugin demo not yet feasible
- Course materials partly based on stuff from Scooter, Tero, assembled that (thanks!)
- Allan talks end of the month shares materials (will contact Piet)
- Scooter is giving a talk in September also; hands on. Piet shares ppt etc on wiki
- Allan, has arranged an internship (Ana Kuchinsky (!)) the existing documentation in mediawiki over this summer as a repository for assembling presentations
- Mike, Kei might have some information/PPT on Cy3 available also
- Should be fixed
- Everyone is now a full user; Mike wants to offload usermanagement. So set up a dedicated SVN server someplace. Will use https. Would solve problems, will happen in a few months time
- Everybody: remember quite a few bugs; there are enough justifying a next release.
- Mike is going to assign bugs
- Development modules haven't been updated. Gary is going to do that.
- May 15 board meeting: organizing development
- Approaches: Modular division of cytoscape with respective leaders assigning tasks, Gary's going to provide info on that; one of these modules is IO; Status: interfaces and basic parsing; visualization is tedious. Noel might take responsibility, will be informed by Mike. Rest of the modules should be assigned
- More distributed process == more robust, so a bunch of people rotating chairing the call. Gary's going to assemble a list, we'll have a separate conference call on that
Testplan update
- 100% done with coreplugins
- 80% done for UI
- Continu with bugtickets
- Now in a schedule of creating testcases and running them in the same time
- There are still microbarriers... something not really working, workarounds work, how do we find these?
- Mike has the feeling that 2.5 is better appreciated than 2.6
- What works is get the programmers working with new users
- There seem to be a host of problems with the Mac, is a prime platform though. In between jdk versions (latte?) are no solution, probably approach Apple directly.Osprey did contact apple and got support. Try identify specific mac bugs, write them down and sent to apple, they're hard to reproduce though
- Can be introduced systemspecific in the bugsystem
- We're going for a new day of bugs for 2.6, than release 2.6.3
- Ask the discuss list: what bothers you? We're on a mission to fix that!
Thursday May 28th 2009
(was pretty short, somewhat due to lack of quorum)
Participants: Alan, Daniel, Noel, Kei, Samad, Alex,
- bunch of new bugs in bugtracker, sign up for those you are interested in / are important for you
- maybe have a 2.6.3 as a bugfix release when those bugs are fixed.
Thursday May 21th 2009
Participants: Scooter, Sarah, Daniel, Noel, Maital, Brian, Mike, Peng, Kei, Allan, Alex
Agenda: 3.0, XGMML bug, ISMB - BOSC
- Allan will be representing Cytoscape at BOSC. He will speak about porting plugins to 3.0.
- Scooter will try to fix it.
- More 2.6 bugs out there, none is a show stopper.
- Plugable renderers: Kei is working on vizmap-gui refactor, which is needed for pluggable renderers.
- Getting pluggable renderers in the ding presentation (once vizmap-gui refactor is done) should be pretty easy according to Daniel
Groups or Modules are used by ActiveModule, clusterMaker, and other plugins.
- We have two levels of selection, implemented through ding - primary and secondary selection. Currently there is no clean API allowing access to these two levels of selection.
Since no code that depends on primary & secondary selection is ported yet to 3.0, Mike wants to punt on implementing 'selection' until the code that uses it is in 3.0
- yFiles - the most used layout in 2.6. If we wish to exclude it, we will need to offer our own version in Cy3.
- Coding period starts on May 23rd.
- By now students should know their mentors and be acquainted with the code base. Communication ways should be clear (weekly meetings / reports, discussion lists, etc.).
Thursday May 14th 2009
Participants:Alex, Maital, Mike, Peng, Kei, Piet, Scooter, Daniel, Noel, Sarah, Gary, George and Farzana from Gary's group, Brian, Samad, Allan
Agenda: SVN status, Sonar set by Brian, Boardmeeting, Testplan, EBI
SVN status:
- Cellar crashed, issues; restored from backup, some dataloss: one svn version, fileownership info
- An extra copy of svn on another server would be nice; there is something like an hotcopy service in svn. Scooter might be able to do something like that.
- There are tools available according to Daniel; he'll send a mail to Mike
- Basically a code quality website. Ties in with website; Mike sends out links.
- Runs some 420 checks on code. Everybody is encouraged to explore the site. Use it to improve your code!
Boardmeeting tomorrow;
- Evaluation of dev modules plan, distributing responsibility; talk with your board member about which preferences you have
- Toronto group started putting together a testplan, it's on wiki. Started with 3.0; 2.6 will follow. Now at high level but will be branched out. Separate testplan for GUI testing. Results will be logged and ticketed. Feel free to provide suggestions etc.
- There are quite a few wiki-type of apps that tie testcases and bugtracking together. It would be useful to explore these tools. These enable systematic testing of resolved bugs etc; Mike will send his suggestions to the cytostaff list; Farzana will be added.
- The type of bugtracker has to be taken into account, Scooter has experience setting up Track, to their satisfaction. People at Toronto (Jason), and Alex having experience setting this up also.
- The more testcases can be tied in in normal development the better it is.
- Samad was there, lot of pharmaceuticals; lot of interest from industry, everybody heard from Cytoscape. Samad will write the specifics down in a report.
- Scooter also needs info from recent plugin developers.
- Allan is waiting for this type of info to justify Cytoscape involvement with Agilent.
- Contacts with people from Genentech
Cytoscape Lite code request:
Email lead developer Christian Tannus Lopes <chrtannus@gmail.com>.
- Will be opensource in the near future, it's written in Flex(?); xml files, javascript api
Thursday May 7th 2009
Participants:Daniel, Piet, Maital, Alex, Scooter, Mike, Sarah, Noel, Peng, Kei, Allan
Agenda: NodeViewTaskFactory, GSoC, core plugins,
- This is community bonding period. Students get to know mailing lists and other communacation methods, and the code base.
- Students are expected to contact mentors at least once a week.
TaskFactory: a simple interface with just a getTask method
NodeViewTaskFactory / EdgeViewTaskFactory - special case of TaskFactory. Used for context-menus: (right click on a node/edge). Lets you set a particular node view /edge view.
Why do we need the duplication of NodeViewTaskFactory and EdgeViewTaskFactory? Because the Type <T> gets lost later.
No particular use case for a general ViewTaskFactory
similar TaskFactories for model are not yet added, will not be added if they are not needed; similarly for CyNetworkViewTaskFactory
core plugins:
- Cytoscape-IDE (Eclipse plugin) will be updated. Alternatively, Eclipse developers can manually install the needed plugins.
Thursday April 30th 2009
Participants: Sarah, Mike, Kei, Peng, Noel, Gary, Allan, Maital
Agenda: Cytoscape 3.0 development modules, Porting core plugins
- Cytoscape 3.0 development modules
- Development modules wiki page - extremely useful for planning
- Development modules vs. core plugins status wiki page?
- Modules are general areas and plugins are specific code segments
- Relationship between core plugins and modules? -strategy is getting 3.0 to work, so port plugin first with same features and then redesign if necessary.
- list developers names rather then institutions
- list core plugins next to modules, to make the relationships more clear
- Porting core plugins
- We may want to orginize a hackathon to port core plugins and work on tips for plugin developers
Thursday April 23th 2009
Agenda: Hudson, 3.0,
Participants: Piet, Allan, Alex, Brian, Noel, Mike, Kei, Peng, Daniel, Samad, Sarah, Maital
- Hudson: we are done with configuration for Hudson.
- Is this triggering off commits of subversion repository?
- Hudson checks once/hr for subversion commits, does a build if respository changed.
- Also does a check once/day, does a build once/day.
- Email will be sent to cytostaff only on failure, and when a build succeeds after previously failing
- 3.0:
- update on code development: code is now in a shape were people can now start porting core plugins this is separate from the development of 3.0 modules
- all plugins should be private impls, e.g. linkout-impl some plugins may want to expose a public API, should be in API bundle
- a lot of this is mechanical, but not the event handling.
- go into cytoscape 3 and look at top-level POM. coreplugins are now commented out. some are tricky like manual layout, has some wierd internal structure some things should be consolidated: e.g. quickfind, filters
- 3.0 modules: consortium members commit to owning one or more modules wiki page has list of modules and who has been working on them add entries for size of module and its impact communicate with your board member about what your organization will commit issues: what happens when someone moves on?
- UCSD (Mike, Kei, Peng) will have to dial back involvement in a few weeks to get stuff done with 2.6. 3.0 should be in a good enough shape now that others can take over.
CytoscapeCommons: see http://www.cytoscape.org/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/CytoscapeCommons
- critical resource for getting plugins up and running on 3.0
- consensus appears to be to use outside hosting (google code or similar), but no decision yet.
Thursday April 16th 2009
Agenda: 3.0 and GSoC
Participants: Mike, Scooter, Daniel (bit late), Gary, Kei, (maybe others, as well)
- we appear to be all set, we are waiting for official announcement from Google
- how to ask 'does presentation support foo' question? (is it 3d/2d)
- concern is that users will come to the helpdesk mailling list if a plugin doesn't work because analytical plugin is too heavily tied to visualization.
- capabilities Scooter would like to query about:
- 2d/3d
what kind of TableRenderers are available
- multiple selection (do we want to have presentations that don't support this?)
warn users if VisualProperties are ignored because although they are defined, the current Presentation doesn't use them?
- Mike considers core bundles finished enough that core plugins can be ported
- there might be minor things still missing, but those will come to light only if porting of plugin begins.
- we need to ensure that most popular plugins are ported, (even of their authors don't have time)
- 'community site/etc for plugins': possibly use google code; tie in with plugin system; make autobuilds which rebuild plugins if core changes
- Gary has a programmer who will work on making a detailed testplan for 2.6/3.0; not sure when to start
- Brian and Sarah worked on getting automatic bulds (with Hudson) running; not yet finished
- Mike actually managed to open (load and render) large (~100.000 nodes) networks and it was only 2 (maybe 4) times slower than 2.6. This would appear to suggest that firing an event for every node might not be that catastrophic as originally feared. Since this used old presentation code, which needs to be cleaned up and optimized, further speedup is expected.
Thursday April.9th 2009
Agenda: GSoC, 3.0
Participants: Daniel (a bit late), Kei, Mike, Alex, Sarah, Noel
- first round of student allocations will be published today
- currently we have 11 projects we would like to do
2.x vs. 3.0 projects: GO layout is specifically 2.6 by design (would need CyDecoratedNetwork and that might not be ready in time); most others are planned for 3.0
- Mike got presentation and application working to the point that network can be imported and rendered
- event efficiency still not fully decided, Daniel will try to make prototype of 'edit views' idea
CyDataTable: have seperate schema class?
should aim for relational database-like or more like simplified like Amazon simpleDB or google BigTable?
current API is more on the simple side; in the future, do we want to add more features, like joins, which would make it more complex than BigTable, for example?
- would need someone to cleanup the current presentation: many methods and interfaces are not used any more.
Thursday April.2nd 2009
Participants: Allan, Gary, Sarah, Piet, Noel, Mike, Peng, Daniel (was a bit late), Alex, Maital
Agenda: GSoC, EBI-Intact training, 3.0, ISMB
- Student deadline is tomorrow; after that 2 weeks evaluation till the 15th of April.
- Mentors should read the applications right now and communicate back to students. Make sure applications are submitted ASAP.
- We have to prioritize the applications, probably in combination with priority of the idea. Not multiple people for one app. There will be a meeting at UCSF to discuss the apps.
All info here http://socghop.appspot.com/program/home/google/gsoc2009 ; you have to create a mentor-profile first
- Alex has marked a few ineligible:
- submitted twice (left a note)
- apparent spam
- Alex keeps track of mentors
- Piet was invited there to give a talk. Also extra day for interaction with dev-team with focus on 3.0.
- Piet prepares documentation and gives feedback. Is a good dry-run for dev-docs.
- Cytoscape now running with new model and presentation code (repackaged ding code). No viewmodel communication with presentation though.
- Relates to eventmodel decisions. An idea: two tiers of events: white board (main events) and lowlevel (between tightly coupled classes), basically optimizes event firing overhead; no real event creation (i.e. no seperate Event object); would still mean firing one event for each 'add node' (i.e. for each node). Would keep .updateView() method to signify "stuff has been set, redraw network".
- Presentation is now really decoupled, so it will be straight-forward to change it if needed.
ISMB 29nd June
- Is anybody going: Trey is there, gets an award. Allan may actually go, budget dependency though. Maital plans to attend.
- Presence at the Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (27th-28th) would be nice. Will be followed up off-line
- Wiki was down again since last night, some issue with CGI rights keeps troubling us, probably a CRON-job would help? Up again now...
Thursday March.26th 2009
Participants: Daniel, Noel, Piet, Mike, Sarah, Samad, Gary, Allan
Agenda: Board meeting, Server debacle, 3.0, GSoC, EBI-Intact training
Board meeting
- 17th of April; issues should be discussed with respective board members; important issue: who does what. (this division of labor should be decided by the board with hints from us.)
- Everybody should sit down and specify what is being done in respective institutes. Will be transferred via mail; not meant to be public. (so as to not influence board too much.)
Server debacle
- File server crashed; Mike's busy with that, notify him if you note any hiccups (it should be fixed now.)
- Wiki was briefly down due to .cgi permission issues, but it is fixed now.
- Mike has been working on getting new viewmodel to work with rest of cytoscape code
- may have to reconsider "use bulk methods" decision.
- many parts of the code currently do:
...modify viewmodel state... network.redrawGraph();
- i.e. current structure of client code uses a 'set state then fire event' structure, with the 'fire event' part being 'network.redrawGraph();' It might be better to stick to this structure to avoid forcing plugin writers to rewrite everything.
- Mike will send out an example code to show three different ways of using the current viewmodel api; he would like to have feedback
- cancel() method in IO: Samad has an implementation of it; no objections yet.
- quick start guide is needed, becomes an issue in a couple of weeks
- put up javadocs of 3.0 someplace public for new students
Alex sent word: student applications are starting to come in (2 so far). Another week until the deadline, then we'll start reviewing and choosing. http://socghop.appspot.com/ There's still time to recruit good students to apply!
- Kei's still in Japan, Gary received feedback; they will contact people directly; Scooter, Piet, Yeyeide. If information earlier needed, mail Gary
And a reminder: next week Europe is switching to daylight saving time; so will be at 18:00 (Amsterdam, Paris, Budapest)
Thursday March.19th 2009
Participants: Scooter, Piet, Sarah, Mike, Kei, Peng, Gary, Allan, Matthieu, Samad
Agenda: GSoC, 3.0, EBI-Intact training
- We got in again, good news. Students applications will come in from Monday. Google funds approx 1000 students. We might get in the order of 6-8.
- Now's the time to update ideas.
- Starting next week evaluating students. Might be an idea to include a little test. Probably former mentors can comment on this. Especially given the fact that some (but not all) projects should focus on 3.0. It adds a whole cycle to the evaluating process though. Writing down a proposal is enough as indication. It is probably instructive for us also, how easy it will be developing in Cy3
- Daniel's view code will be introduced into the current trunk. It's expected that a lot of things will break; this will be a signal for what's needed and what's not.
View model will be independent of Swing, the relation of Swing to Presentation layer is not yet clear. DragAndDrop, Events etc will be an issue.
- Samad is rewriting the Task part using Java concurrency
- Kei's document on Cy3 plugin development is being improved
- There might be a hackathon at some point: once viewmodel and presentation are roughly working. Will be useful for documentation also
EBI Intact Training
- 2 days in June 15th -18th.
- Have to wait till Kei gets back from their meeting with update. Gary mails Kei.
- Scooter, Piet are interested, Yeyede hasn't responded yet.
- It depends on the type of training needed who; either user or developer oriented.
Thursday March.5 2009
Participants: Allan, Mike, Scooter, Noel, Gary, Daniel + others Agenda: Mini-retreat -Will online access be available by Skype? Should be possible. -View and view model implementation is a big missing piece that is being worked on. API is generally agreed upon. -Full update on status of Cyto3 -Event model, batching of events -Web interface - how detailed is it going to be -Finishing layout API porting -Project management Virtual Cell (http://vcell.org/) -Scooter talking to Virtual Cell at NCRR annual meeting. VC is migrating to OSGI. Goal would be to write plugins to use graph visualization, not integrate simulation capability in Cytoscape. Read in BioPAX, add modeling information and model it in a plugin. Web site - went down, but now it's back up. Considering moving to a new hosting provider. Share credentials at mini-retreat. Google Summer of Code - a little short on Cytoscape ideas vs. previous years. A couple more coming up. Please send your ideas to Alex.
Thursday, Feb. 26th
Participants: Sarah, Allan, Gary, Noel, Scooter, Piet, Daniel, Brian, Mike, Kei, Peng
Agenda: 2.6.2, Mini retreat, BOSC (Bioinformatics Open Source Conference), Website, 3.0
- Alex finished build. Doodle poll is up again. 8 People tested it means ok (on different platforms). Hopefully released in the next couple of days.
- Scooter added a change in the manual layout, but is no showstopper.
- There was a request for specific layouts through Trey; Scooter suggests recruiting graph drawing experts of some sort; current implementation is sufficient though
Mini retreat
- Mike added first version of agenda; feel free to modify and please add issues.
- Mike gives overview of goals reached. Things seem to come together really clean and well.
- Other than mentioned points: Scooter suggests discussing a documentation base.
- There will be a conf call next week.
- Is there a possibility of organizing car pooling to the Watertown hotel from the airport. There are ISB shuttles at the airport, Watertown might have shuttle opportunities. Taxi is another opportunity. In case of emergency Allan can come to the rescue. Email exchange to arrange rendez-vouz.
- Basically a special interest group of ISMB, coincident with that. Relative informal, includes tutorials, descriptions of projects. Topics; design, data management, etc. Chair Ken Dalguish (founder of GenMAPP). Seems like a good venue for Cytoscape. Feedback from other groups is of importance given our current shift to 3.0.
- Who's going in these tough times. Mike is interested, Scooter might go if paper is accepted. Allan same story.
- Other participants are encouraged! Deadline april 13th.
Web site
- Aplus complained: is consuming loads of CPU? APlus doesn't have access to log files though!!! Mike checked but did not find anything. We should migrate some place else. (Possible migration to Trac mentioned)
- Mike contacts Daniel off-line.
- Loads of bundles have been replaced and sorted into implementation and api bundles.
- Tunable/Task implementation example is in core3. Now loads automatically. This refers to the mail sent by Mike. Mike will come back to this on the retreat.
Thursday, Feb. 19th
Participants: Noel, Sarah, Mike, Piet, Alex, Daniel, Gary, Allan, Maital, Samad and others
- Mike had a hard time with Cytoscape lately. Very slow loading of quite regular session file. Problem is in list-attribute implementation, combined with XGMML importer. Noel wrote a workaround fix. Sends it to Mike. Scooter has to be consulted also (Mike).
- Another point is panning on Mac, and right-click in some situations. CTRL is sometimes consumed. There are some specific multi-touchpad techniques on Mac that have to be checked. It might be related to more general issues with Swing on Mac.
- Webservices: some plugins weren't found in a theme. This can be fixed according to Peng. Sarah states that the breakage was caused on the server level, plugins were removed from db. Cytoscape did not fail gracefully though. Updates of plugins within themes leads to confusion.
- So how about the 2.6.2; several people tested regular features. Mike got frustrated, will this release frustrate users also? We get this release out of the door, tag it as a beta of some sort; including known bugs, and work on next version 2.6.3; maybe even before next mini-retreat. Are new features to be included? If so than increase the version number, but in general we should be working on bug fixes only.
- We actually need a comprehensive testplan. Test coverage is not good. This will be extensive but can be distributed. No bug should be considered fixed unless it's addressed as unit and functional test. There should be some type of software package/website to assess these QA issues. In due time a QA person will be working on Cytoscape in Gary's group. They might be able to design a simple first QA-capturing tool. Another approach would be to integrate this in Cytoscape code; where counters keep track of functionality tested.
- Mike sends a mail on his ideas on QA
- 6-7 March; all day Friday, all day Saturday
- Hotels, mention ISB gives discount at the Waterfront
- Wiki will be filled; be aware of some markup changes
- Mini retreat has focus on 3.0
- Cytoscape announce postings are missing; this is a problem related to google-groups. Probable fix is through a proxy-server. Mike lacks time to do this, any volunteers?
- Maillist: Sarah didn't receive anything on sysbiol account. Allan knows how to do things. People can be added directly by Admin.
- The deploy script can be used; you have to upload your key though; Mike can help.
- Is now on Wiki
Thursday, Feb. 12th
Participants: Brian, Noel, Sarah, Mike, Piet, Daniel, Alex, Allan
Agenda: 2.6.2, mini-retreat, webserver migration, 3.0 stuff
- Alex holds new release till bugfixes of Sarah have been tested. Mike C. is testing this. Allan checks. If Allan and Mike are ok, release will be done; we have to get it out the door.
- 2.6.3 is almost guaranteed.
- Migrated to Aplus, dns should switch to new sit soon. Migrating moinmoin is absurd. Expect some problems, links might be broken. Don't edit wiki till Mike gives the green light.
- Cytostaff is now on googlegroups. Invitations have been sent, not everybody has gotten them, seems like only gmail accounts received them so far, rest must be checked by gmail. Temporary url: treyideker.web.aplus.net Managing will be the same as always; through svn; scripts will be updated.
- Wiki pages wait till wiki is up and running.
- Sarah checks for block of rooms, will mail end of day.
- Google summer of code has been announced; Applications are due March 9th; end of March the students start.
- Start thinking about projects, put it on the wiki. Mike assembles a startup guide for student/developers. Expect more mails on the subject
3.0 stuff
- Mike has been cleaning up application code.
- Next big thing is View code and Pluggable renderers.
- Daniel is working on making vizmap's gui play nicely with pluggable renderers and making it work with the 3.0 viewmodel and vizmap bundles. vizmap-gui will hopefully be usable late next week, definately by next mini-retreat. A simplistic prototype Presentation might be ready by the next mini-retreat.
Thursday, Feb. 5th
Participants: Gary, Mike, Piet, Sarah, Scooter, Daniel, Trey, and others
agenda: 2.6.2, mini-retreat, helpdesk
- Doodle poll worked rather well; 10 are in favour. 2.6.2 will be released.
- Platforms tested as comment would be a good addition. Leave that as a comment by convention; might be an option as radiobutton.
- There probably will be 2.6.3. People who care about bugs will drive the coming releases
- Mike C, Sarah are working on plugin manager problems; there is a problem between 2.6.1 and 2.6.2. There is a workaround that will be mailed by Sarah
mini retreat #3
- March 6-7th, hotel info has been mailed. Now put up a wiki for further details. Watertown was nicest, Sarah might arrange some discount, cheaper is better. Next week everybody has to let know.
- Main topics haven't been decided upon. Some topics: events, io, application layer.
- What is our target for webservice? This has huge impact on application layer, so needs to be fleshed out. Sarah puts some ideas together. Gary looks for something like middle-layer. The result of the retreat should be some requirements wrt web. Are we heading in the ingenuity (totally web-based) direction? ISB, Toronto, UCSF and Agilent have a drive to the web and flesh that out for the mini-retreat. 3.0 scaffold should allow for scaling towards the web
helpdesk/discuss list questions
- some questions don't get answered on the mailling lists; Piet volunteering for 'first-level user support', i.e. answering questions first or bugging someone else who knows the answer. (Not indefinately, this task should be rotated among developers.)
Thursday, Jan. 29
Participants: Sarah, Mike, Kei, Matthieu, Brian, Piet, Allan, Noel
agenda: 3.0, 2.6.2, mini-retreat, cytoscape.org
- Next step of integration; Daniel is needed for that, for integrating vizmap changes etc into main trunk. Mike will contact Daniel about that separately.
- Mike etc work on tunables
- Task is being worked on
- Events still have to be decided, while integrating view and model several approaches (as on wiki) will be tested
- Question is whether it is ready. Status of plugin is ok according to Kei. New release bundels will be created and we'll go from there. E.t.a. next week
- March 6-7 or 13-14. Kei can't on the last so will be settled on March 6th and 7th in Seattle. Mike sends a announcement mail, Sarah sends hotel information. Allan might not be able to come, but can check in remotely. Either skype or yogma.
cytoscape.org down:
The provider Cedant hasn't reacted yet, Mike is calling (site up again now, obviously
- This moment can be used to update some stuff on the site; the developers pictures(Maital, Matthieu, Samad, Noel, Piet (and ?) have to be added; please send picture to Allan); Allan arranges that photo's will be checked in, Mike handles deploy
Thursday, Jan. 22
Participants: Alex, Gary, Brian, Noel, Mike, Allan, Sarah,
agenda: 2.6.2, release protocol,
- Pathwaycommons problem -- considered show-stopper for 2.6.2, so release is delay until it is fixed
release protocol:
- establish voting procedure to give feedback for bigger decisions (like whether is a release candidate ready for release)
- each core developer would have a single vote
- possibilities:
- use doodle polls or similar
- use +1 / -1 reply on cyto-staff
- would not in itself fix problem if people don't vote (and don't test the release candidates)
- should release candidates be publicized on cytoscape-discuss to involve community in beta-testing?
- big question is: at what stage would a release candidate be good enough for such public beta-testing
- Mike will setup a doodle poll to vote on 2.6.2
mini-retreat 3:
- will pick a date during next week's conference call
Thurs, Jan 15
Participants: Daniel, Sarah, Alex, Mike, Allan, Scooter, Piet (and many others)
Agenda: (any web framework plans?), 2.6.2, events
- distribution rebuilt due to bug on linux
- release notes needed
- will start thread on cy-staff
- (would be much easier if everyone would write descriptive svn checkin comments)
- build will be released tomorrow
web app framework:
- Sarah plans to pick and choose framework; cytoscape should be independent enough to be 'compatible with everything'.
- many people plan to use Flex
- JSON will be connecting server part to the client code running on browser
- something like Tunables could be used, but not planning such for now (would be too much a task)
- cytoscape code on the server would be somewhat parallel to the framework used by the rest of the app
- web frameworks ususally assume db behind, supporting multithreaded, concurrent access -- cytoscape is not ready for that yet.
- does the web ui talks to a stateful cytoscape backend
- Gary: planning Flex framework which is a mini-cytoscape, and server is stateless, serving individual requests.
- Sarah: couple of different applications communicating with databases; some state is stored on server; basically everyone uses databases for the model layer
- do we need a cytoscape web ui, or is what people will want to use simply a headless interface? -- this would cover Gary's usecases;
- - this might mean that only cytoscape-on-desktop needs to use events - it also means that forcing plugins to use swing ui would be acceptable, i.e. they wouldn't have to be ui-agnostic - this is a pretty big decision and should not be made lightly
- three web based modes of interaction:
- - simplest: just use headless version of cytoscape (Gary's group will do stuff like this) -- this imposes no additional requirements on cytoscape's design apart from supporting batched mode (i.e. like calling headless from command line) - statefull cytoscape running on backend, but not exposing any UI directly; somebody else (i.e. not cytoscape) would write components that uses cytoscape libs, but this is seperate from cytoscape. - full-feature UI on web: have as much functionality as possible, statefull server, (this will most likely be postponed, it is too big for 3.0; but we will most likely be forced to do that due to "move everything to the web" tendency)
- how we do web uis will impact the design of the event framework
- we also talked about events
Daniel will merge the discussion-thread on cytoscape-staff to the EventHandling wiki-page, and try to summarize it
Thurs, Jan 8
Participants: Daniel, Mike, AllanK, Alex, Sarah, Brian (and some others)
agenda: event handling framework, 2.6.2, next mini-retreat,
Google Summer of Code is funded this year, with similar funding, maybe bit fewer students; timeline expected to be similar to last years
- Mike found some bugs:
- - double-click to open session file on mac -- user will have to set file-association by hand when installing cytoscape
- will create 'final' bundles tomorrow, then see if known bugs are serious enough to delay release
next mini-retreat:
- most likely Seattle
- topics for mini-retreat:
- io
- application
- event handling (most likely won't have a solution till then)
- will look into some shared desktop tools for tele-conferencing
- etherpad for taking notes will be useful
- maybe in first half of february
- in the meantime:
- would need a few weeks to integrate current modules being worked on into 3.0 trunk
- work progressing on vizmap, viewmodel, tunables and work/task modules
event handling:
- EMF used eclipse: too complicated, would provide undo/redo using transactions, etc. and it is not planned to use the event framework for that.
- traditional listener patter not designed for event batching
- implementing batching is really really hard:
- - consistency depends on event being fired
- biggest example is deletion due to the AboutToDelete events:
- during a batch / transaction, the model is in an in-between state: some nodes are already marked for deletion, but are not yet deleted, but will be soon. All client code would have to be aware that they are running in an in-complete transaction
- - consistency depends on event being fired
- accumulating the events in eventHelper instead of actually firing them.
- two ways: using annotations or method calls
- - ie. annotate a method as a batch
- one possibility is to make the client code responsible for firing the event
- obvious problems with ensuring that the event is fired
- bulk methods (like .deleteNodes() instead of .deleteNode()) is a way to make sure events are fired correctly, with similar burden on the client code
- plan: work on other parts of 3.0, and try to gauge how serious a problem this is
- look at code! usage of generics, how events look like, etc. are fleshed out in some detail (will post link and summary to list)
Thurs, Dec 18
participants: Allan, Daniel, Mike, Noel, (others?) agenda: events, 2.6.2, 3.0, plan schedule for holidays,
- (Allan's summary of 'working group's )
- with Mike Creech and Brian; will check in code
- need feedback and examples on batching, since readers don't actually fire many events in 2.6's implementation
mantis bug no. 1941 is an example (http://cbio.mskcc.org/cytoscape/bugs/view.php?id=1941) -- but that can be considered an effect of bad programming style.
- bulk methods (for example, .addNodes() to complement .addNode()) might solve issues without event batching
- Mike found one bug in edge handles in layout, not yet fixed
- in general, looks ok, so release is on track for early january
- next conf. call on january 8th
- target for 2.6.2 release: jan. 9th
Mike will hack on application, removing GraphView and substituing CyNetworkView, to find out what parts use presentation-level parts of GraphView and what parts only viewmodel-part.
Daniel will keep working on the refactored-viewmodel branch (svn+ssh://grenache.ucsd.edu/cellar/common/svn/cytoscape3/branches/abeld-gsoc/dev/refactored-viewmodel), implementing demo presentation and experiment with using annotations for VisualProperties
Thurs, Dec 11
conf. call notes for dec. 11
participants: Mike, Daniel, Scooter, Sarah, Allan, Piet (and maybe others)
agenda: 2.6.2, ISMB,
ISMB: attendance of Allan, Scooter, Piet depends on paper submission next meeting more info
- java webhelp on mac: only help doesn't work, error dialog shown as work-around
- multiple networks in session, groups are global and it ends up in every xgmml file, and when loading, edges appear that were not there.
- an ugly workaround is available (and checked in), which is good enough for 2.6.2
- multiple networks in session, groups are global and it ends up in every xgmml file, and when loading, edges appear that were not there.
- Alex volunteered for making the release.
- code freeeze tomorrow (dec. 12)
- plugins tagged 2.6.1 won't automatically work with 2.6.2: will have to check compatibility and mark it for each.
Thurs, Dec 4
conf call notes for dec. 4
participants: Sarah, Alex, Daniel, Alan, Kei, Noel, Gary, Brian
agenda: 2.6.2, events, ISMB 2009,
- target date for release: dec. 19. codefreze: dec. 11
- one 'must fix in 2.6.2' bug: webstart problem on mac -- If proper fix not possible, will disable help menu as a workaround.
- no other bugs deemed critical enough to delay 2.6.2 (if you disagree, speak up on mailling list)
event handling:
- Brian, Allan, Mike Creech looked at event-handling frameworks (eclipse, whiteboard, etc.)
see http://www.cytoscape.org/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/Cytoscape_3.0/EventHandling
ISMB 2009:
- this year in Sweden (june 27-july 2, Stockholm), should cytoscape have presence there?
- Due date for paper: jan. 7.
- where will cytoscape 3.0 be in january or june?
Thurs, Nov 20
participants: Mike, Sarah, Noel, Daniel, Gary, Scooter, Alan, Piet, Trey, Mathieu
agenda: 2.6.2, webstart bug, mini-retreat, (vizmap api)
- some bugs fixed, so release warranted; outstanding bugs to fix: whoever the bug is assigned to decides whether fix needed for 2.6.2
- target date for 2.6.2. beta: 1. dec. with 2.6.2 release aimed at Christmas
No conference call next week (Thanksgiving), Mike won't be able to attend week after that (but there will be a conf. call then).
vizmap api:
MappingCalculator, VisualStyle, like in model2 branch (http://chianti.ucsd.edu/svn/csplugins/trunk/ucsd/mes/api/src/main/java/org/cytoscape/view/model2/vizmap)
many-attributes-to-one-VisualProperty mapping: only MappingCalculator has to change, change straight-forward
- moving forward: merge new model (in core3 branch) with pluggable-renderers; but not yet:
- Mike will merge new-model branch to 3.0 trunk, do some work on events on that branch, and merge pluggable-renderers later
- Scooter will start provenance discussion on wiki to summarize usecases (and only usecases/requirements)
- event batching: as not critical right now, (can implement viewmodel without it)
Thurs, Nov 13
conf call notes nov. 13
participants: Scooter, Sarah, Daniel, AllanK, Noel, (and some others)
agenda: mini-retreat, "undefined column CyDataTable issue"
- official starting time: 8:45 in the morning
- teleconferencing: will setup skype call. (If you want to connect via skype, send skype loginname / account info to cyto-staff list!) 9:00 San Francisco local time will mean 18:00 in Europe.
getting from airport to Queen Anne: use SuperShuttle or, if more people, cab might be better.
some ideas for discussion are listed on http://www.cytoscape.org/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/Cytoscape_3.0/MiniRetreatTwo/DanielsQuestions -- in any case, make sure to check updates to http://www.cytoscape.org/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/Cytoscape_3.0/MiniRetreatTwo (or, in general, http://www.cytoscape.org/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/RecentChanges)
"undefined column CyDataTable issue":
- when setting value for an undefined column: silently create or exception
- problem arises because row and column are different in 3.0 core3; and generic types are used in 3.0
- other properties that need to be set when creating column: 'unique' flag,
- use java annotations to be able to declare what columns a given code uses. This would complement, not replace the .addColumn() method.
when making a database-backed CyDataTable, forcing columns to be declared first would make it more efficient and nicer.
consensus: CyDataTable will use database semantics, and columns have to be created beforehand.
more complex (higher order operations) operations on CyDataTable: joins, etc. were not discussed yet. Talk about that during Saturday at mini-retreat?
Thurs, Nov 6
2008.nov.6 conference call notes
participants: Alex, Maital, Piet, Allan, Gary, Scooter, Daniel, Noel, Mike, Trey, Brian
agenda: mini-retreat,
- book rooms! -- Queen Anne suggested for group discounts, reference UCSF RBVI (?)
- video-conferencing: although UCSF has videoconferencing system most likely won't have anyone on other end (or does anyone have access to videoconferencing who isn't attending?), so most likely skype will be used.
- agenda for mini-retreat: first viewmodel, then rendering later
- will have conference call next week as usual
NCRR grant application possibility:
- Trey suggested submitting an application (a pre-proposal) for a "National Center for Research Resources" grant.
- Scooter made newer version of metanodes plugin which aggregates attributes when metanode is created -- go test it!
- maybe release before christmas, since Scooter's metanodes plugins uses some fixes and some other bugs fixed that should be released.
- many unassigned bugs in bugtracker -- those should be triaged and possibly fixed
- Mike did new model layer merge (networks load and are rendered): cytoscape3/branches/mikes_new_model_branch
- Cytoscape.java a big global variable, which needs to be fixed: Cytoscape.getCurrentNetwork() and similar stuff
- maven repository set up with svn repository: bundles there will be totally independent, so to work on one checking out everything else won't be needed.
developer awareness tool:
- Jeremy Handcock will be reminded to send mail to cytoscape-staff list.
=== Thurs, Oct 23 === participants: Daniel, Sarah, Noel, Mike, Alex, Scooter, Gary (I think I missed some people -- Daniel) agenda: Matlab, mini-retreat, metanodes mini-retreat: * additional hotel recommendations added to wiki (http://cytoscape.org/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/Cytoscape_3.0/MiniRetreatTwo) (Queen Anne most recommended, but bit out-of-way thus maybe organize shuttles if everyone stays there) * mini-retreat agenda: added some items to wiki-page * Daniel will refresh writeup about pluggable renderers and link it from mini-retreat page Matlab: * make Matlab script engine? * large body of Matlab code that people would want to use * possibilities: * javabuilder http://www.mathworks.com/products/javabuilder/ (although that would not be a fully solution) * connecting octave to cytoscape instead (with octave being somewhat compatible with matlab) might work, but since octave is not used much by the target audience (who have the existing Matlab codebase) most likely octave is too incompatible with Matlab. links about octave-matlab (in)compatibility: http://www.gnu.org/software/octave/FAQ.html#MATLAB-compatibility http://users.powernet.co.uk/kienzle/octave/matcompat/ http://users.powernet.co.uk/kienzle/octave/matcompat/HTML/summary.html * maybe use Matlab distributed computing server (If the API of that makes it easier to interface to Matlab) Metanodes: * Scooter tried writing testcases from current usecases issues: (list of questions in post to cy-staff) * what should a plugin see? (when some metanodes are collapsed, some are not): what the user sees, or all metanodes? * 'current network' no longer exsist, since if it contains metanodes, it is not unambigous: expandedness of metanode is a view-related property Software development paper invite from Greg Wilson (Gary) Deadline is April 2009. Still interested? - delay until next week === Thurs, Oct 16 === participants: Benno, Mattew, Mike, Kei, Peng, Piet, Sarah, Noel, Alex, Allan Notes: Sarah == New core developers == * Piet has been nominated as and been made a core developer * Benno has a new core developer as well Mattew (spelled that wrong) Please see mini-retreat 2 page on wiki. Extreme echo on the call line, if anyone really needs to discuss please send an email.
=== Thursday, October 9, 2008 === 2008. Oct. 9. Conference call notes participants: Daniel, Brian, Scooter, Sarah, Noel, Mike, Alex, AllanK, Gary, Piet(had to leave earlier) agenda: confirm mini-retreat scheduling, 3.0: subnetworks, book ==== mini-retreat ==== * final decision: nov. 14-15 (Fri-Sat) at UCSF * Alex will create [:Cytoscape 3.0/MiniRetreatTwo] page on wiki, with hotel information * Arrival on Thursday evening, so full Friday can be scheduled * possibility for teleconferencing via skype, etc: didn't really work last time * UCSF has video-conferencing room (uses standard polycon, so a video-conferencing room on other end is needed; will post requirements to cyto-staff) * want to focus on viewmodel and view ==== calls about OSGi book ==== * Manning (competitor of O'Reilly), AllanK, Mike and Kei talked with them about a book on Cytoscape (and general network visualization) * arguments for and against writing book didn't really change since discussion in Toronto * Maybe book now, between 2.6 and 3.0 is too early * consensus: too early now, tell Manning that it should be revisited after 3.0 ==== 3.0 ==== * Mike has been writing implementation of model layer, subnetworks, etc. * need unittests, to tests API, too (i.e. for "typical usage") * Scooter will write unittests from some of the usecases * CyNetwork interface is considered finished, Scooter will add javadocs * model layer is (apart from subnetworks) pretty much finished. (events, CyNetwork, etc.) * events: list of viewmodel (and view) related events is not defined yet, but for model-related events is done. * CyDataTable: having different backends was discussed, but the mechanism for getting them was not yet considered. It depends on where CyDataTable objects came from (injected by spring, etc.) * big question: is CyDataTable API complete enough or will it be problematic that other backends will be limited by it? (like having an SQL-backed implementation without join-capability in CyDataTable) * one possibility is to push the issue to plugins: the plugin that brings the SQL-backed implementation could expose a richer API. This means that those plugins that use that richer API will depend on that plugin * or add richer metadata to CyDataTable to make it possible to query capabilities Greg Wilson invited us to contribute to a special issue of "Computing in Science and Engineering" next year on the theme "Software Engineering and Scientific Computing". Some general interest from Mike, Sarah, Scooter and Allan. So Gary will get the relevant deadlines from Greg and if compatible with people's schedules, say yes.
=== Thursday, October 2, 2008 === participants: Daniel, Noel, Mike, Sarah, Piet, AllanK (sorry, I came late), Gary agenda: OSGi book, 3.0, mini-retreat ==== 3.0 ==== * performance tests work for Mike, not for Sarah (runs out of memory when running all tests, but tests individually work) * will split performance tests into seperate project, so that they won't run at every build * will set cruisecontrol to run after every checkin (and at least nightly) so that performance-tests will be run after every checkin; and to run performance tests after API bundle changes ==== mini-retreat ==== * nov. in Seattle would be bad for AllanK, * possibly move mini-retreat to San Francisco, or have travel funds from cytoscape consortium ==== OSGi book ==== * as mentioned on cyto-staff * skype conference tomorrow at 10, ask for invitation from Kei ==== Gary's group working on a Cytoscape-lite ==== * Ajax, web-based * required for GeneMania project
=== Thursday, September 25, 2008 === present: Daniel, Mike, Scooter, Noel, Sarah, Allan ==== Cytoscape 2.6.1 ==== * Only reported issue is OpenJDK issue * Need to change the toolkit from MToolkit to XToolkit in the installer: * {{{ sed "s/MToolkit/XToolkit/" Cytoscape_2_6_1_unix.sh > Cytoscape.sh
- Perhaps we should start testing with OpenJDK
- should note on website the list of officially supported (tested) jdk vendors, versions
- Also have property saving bug reported
- Plans for 2.6.2?
- No specific plans
- Will evaluate as needed
Cytoscape 3.0
- Noel raised an issue about API symmetry between the network writer and reader:
CyWriter takes File, not OutputStream -- should it take OutputStream as well?
Scooter: having subnetworks, without metanodes might be needed, usecase, for example: two network with different edges but same nodes (this wouldn't be the same as pre-3.0 design, because using single RootGraph is not mandated) -> decision: implement current API plans, and see whether it is featurefull enough
- Mike continues to work on 3.0 API
- Sarah has added some unit tests
- Focus should currently be on basic performance tests
- In the future, might be useful to exercise multi-threading
- Mike wanted to get people's opinion on checkstyle
- General consensus: useful, but only if it doesn't get in the way of checkins, which means using a pretty minimal rule-set
- Noel suggested maybe having 2 different rule-sets, one for general building and one for generating a report
- early prototype might be possible by early 2009
mini-retreat dates
- Target: November in Seattle
- Allan is waiting to hear back from some people at ISB to piggy-back some meetings
Tentative dates: November 14th & 15th
- On a related note: Barb would like to attend a mini-retreat to talk about usability issues
- The feeling is that the San Francisco retreat (the one after Seattle) is the right target for this discussion
Thursday, September 18, 2008 present: ? Notes: DanielAbel (but feel free to edit -- I hope I dont mis-represent anyones opinions) == cy 2.6.1 == - considered finished, javadoc-generation problem fixed (shouldn't cause problems next release) == mini-retreat == - some discussion on CyDataTable etc. (i.e. mini-retreat results) conclusion: api not yet described well enough, no consensus yet on what naming to use. (like RootGraph or ParentGraph ) API should be easy to to understand, although metanodes part might be inherently complicated with no way to make it simple - further development: two alternatives were discussed: -- merge api plan in current cy3.0 (more of a refactor) pro: less chance of re-inventing old bugs and of total rewrite; how api changes affect plugin developers would be more understood. cons: lots of code to fix, would destabilize code when lower layers are refactored; would have to re-fix the same code several times (first when model is fixed, then when viewmodel, when view, etc.) -- create seperate branch, implement model layer there, then pull code over from cy3.0 (this would be closer to rewrite) pro: it would be easier to enforce the cleanness of the new branch cons: too much incentive to rewrite too much from scratch -- opinions differed on severity on pro/cons for each (like how much re-fixing first alternative would mean, how much bug regression would be in second). Someone commented that either way it would end up to be a circular process, with code moving both ways. - organization of project layout: -- currently 3.0 branch: one maven project with many modules (easy to compile everything, but a bit less modular) -- Mike will break it apart into separate projects - HyperEdges / HyperGraph -- current consensus: hypergraph semantics should be stored as Attributes (like "this is a connectornode, so don't count it as real node") -- no competitor "hypergraph system" identified (although many wanted to have one to steal ideas from) - mini-retreat considered success, next mini-retreat plan: mid-october, early november (before US thanksgiving) maybe in Seattle (to coincide with some other meeting?) - 'private' maven repository for cytoscape: will be one in future, but not yet in short term (although a public one might be used instead of a cytoscape-specific one)
Thursday, July 31, 2008 AlexP, AlexA, Sarah, Brian, Noel, Gary, Mike, Kei, Peng, Trey, Allan Notes: Alex == Post Retreat Questions == - Keep an eye out for retreat wiki notes and materials: feel free to add or edit - Next year: University of Michigan by David States == 2.6.1 == - Scooter's last commits? - Mike will update release bundle instructions - Anyone volunteering to handle release while Mike is OOT == 3.0 == - Kei is working on clean build in Eclipse - Everyone should test and provide feedback - Follow up on Daniel's work - Mike will start it and then distribute tasks - First CyWest Meeting in San Diego (beach house!) Sept 12-13
Thursday, June 19, 2008 Sarah, Maital, Noel, Brian, Scooter, Mike, Kei, Peng, Allan, Gary Notes: Alex == 2.6.1 == - Scooter is going to squeeze in a couple key features for tunables and then give Mike the green light when ready to package and ship. == 3.0 == - Everyone should have reviewed the view portion of the API: http://chianti.ucsd.edu/svn/csplugins/trunk/ucsd/mes/api/src/main/java/org/cytoscape/view/ - Terminology: ViewModel and Presentation - X,Y,Z,T in VisualProperty may not be ideal for continuous updating, e.g., in animated layout; may lead to performance hit. Keep for now. - Should the VisualProperty enum implement an interface to "keep the door open" for plugin developers, e.g., to add their own Node_Shape? -- Does this control belong in the ViewModel or Presentation? ViewModel, if you expect to store your Node_Shape. -- The advantage of using an enum is the ability to simply get at all possible values. -- Alternatively, we could use an osgi registry to support a new Node_Shape. -- Or, add User_Defined in the enum. This allows it to be serialized and keeps it simple. This mechanism could use Attributes to support multiple shapes. -- Of course, if the plugin is not loaded when the file is reopened, then Node_Shape would default back to "circle" or something. -- Ideally, we can "leave the door open" with having to "have it open", meaning keeping for 99% of the cases. This could potentially be done by extending enum. -- Within the "1%" we'll want to make sure we are taking care of power users/developers who need custom shapes e.g., mims group? -- Perhaps we need to think top-down here, to balance the design and consider the Presentation concerns/needs. -- Important to distinguish _custom shapes_ (size and color controlled by vizMapper) and _custom graphics_ (a *substitute* node that has a fixed shape, size, color, but behaves fully as a node, rather than as a sticker on top of a node). There are use cases that blur these, however, and thus suggest having a single system that can have overrides per parameter. E.g., a custom graphic like a photo that you still want to have vizMapper controlling size; or a donut node with vizMapper-controled node in the center and a custom color on the outer rim. -- Fill color and opacity -or- Paint? Breakdown -or- lump? - Next week we will continue the discussion of ViewModel and Attributes == Retreat == - Detailed schedule is up on wiki. Please sign-up to lead sessions with Gary. - http://cytoscape.org/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/CytoscapeRetreat2008
Thursday June 12. 2008 Allan, Peng, Kei, Mike, Sarah, Noel, Brian, Kristina, Trey, Gary, Scooter Notes: Sarah == Retreat Update == - Some issues with sign up/paying via credit card - Big dinner Thursday evening - Need to know who is interested in a dinner for the cyto staff group on Sat. night? - Let Gary know about specific requests or presenting on application showcase day. - Funding, Trey and Gary working it out == 2.6.1 == - Bugs have been assigned, everyone needs to triage and get back to Mike ASAP - Mike will put together release and get it out to group to test == Mike 3.0 API == - Everyone needs to look through the API emailed - Some concern about the distinction between global/local attributes - Need to make sure we can still use them through things like VizMapper etc - There is some concern about the memory management in regards to the attributes - Open issues: - Are we happy with Attributes? - Are we punting groups, splitting the concept, etc? - Ignore groups in the model for now. - Keep the use case of metanodes/named-selection for later and if we need it we can iterate back over the model API later - Start thinking view model, read the 3.0 discussion. Iterate over based on interface discussed for graph model/attributes
Thursday May 22, 2008 Notes: Alex Alex, Brian, Sarah, Mike, Peng, Kei, David, Scooter, Allan == Maven Builds == * Brian raised some issues with bundling during build * Mike will continue to assess build/package options beyond Felix; we can work around current issues in the meantime == Model Issues == http://www.cytoscape.org/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/Cytoscape_3.0/ModelDiscussions === Event Model === * Here, "events" refer to events that travel up the hierarchy, e.g., node added to graph; events communicated between layers * Our modules form a directed acyclic graph and event listening should "listen up the graph" - for example, the View module should listen for events in CyNetwork (CyNetwork is higher up in the hierarchy) - VizMapper changes CyNetwork; CyNetwork fires event; View detects event and controls layout, etc. - This is "event driven" and more consistent with MVC * Synchronous or Asynchronous? Currently, we have synchronous, but asynchronous would clearly be advantageous for clean operation and external application integration * Two approaches: (1) an Event Type Model, (2) an Inheritance Model (see advantages and disadvantages on wiki page) * Mike is currently leaning towards Inheritance; consensus agreement. * Single broad listener or multiple type-specific listener? Both? Or, a "specific" listeners can be more general? * User interface events will be handled within layers and then rely on the event hierarchy to pass between layers * OSGi advocates a "whiteboard model": register yourself as a listening service; handler checks registry * Network Loading use case: "add node" events should be ignored until done - listen for "start load", ignore "add node" for *that* network, until "end load"... this would require processing each "add node" to determine whether it can be ignored - alternatively, wait to register for "add node" events until *after* loading is complete * We should investigate additional patterns, since we are not likely to be the only ones facing these issues. == Next Week == * Gary's attributes use cases
Thursday May 15, 2008 Notes: Sarah Mike, Kei, Peng, Scooter, Allan, Sarah, Brian, Maital == 3.0 Summary == * Mike put together a diagram of steps required to get to 3.0, not yet posted. Graphical view of project plan currently on the 3.0 page. * Note it will be an iterative process, not a straight line. == Build Stuff == * Issue with assembly not packaging libs the way we need? * pax tool that creates osgi packages * Brian & Mike will work out how to clean up the build == Attributes == * Mike has proposed two possible solutions * New use case: a global pool of unmapped attributes * Look back at Gary’s SUID proposal which would handle both local and global attributes. Provides a database abstraction for attributes and their mapping to networks. * Need to address various use cases at the application layer and plugin writer layer * Need the idea of foreign keys in order to establish a basic relationship that is accessible to users and plugin writers * Make sure we handle user mapping (users won’t see the SUID’s) where nodes may have duplicate “names” (which are not necessarily guaranteed to be unique), this may be a tool by tool basis? * Gary has captured use cases and will add these. * Everyone ADD COMMENTS!
Thursday May 8, 2008 Gary, Allan, Scooter, Brian, Noel, Alex, Peng, Kei, Mike Notes: Alex == Cytoscape: The Book == * Wiki page established: http://www.cytoscape.org/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/Cytoscape_Book * Lots of information there * Review the outline and modify to get a solid plan together == Open Helix == * CEO emailed Mike asking if it was legal for them to use Cytoscape in their training material * Apparently they have been getting requests for Cytoscape (and GenMAPP) training! * Folks pay them to put together free tutorials == The Merge == * Done! * Remember, if you have a bug fix, you have to make it in both 2.6 and 3.0 * Maven: we still have a few things to sort out (e.g., Felix) and we want to keep it simple for the plugin developer == 3.0 Development == * Updated wiki page on model discussion: http://www.cytoscape.org/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/Cytoscape_3.0/ModelDiscussions * Review new content regarding network model and model API proposals * There are remaining open issues that need to be addressed (preferably, one at a time): - fundamental issue: node, edge and network relationship/coupling - need for speed/performance, need for simplicity for plugin developers - alternative proposal illustrates the type of simplicity a plugin writer needs, not necessarily a specific impl - degree of coupling at various "layers" of the hierarchy is at issue - some simple examples like "traversing" or "getting node name" need to be very easy - how should attributes be modeled and accessed - separate core and plugin APIs? - the concern for impl and javadoc view are separable - the javadoc necessarily follows the impl, but we should all have the same javadoc goal in mind before settling the impl plan - need for overview vision of modules to settle higher-level issues and contextualize impl work, including * attribute * groups * hyperedges
Thursday April 24, 2008 Allan, Gary, Alex, Mike, Peng, Scooter, Sarah Notes: Allan == Presentations, Book chapter == * invitation for a Cytoscape book chapter, picking up on Nature Protocols work - Humana Press, book on systems biology of yeast - analysis of gene expression with Cytoscape -- can mention SGD as source of yeast - leverage from Nature Protocols package - draft due March 2009 - Allan and Scooter may co-author? * invitation for tutorials - with BigCat group at Maastricht , all travel expenses paid, June 23-27th, actual talk is June 26th - European Molecular Biology Organization: 26-30th September, 2 hour lecture, assume travel expenses paid but doesn't say in email, Mike will look into this. == GSoC 2008 == * between now and May 21st is community bonding period, get people prepared * mentors should let Mike know when to add students to Cytostaff * should they code to 2.6 or 3.0? - probably 2.6 for people building plugins, possibly 3.0 for people working more closely in areas related to 3.0 == Retreat Update == * have local organizing committee * still raising money * do we need a registration deadline? - currently booked room is for 100, which should be sufficient, but may want larger room for showcase * Wednesday (possibly Tuesday) for hackathon, Thursday application showcase, Friday tutorials / decision making, Saturday decision making * possible conflicting sessions with ISMB saturday morning tutorials, BioPathways meeting == 3.0 == * merging: we need to fork off 3.0 version for future development - merge of 2.6 with 3.0 is organizational, not re-coding. - should we merge before we first re-start the discussions? - merge will be week of April 28th - May 2nd - Mike will make assignments and send email - look at Mike's email 1-4 for instructions for merging. == 2.6.1 Release == * what bugs need to be fixed? * critical bugs should be fixed, but non-critical features should be added to 3.0 * get 2.6.1 out in the next couple of weeks * Scooter and Sarah working on a logging prototype for 2.6.1, this can be post-merge * bug fixes are post-merge
Thursday April 17, 2008 Maital, Sarah, Alex, Peng, Kei, Allan, Kristina Notes: Alex == 2.6 Release == * It's out the door! * Image export on the mac still has problems == GSoC 2008 == * We have the final 9! * Offer travel scholarship to retreat to Pekka, contact Tero * Start working with students on the 21st == Retreat Update == * http://www.cytoscape.org/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/CytoscapeRetreat2008 * Any feedback on dates, etc? * Organizing committee is forming: send feedback * Online registration will be setup soon * Let us know if/when conflict with ISMB events arise, there is still flexibility in the schedule == 3.0 Issues == * Expect email on how to merge * Image of project plan now on wiki * Summary of graph/attribute model email thread is still needed - This needs to be reconstructed/organized on the wiki - Gary will start a page for this and folks can recontribute their points where appropriate - Look for it here: http://www.cytoscape.org/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/Cytoscape_3.0#head-bfe4e806702979251d6c21d9e5e82fe51cf08730
Thursday April 10, 2008 Sarah, Mike, Kei, Peng, Brian, Noel, Gary, Kristina, Alex Notes: Sarah == 2.6 Release == * Trunk of current Cytoscape is going to be the 2.6 "branch" * Few people have responded with some small bugs * Code has been checked into the trunk that will need to be tested if the release is rebuilt now * Will release now, 2.6.1 will come out shortly == 3.0 == * Look at plan on the 3.0 page * Note any fixes made in the 2.x branch will need to be fixed in the 3.0 branch, there will be no merges after the post-2.6 release merge * Encourage everyone to check out the 3.0 branch and get comfortable with maven * Break out the merge by package and everyone takes a piece. Mike will send an email about how to do the diff/merge and assign pieces. * Sarah will link image of project plan on wiki (and keep it updated) * Everyone else will take a look at the plan and give feedback or just be aware == Google Summer of Code == * This week look at projects and request # of students * Need to be sure we have enough mentors for all the projects/students * Currently 7 mentors have signed up, need to know how many are definite by tomorrow (Friday) * Could use these projects as test cases rather than projects that will certainly be used * Need to think carefully about the projects proposed in case they are not useful for moving towards 3.0 * Also need to talk to various groups that are have already done some of this (see NetworkAnalyzer) * Consider involving students who are interested outside the google program as well
{{{Thursday April 3, 2008 Sarah, Mike, Kei, Peng, Maital, Gary, Alex Notes: Alex
2.6 Release
- Any issues?
- Rework help docs in future
2.6.1 Release
- Changes should go to 2.6.x branch
- For the time being, don't bother with trunk since there is no 2.7 planned (may change...)
3.0 Planning Overview
- Separate repository due to major directory changes and build process
- Deprecations cleaned out, initial attempt at modularization, moved to Maven (i/o Ant)
- - Initial organization to help see the potential modules and the major issues
- Strategy: start with current code and build in new architecture
- - treat each module independently: impl, test, then continue - the ultimate test for each module is that Cytoscape still works, in addition to functional and architectural goals
- The refactoring strategy will be outlined on the 3.0 wiki page, including schedule, to encourage as much input as possible while also ensuring that things continue to move along
Google Summer of Code
- Mentors can now assign themselves to applications they *might* want to mentor (go ahead and sign up for more than 1 at this point)
This action will begin to rank the applications (mentored > non-mentored).
- By April 8th, I want to see all applications ranked like this, then we can begin a round of scoring
- In the end, we will assign multiple mentors per student
- Mentors can work with multiple students, but can only be the primary mentor on a single project.
Thursday March 27, 2008 Sarah, Scooter, Alex, Maital, Mike, Ben, Kei, Peng, Trey Notes: Ben == 2.6 Release == * A few outstanding bugs (see mantis): - inability to import vizmap.props - image export (pdf export from freehep is broken) - node size width * Scooter to make some user manual changes on Monday. * Put release files/candidate together early next week for internal testing * "Gold" release build files by next Thurs == 2.6.1 Release == * Scooter to cleanup UI and "hammer on" group node plugin with the goal of it becoming a core plugin for the release
Thursday February 28, 2008 Mike, Trey, Scooter, Sarah, Alex, Gary, Allan, Noel, Maital, Alex Notes: Alex == Google Summer of Code 2008 == * Ideas Page looks good: http://conklinwolf.ucsf.edu/genmappwiki/Google_Summer_of_Code_2008 * Keep adding ideas * Sign up as mentors * Will apply on Mon or Tue * Main focus now should be on attracting students to apply for our projects == Bug Day Wrap-up == * Lots of bugs: good and bad * $5 per person per bug; no cap * Will talk to Louis about execution == Error Dialog == * Scooter: managing session errors illuminated utility of a general ErrorDialog service * Error list you can append multiple errors * Task dialog currently only handles errors singly (an not very well) * Could improve on what already exists * But, error dialog is more user friendly * Can multiple tasks call addError to this dialog? * 2.6? Concerns about quick and dirty solution for long-term issues. On the other hand, slate will be cleaned for 3.0 anyways == Case Sensitivity == * Allan: identifier matching are case-sensitive * Defer to 3.0 to find stable solution to broad problem == CytoRetreat 2008 == * Toronto: July 15-19: http://www.cytoscape.org/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/CytoRetreat2008Planning * Give feedback on schedule * Will open registration soon * Need to determine fee for symposium ($50 or $75, students and presenters free) == Everyone should be fixing bugs == * If a bug is a suggestion for a change in behaviour, you have the right to reject on principle. Just add note to bug, then close. * Cancellation of network and attribute download: leaves unwanted data behind * Will implement if relatively painless. Real fix will come in 3.0
Thursday February 21, 2008 Trey, Mike, Scooter, Sarah, Alex, Gary, Allan, Noel Notes: Sarah == Category Names for Plugins == * Mike at Agilent has the VistaClara plugin that doesn’t fit in any current category * Should we consider adding categories as requested or wait until we see more than one plugin that fits and then create a category? * Resolution: leave categories as they are, in 3.0 consider doing “tags” instead == Plugins Page == * Bug causing plugins to show up in lists multiple times (per each version) * Google for cytoscape plugins takes us to the old plugins page. Alex will add link to the old pages back to the new plugin page. * Eventually move the plugins database to the cytoscape.org server == Bug Day Friday == * Thanks Alex! * Add info to the header for bug day, link to the beta release, bug tracker and the wiki page for testing. * Still working out how much and how we give out gift certificates. * Sign up on Skype to let people contact you for questions == 2.6 Status == * Bug fixing * Check any bugs you’ve reported, if something needs feedback please try to provide it == Report == * Trey had discussion with several NIH managers * Recommended NCBC (centers) grants, submission date isn’t until Sept 2009 * Talked to Dan Galahan (NCI) and Genie Larken may be willing to permit a special grant application * Plenty of groups are interested so should be able to get soemthing == 3.0? == * Wait until next week or until 2.6 is taken care of for further discussion
Thursday, February 14, 2008 Mike, Gary, Scooter, Allan, Noel, Gary, Sarah, Alex, Maital, Kristina, Brian Notes: Ben = Cytoscape 2.6 / Testing Day = * Must go out before testing day. + It's ok to get it out there with bugs as long as known bugs are announced + Concern about plugins not working with release, so we say beta is targeted toward plugin developers + Beta release 1 on 2/15. Beta release on 2/22 * Prize: Top 50 bug finders get $5 Amazon gift card - leftovers to be decided * Bugs entered in mantis * Use MeBeam and basic chatroom to facilitate communication during testing day = Bugs = * Based on feedback, Mike has been moving bugs to postponed project & reassigning them * Hidden Cytoscape directory bug + Cytoscape dir gets corrupt if plugin has problem loading and cannot be started + Cytoscape needs to be able to startup regardless of what is in .cytoscape, check robustness of plugin manager + During testing day, make bogus track_plugins.xml + Possible problem with corrupt vizmapper.props file * Scooter made update to Task Manager to make it cancelable up to a certain point (before data structures start to get created) = Cytoscape 3.0 = * 3.0 discussions to be postponed until after 2.6 release and testing day
Thursday, February 7, 2008 Mike, Noel, Gary, Sarah, Alex, Maital, Kei, Allan Notes: Gary Stanford Medical School (Allan) – Agilent collaboration using LitSearch. Needs ~1800 attributes, which is slow. Wondering if anyone else has dealt with this many attributes before? It doesn’t seem so. Open questions: Could Gaggle manage this and just import the attributes you want? There is also the old data matrix code, but that . This is a use case for 3.0. Cytoscape 2.5.2 – no one has any outstanding bugs. Mike will publish this today. Cytoscape 2.6 – do we need a contest for fixing the most bugs? People don’t think they need motivation, but rather help with time management. We need to find a way to motivate people outside of the core team to do testing. Alex suggests scheduling specific time to get together virtually to fix bugs e.g. open up an IRC chat. People feel we don’t need a prize. Testing could involve undergrads, but they may not be able to test well – they need some training on Cytoscape first. We should do this early to give us enough time for bug fixing. Also, would be nice if all participants could get a prize, not just one person. Decision: Alex will organize a virtual testing session, likely on Fri.Feb.22. Status: we are feature complete, just need to test and fix bugs Cytoscape 3.0 – Mike updated the 3.0 site. Please add your use cases. Mike has been working on his own branch to clean up code and remove deprecation warnings, mostly related to an external library. Did things like remove references to the rootgraph. Mike will keep experimenting on the branch, simplify visual styles. Noticed that current GUI is very spread out, so would be interesting to see how it could be moved into one code area. Merge model layer with CyNetwork, then extract it into an OSGI bundle. Planning the next stages of 3.0. Mike will create a plan for the model layer on the wiki to focus discussions. Regroup around the model discussion and finish that up Attributes Identifiers Deadlines: schedule a call to discuss each proposal to ensure people all review the proposal by a given date. Open issues that are dependent on other layers can be identified and returned to later.
Thursday Jan. 31, 2008 Mike, Sarah, Allan, Gary, Noel Notes: Scooter = ISMB Tutorial = * Tutorial was not accepted * We should definitely propose a Demo ($400 for a 20 minute session) * Will also propose a BOF session covering "Network and Pathway Visualization and Analysis" = 2.5.2 Release = * Release is available for testing * Will hold announcement pending backport of Vizmap class cast exception bug from 2.6 * Goal is to release on Monday = 2.6 = * In bug fixing mode * Goal for 2.6 is to make it a very solid release * Beta release (to allow plugin developers to port) + Sarah wants to do some fixes to the plugin manager first + Allan has some work to do on the workflow manager and themes integration + Goal is a beta in 2 weeks + Mike will do some bug triaging in the interim = 3.0 = * Still waiting for use cases * What do we want our use cases to cover? + Want to put functionality in context + Want to have rationale for new functionality or things that are currently hard + Want to record reasons for design decisions + Put use cases up for areas of controversy or difficulty * Update Cytoscape 3.0 page on wiki + Specifically update new features list, 3.0 goals, links to RFCs + Include task/status table * Mike wants to look at Attribute interface + Look at Samad's proposal + Sarah will send along Hector's proposal. * Discussion points/shopping lists + HyperGraphs/HyperEdges -- are they worth it? + Break down by layers + Big issue: events + "Glue things" - Events - How layers interact with each other (e.g. Application and View) o Mike's idea: # Application is at top of heap. Application depends on everything else, but nothing else depends on the application # Two examples - JActiveModules: pretty easy to see how it might work - Cytoscape Editor: more difficult to see how it might interact # Command layer is important in this context also = Other Discussion = * Mike has been trying to remove all deprecation warnings + Definitely problematic given the current structure + Has identified areas where there are opportunities to clean up current code + Got deprecation warnings down to around 110
Thursday Jan. 24, 2008 Peng, Sarah, Allan, Gary, Noel, Brian, Maital, Ben Notes: Sarah = 2.5.2 = * Allan has been using it, no problems * Maital has been using it, none to report = 2.6 = * Bug fixing! * There are tasks on the wiki that need to be updated * Sarah and Allan will work to get the Workflow Theme up on the site * Pathway Commons plugin is nearly ready, may not be fully integrated with the web service API * On track for March 1st release = 3.0 = * Use cases still need to be filled in. * Have comments on example code ready for Mike's return = First Cytoscape Talk in Spanish = * Allan has been invited to give a talk on tropical diseases on Cytoscape and the Lit Search plugin. Would like to give a dry-run for anyone who speaks spanish. * Cytoscape & List Search being used at a University of Antioch(?) for an interactome of a specific parasite = Funding for Summer Intern = * Allan may have funding for a summer intern to work with him on a plugin of some sort * Has to be someone who does not need a visa to work in the US * If anyone has a student who would like to do an internship let Allan know
Thursday Jan. 17, 2008 Maital, Sarah, Allan, Kristina, Scooter, Noel, Peng, Gary Notes: Sarah 2.5.2 -Sarah/Scooter have used it some, need others to bang on it a bit 2.6 March 1st Deadline VizMapper - Getting used more heavily now, but it's got some quirks. - There appear to be a lot of bugs on the VM - Needs to be very robust before we release. Everyone needs to hammer on the VM - When reading in the cys file would be nice to not apply every style as it gets loaded - Kei is working on all VM bugs that are reported on Mantis so if you find new ones report them 3.0 - Waiting on use cases for graph model - Samad has proposed a good API for attributes - Mike's API is in his csplugins directory Retreat - Booking space - Will be planning events shortly so send ideas to Gary
Thursday January 10, 2008 Scooter, Mike, Kei, Gary, Alex, Sarah, Trey, Allan Notes: Scooter == SBGN == * Having a workshop in Okinawa. Should there be a Cytoscape representative? Costs are an issue for most of us. Biopax will be sending Emek Demir. Gary will ask Emek to represent Cytoscape at the meeting. == 2008 Cytoscape Retreat == * Strong preference for holding the Toronto retreat immediately before ISMB. The retreat will be July 16-19 in Toronto, Canada, which overlaps with ISMB by one day. == Cytoscape 2.5.2 == * One outstanding bug (XGMML reader/writer problem). Scooter is awaiting for feedback from user. == Cytoscape 2.6 == * Complete in terms of features, now on to bug fixing. * Outstanding "issues": Vizmap UI issues, Table import UI issues, Vizmap enhancement request * Tentative release date: March 1, 2008 * Focus on really polishing and getting 2.6 to be a quality release * We are unanimous that postponing 2.6 release is the right thing and will be recommended to the board == Cytoscape 3.0 == * CyAttributes * Need both local and global attributes * What will the interface look like? * Mike is concerned that the code underlying CyAttributes has lots of boilerplate * Generics would be a good approach * Lists and Map attribute types complicate things significantly * Do we want runtime checks or compile-time checks * Arbitrary attributes vs. type-specific * Lean towards type-specific * API needs to be extraordinarily efficient * May need to avoid keeping large lists of attributes in memory * Interesting idea, but not an API issue at this point * Complex type: * Replace with the ability to recursively define attributes with the four basic types that you could combine into lists and maps * Primary direction: use generics, if possible. * What do we put into CyNode, CyEdge, vs. CyAttribute? * Everything goes into CyAttribute, including edge type * Will require work to provide better UI for merging allowing the user to distinguish between names and edge types * Need to develop use cases for Cytoscape 3.0
Thursday January 2, 2008 Scooter, Gary, Alex, Ben, Sarah, Maital, Mike, Peng, Trey, Allan, Noel Notes: Sarah == Grant Proposal == * Trey is trying to put together a P41 grant * Part 1: Development of new technology * Part 2: Collaborative activities * Part 3: Service * Need info on the collaborative research being done using Cytoscape, list the one or two most important scientific collaborations you have (coauthoring). Include some text (paragraph) about the project. == 2.6 == * Bug fixing! * Mike will assign some bugs == 2.5.2 == * Mike put out a release right before xmas * Gary’s lab has tested it, most bugs look fixed * Ben has checked in a fix to graphics export formats * Mike will put together another release after this * Need people to run through the test cases == 3.0 == * Scooter is putting together a 2 layer interface proposal * Lowest layer uses ints (Mike’s initial API) * Plugin API is all object based, allows for lazy-loading of CyNode/CyEdge objects for large graphs * Plan to discuss CyAttributes next week == Large Networks == * Mike implemented a mysql backed implementation of the API he put together, works, uses less mem etc. Got stuck on CyNode/CyEdge being held in memory