Differences between revisions 8 and 10 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 8 as of 2007-01-10 00:19:26
Size: 4404
Editor: nebbiolo
Revision 10 as of 2007-06-28 21:32:21
Size: 4232
Editor: 142
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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||'''Important!''' If you have used previous versions of Cytoscape, you will notice that handling of properties has changed. The most important change is that properties are no longer saved by default to the current directory or to your home .cytoscape directory. Properties are stored by default in Cytoscape Session files. The cytoscape.props file still exists in the .cytoscape directory but is only written to when the user explicitly requests that the current settings be made the defaults for all future sessions of Cytoscape. ''Unless you have something important in your .cytoscape/cytoscape.props file, your best bet will be to delete the file and use the defaults.'' ||
The Cytoscape Preferences Dialog, accessed via __Edit → Preferences → Properties…__, has sections for general properties display/editing and plugins specification via the properties mechanism. Preferences are now stored in Cytoscape session files. Any changes made to properties while running Cytoscape will be saved to the current session when you save the session. If you do not save the session, export the properties (__File → Export__), or set them as defaults (see below), the properties will be lost and the next time Cytoscape starts, defaults will be used.
== Managing Properties ==
||'''Important!''' If you have used previous versions of Cytoscape, you will notice that handling of properties has changed. The most important change is that properties are no longer saved by default to the current directory or to your home {{{.cytoscape}}} directory. Properties are stored by default in Cytoscape session files ({{{.cys}}} extension). The {{{cytoscape.props}}} file still exists in the {{{.cytoscape}}} directory but is only written to when the user explicitly requests that the current settings be made the defaults for all future sessions of Cytoscape. Unless you have something important in your {{{.cytoscape/cytoscape.props}}} file, your best bet will be to delete the file and use the defaults.||
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Cytoscape properties are displayed in the Properties section of the dialog. These properties are configurable via Add, Modify and Delete operations. The Cytoscape Properties editor, accessed via Edit → Preferences → Properties…, is used to specify general and default properties. Properties are now stored in Cytoscape session files, so changes to general properties will be saved as part of the current session, but will only carry over to subsequent sessions if they are set as defaults or exported using the File → Export function.
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attachment:preferences_editor.png Cytoscape properties are configurable via Add, Modify and Delete operations.
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||defaultSpeciesName ||!PleaseSpecify ||Species name. This value must match the name in the first line of the file specified in the bioDataServer’s manifest for synonyms e.g., for yeast synonyms, specify Saccharomyces cerevisiae||
||bioDataServer ||!PleaseSpecify ||annotation/manifest, and other manifest file locations ||
||defaultSpeciesName ||!PleaseSpecify ||Species name. This value must match the name in the first line of the file specified in the bioDataServer’s manifest for synonyms, e.g., specify Saccharomyces cerevisiae for yeast synonyms||
||bioDataServer ||!PleaseSpecify ||{{{annotation/manifest}}}, and other manifest file locations ||
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||plugins || ||comma-separated list of jar files containing plugins, or URLs to jar files containing plugins (e.g., http://server/my-plugin.jar) || ||plugins || ||comma-separated list of jar files containing plugins, or URLs to jar files containing plugins (e.g., http://server/my-plugin.jar) ||
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The specification of plugins to be loaded into Cytoscape at startup time is also supported in {{{cytoscape.props}}} and accessible under the plugins section. In this special case, the plugins property specifies a comma-separated list of jar files or URLs to jar files containing plugins. This property is parsed and presented and managed in the plugins table.
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The specification of plugins to be loaded into Cytoscape at startup time is also supported in cytoscape.props and accessible in this dialog under the Plugins section. In this special case, the plugins property specifies a comma-separated list of jar files or URLs to jar files containing plugins. This property is parsed and presented and managed in the Plugins table, as at left. === Setting Default Properties ===
It is possible to alter the default properties for Cytoscape.
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'''Setting Default Properties''' It is possible to alter the default properties for Cytoscape. In the Cytoscape Preferences Dialog, accessed via __Edit → Preferences → Properties…__, edit any preferences, then click the "Make Current Cytoscape Properties Default" checkbox in the "Default Cytoscape Properties" section of the dialog. This will save any properties to the .cytoscape directory contained in your home directory. You should only do this if you want specific properties to apply to all of your Cytoscape sessions. You can rely on the Cytoscape session file to maintain the properties used for that particular session, so making certain properties default is not necessary to save the properties. Edit the properties via Edit → Preferences → Properties... and check the Make Current Cytoscape Properties Default checkbox. This will save the current properties to the {{{.cytoscape}}} directory, where they will then be applied to all of your Cytoscape sessions from that point on. Otherwise, Cytoscape will automatically save the properties used in a particular session inside its {{{.cys}}} session file, while the default properties will be applied at the beginning of subsequent sessions.
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=== Managing Bookmarks ===
You can manage the available bookmarks on the system from the __Edit → Preferences → Bookmarks…__ menu.
== Managing Bookmarks ==
Cytoscape contains a pre-defined list of bookmarks, which point to sample network files located on the Cytoscape web server. Users may add, modify, and delete bookmarks through the Bookmark manager, accessed by going to Edit → Preferences → Bookmarks… .
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attachment:BookmarkManager.PNG There are currently two types of bookmarks: network and annotation. Network bookmarks are URLs pointing to network files available on the Internet. These are nomal networks that can be loaded into Cytoscape. The annotation bookmarks are URLs pointing to ontology annotation files. The annotation bookmarks are only used when importing an ontology.
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There are currently two types of bookmarks '''network''' and '''annotation'''. Network bookmarks are URLs pointing to network files available on the internet. These are nomal networks that can be loaded into Cytoscape. The annotation bookmarks are URLs pointing to ontology annotation files. The annotation bookmarks are only used when importing an ontology.

=== Managing Proxy Servers ===
You can define and configure a proxy server for Cytoscape to use from the __Edit → Preferences → Proxies…__ menu.

== Managing Proxy Servers ==
You can define and configure a proxy server for Cytoscape by going to Edit → Preferences → Proxies… .

Managing Properties

Important! If you have used previous versions of Cytoscape, you will notice that handling of properties has changed. The most important change is that properties are no longer saved by default to the current directory or to your home .cytoscape directory. Properties are stored by default in Cytoscape session files (.cys extension). The cytoscape.props file still exists in the .cytoscape directory but is only written to when the user explicitly requests that the current settings be made the defaults for all future sessions of Cytoscape. Unless you have something important in your .cytoscape/cytoscape.props file, your best bet will be to delete the file and use the defaults.

The Cytoscape Properties editor, accessed via Edit → Preferences → Properties…, is used to specify general and default properties. Properties are now stored in Cytoscape session files, so changes to general properties will be saved as part of the current session, but will only carry over to subsequent sessions if they are set as defaults or exported using the File → Export function.

Cytoscape properties are configurable via Add, Modify and Delete operations.

  • attachment:preferences_editor.png

Some common properties are described below.

Property name

Default value

Valid values



Species name. This value must match the name in the first line of the file specified in the bioDataServer’s manifest for synonyms, e.g., specify Saccharomyces cerevisiae for yeast synonyms



annotation/manifest, and other manifest file locations



integer > 0



integer > 0





comma-separated list of jar files containing plugins, or URLs to jar files containing plugins (e.g., http://server/my-plugin.jar)


A path to the web browser on your system. This only needs to be specified if Cytoscape can’t find the web browser on your system.

The specification of plugins to be loaded into Cytoscape at startup time is also supported in cytoscape.props and accessible under the plugins section. In this special case, the plugins property specifies a comma-separated list of jar files or URLs to jar files containing plugins. This property is parsed and presented and managed in the plugins table.

Setting Default Properties

It is possible to alter the default properties for Cytoscape.

Edit the properties via Edit → Preferences → Properties... and check the Make Current Cytoscape Properties Default checkbox. This will save the current properties to the .cytoscape directory, where they will then be applied to all of your Cytoscape sessions from that point on. Otherwise, Cytoscape will automatically save the properties used in a particular session inside its .cys session file, while the default properties will be applied at the beginning of subsequent sessions.

Managing Bookmarks

Cytoscape contains a pre-defined list of bookmarks, which point to sample network files located on the Cytoscape web server. Users may add, modify, and delete bookmarks through the Bookmark manager, accessed by going to Edit → Preferences → Bookmarks… .

There are currently two types of bookmarks: network and annotation. Network bookmarks are URLs pointing to network files available on the Internet. These are nomal networks that can be loaded into Cytoscape. The annotation bookmarks are URLs pointing to ontology annotation files. The annotation bookmarks are only used when importing an ontology.

Managing Proxy Servers

You can define and configure a proxy server for Cytoscape by going to Edit → Preferences → Proxies… .

After the proxy server is set, all network traffic related to loading a network from URL will pass through the proxy server. Other plugins use this capability as well.

Cytoscape_User_Manual/Preferences (last edited 2010-03-08 19:39:23 by 75-59-236-15)

Funding for Cytoscape is provided by a federal grant from the U.S. National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) of the Na tional Institutes of Health (NIH) under award number GM070743-01. Corporate funding is provided through a contract from Unilever PLC.

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