The following section is still valid, however we strongly recommend using the new formats described in the previous section, since they are easier to download directly from the Gene Ontology project and use directly.

Gene Ontology Server Wizard

The Gene Ontology Server Wizard is a new graphical user interface used to select ontology and annotation files.

Step 1. Select Data Format

attachment:image137.png If you want to use the old manifest file to load annotations, select Cytoscape BioDataServer.

Step 2. Specify Manifest File

attachment:image139.png If you selected Cytoscape BioDataServer in the first step, you need to specify manifest file (which lists ontology and annotation files to load). Then click on finish. All data files will be loaded into Cytoscape. For more information about manifest file and how to create it, please read the section below.

Building your own annotation files

The annotation server requires that the gene annotations, and associated ontology on controlled vocabulary terms, follow a simple format. This simple format was chosen because it is efficient to parse and easy to use.

The flat file formats are explained below:

The Ontology Format

By example (the Gene Ontology - GO):

(curator=GO) (type=all)
0003673 = Gene_Ontology
0003674 = molecular_function [partof: 0003673 ]
0008435 = anticoagulant [isa: 0003674 ]
0016172 = antifreeze [isa: 0003674 ]
0016173 = ice nucleation inhibitor [isa: 0016172 ]
0016209 = antioxidant [isa: 0003674 ]
0045174 = glutathione dehydrogenase (ascorbate) [isa: 0009491 0015038 0016209 0016672 ]
0004362 = glutathione reductase (NADPH) [isa: 0015038 0015933 0016209 0016654 ]
0017019 = myosin phosphatase catalyst [partof: 0017018 ]

A second example (KEGG pathway ontology):

(curator=KEGG) (type=Metabolic Pathways)
90001 = Metabolism
80001 = Carbohydrate Metabolism [isa: 90001 ]
80003 = Lipid Metabolism [isa: 90001 ]
80002 = Energy Metabolism [isa: 90001 ]
80004 = Nucleotide Metabolism [isa: 90001 ]
80005 = Amino Acid Metabolism [isa: 90001 ]
80006 = Metabolism of Other Amino Acids [isa: 90001 ]
80007 = Metabolism of Complex Carbohydrates [isa: 90001 ]

The format has three required features:

  1. The first line contains two parenthesized assignments, for curator and type. In the GO example above, the ontology file (which is created from the XML GO provides) nests all three specific ontologies (molecular function, biological process, cellular component) below the 'root' ontology, named 'Gene_Ontology'.


tells you that all three ontologies are included in that file.

  1. Following the mandatory title line, there are one or more category lines, each with the form:

number0 = name [isa:|partof: number1 number2 ...]

'isa' and 'partof' are terms used in GO; they describe the relation between parent and child terms in the ontology hierarchy.

  1. The trailing blank before each left square bracket is not required; it is an artifact of the python script that creates these files.

The Annotation Format

By example (from the GO biological process annotation file):

(species=Saccharomyces cerevisiae) (type=Biological Process) (curator=GO)
YMR056C = 0006854
YBR085W = 0006854
YJR155W = 0006081

and from KEGG:

(species=Mycobacterium tuberculosis) (type=Metabolic Pathways) (curator=KEGG)
RV0761C = 10
RV0761C = 71
RV0761C = 120
RV0761C = 350
RV0761C = 561
RV1862 = 10

The format has these required features:

  1. The first line contains three parenthesized assignments, for species, type and curator. In the example just above, the annotation file (which we create for budding yeast from the flat text file maintained by SGD for the Gene Ontology project, and available both at their web site and at GO's) shows three yeast ORFs annotated for biological process, with respect to GO, described (further above).

  2. Following the mandatory title line, there are one or more annotation lines, each with the form:

canonicalName = ontologyTermID
  1. Once loaded, this annotation (along with the accompanying ontology) can be assigned to nodes in a Cytoscape network. For this to work, the species type of the node must exactly match the species named on the first line of the annotation file. The canonicalName of your node must exactly match the canonicalName present in the annotation file. If you don’t see the expected results when using this feature of Cytoscape, check this again, as getting either of these wrong is a common mistake.

Load Data into Cytoscape

The easiest way to make annotations available to Cytoscape is by loading annotations into the Cytoscape annotation server. This is the default behavior for the official release of Cytoscape.

The Annotation Manifest

You must first create a text file to specify the files you want Cytoscape to load. Here is an example, from a file which (for convenience) we usually call “manifest”


Use the Cytoscape -b command line argument to specify the annotation manifest file to read (e.g. -b manifest). Please note that the -s switch, which sets the default species for your data is required to exactly match the species named in any annotation file you wish to use.

Getting and Reformatting GO Data

The Gene Ontology (GO) project is a valuable source of annotation for the genes of many organisms. In this section we will explain how to:

  1. Obtain the GO ontology file
  2. Reformat it into the simpler flat file Cytoscape uses
  3. Obtain an annotation file (we illustrate with yeast and human annotation)
  4. Reformat the annotation files into the simple Cytoscape format

Obtain the GO ontology file Go to the GO XML FTP ( page. Download the latest go-YYYYMM-termdb.xml.gz file.

Reformat GO XML ontology file into a flat file

 gunzip go-YYYYMM-termdb.xml.gz
 python go-YYYYMM-termdb.xml > goOntology.txt

(See below for Python script listing)

Obtain the 'association' file for your organism GO maintains a list of association files for many organisms; these files associate genes with GO terms. The next step is to get the file for the organism/s you are interested in, and parse it into the form Cytoscape needs. A list of files may be seen at The rightmost column contains links to tab-delimited files of gene associations, by species. Choose the species you are interested in, and click 'Download'.

Let's use 'GO Annotations @ EBI Human' as an example. After you have downloaded and saved the file, look at the first few lines:

SPTR    O00115  DRN2_HUMAN              GO:0003677      PUBMED:9714827  TAS             F       Deoxyribonuclease II precursor  IPI00010348     protein taxon:9606              SPTR
SPTR    O00115  DRN2_HUMAN              GO:0004519      GOA:spkw        IEA             F       Deoxyribonuclease II precursor  IPI00010348     protein taxon:9606        20020425      SPTR
SPTR    O00115  DRN2_HUMAN              GO:0004531      PUBMED:9714827  TAS             F       Deoxyribonuclease II precursor  IPI00010348     protein taxon:9606              SPTR

Note that line wrapping has occurred here, so each line of the actual file is wrapped to two lines. The goal is to create from these lines the following lines:

(species=Homo sapiens) (type=Molecular Function) (curator=GO)
IPI00010348 = 0003677
IPI00010348 = 0004519
IPI00010348 = 0004531


(species=Homo sapiens) (type=Biological Process) (curator=GO)
NP_001366 = 0006259
NP_001366 = 0006915
NP_005289 = 0007186
NP_647593 = 0006899

The first sample contains molecular function annotation for proteins, and each protein is identified by its IPI number. IPI is the International Protein Index, which maintains cross references to the main databases for human, mouse and rat proteomes. The second sample contains biological process annotation, and each protein is identified by its NP (RefSeq) number. These two naming systems, IPI and RefSeq, are two of many that you can use for canonical names when you run Cytoscape. For budding yeast, it is much easier: the yeast community always uses standard ORF names, and so Cytoscape uses these as canonical names. For human proteins and genes, there is no such single simple standard. See section 5. Building and Storing Interaction Networks for more information.

The solution (for those working with human genes or proteins) is, once you have downloaded the annotations file, to:

  1. Decide which naming system you want to use.
  2. Download This cross-reference file, when used strategically, allows you to create Cytoscape-compatible annotation files in which the canonical name is the one most meaningful to you.

  3. Examine xrefs.goa to figure out which column contains the names you wish to use.

  4. Make a very slight modification to the python script described below, and then
  5. Run that script, supplying both xrefs.goa and that annotation file as arguments.

Here are a few sample lines from xrefs.goa:

SP      O00115  IPI00010348             ENSP00000222219;        NP_001366;              BAA28623;AAC77366;AAC35751;AAC39852;BAB55598;AAB51172;AAH10419; 2960,DNASE2     1777,DNASE2
SP      O00116  IPI00010349             ENSP00000324567;ENSP00000264167;        NP_003650;              CAA70591;       327,AGPS        8540,AGPS
SP      O00124  IPI00010353             ENSP00000265616;ENSP00000322580;        NP_005662;              BAA18958;BAA18959;AAH20694;             7993,D8S2298E

Note that line wrapping has occurred here – each line in this example starts with the letters SP. See the README file for more information (

Finally, run the script to create your three annotation files for human proteins:

using the supplied python script. It may be necessary to modify this script slightly if RefSeq identifiers are not used as canonical names or if you are using a more recent version of Python.

python gene_association.goa_human xrefs.goa

(See below for Python script listing)

Python script examples: These scripts, described above require Python version 2.2 or later.

Script 1 -

#  translate a GO XML ontology file into a simpler
#  Cytoscape flat file
# RCS: $Revision: 1.3 $   $Date: 2003/05/18 00:38:43 $
import re, pre, sys
def flatFilePrint (id, name, isaIDs, partofIDs):
  isa = ''
  if (len (isaIDs) > 0):
    isa = '[isa: '
    for isaID in isaIDs:
      isa += isaID
      isa += ' '
    isa += ']'
  partof = ''
  if (len (partofIDs) > 0):
    partof = '[partof: '
    for partofID in partofIDs:
      partof += partofID
      partof += ' '
    partof += ']'
  result = '~np~%~/np~s = ~np~%~/np~s ~np~%~/np~s ~np~%~/np~s' ~np~%~/np~ (id, name, isa, partof)
  result = result.strip ()
  if (result == 'isa = isa' or result == 'partof = partof'):
    print >> sys.stderr, 'meaningless term: ~np~%~/np~s' ~np~%~/np~ result
    print result
if (len (sys.argv) != 2):
  print 'usage:  ~np~%~/np~s <someFile.xml>' ~np~%~/np~ sys.argv [0]
  sys.exit ();
inputFilename = sys.argv [1];
print >> sys.stderr,  'reading ~np~%~/np~s...' ~np~%~/np~ inputFilename
text = open (inputFilename).read ()
print >> sys.stderr,  'read ~np~%~/np~d characters' ~np~%~/np~ len (text)
regex = '<go:term .*?>(.*?)</go:term>';
cregex = pre.compile (regex, re.DOTALL)   # . matches newlines
m = pre.findall (cregex, text)
print >> sys.stderr, 'number of go terms: ~np~%~/np~d' ~np~%~/np~ len (m)
regex2 = '<go:accession>GO:(.*?)</go:accession>.*?<go:name>(.*?)</go:name>'
cregex2 = re.compile (regex2, re.DOTALL)
regex3 = '<go:isa\s*rdf:resource="*?)"\s*/>'
cregex3 = re.compile (regex3, re.DOTALL)
regex4 = '<go:part-of\s*rdf:resource="*?)"\s*/>'
cregex4 = re.compile (regex4, re.DOTALL)
goodElements = 0
badElements = 0
print '(curator=GO) (type=all)'
for term in m:
  m2 = (cregex2, term)
  if (m2):
    goodElements += 1;
    id = (1)
    name = (2)
    isaIDs = []
    m3 = re.findall (cregex3, term);
    for ref in m3:
      isaIDs.append (ref)
    m4 = re.findall (cregex4, term);
    partofIDs = []
    for ref in m4:
      partofIDs.append (ref)
    flatFilePrint (id, name, isaIDs, partofIDs)
    badElements += 1;
    print >> sys.stderr, 'no match to m2...'
    print >> sys.stderr, "---------------\n~np~%~/np~s\n------------------" ~np~%~/np~ term
print >> sys.stderr,  'goodElements ~np~%~/np~d' ~np~%~/np~ goodElements
print >> sys.stderr, 'badElements ~np~%~/np~d' ~np~%~/np~ badElements

Script 1 -

import sys
def fixCanonicalName (rawName):
# for instance, trim 'YBR085W|ANC3' to 'YBR085W'
  bar = rawName.find ('|')
  if (bar < 0):
    return rawName
  return rawName [:bar]
def fixGoID (rawID):
  bar = rawID.find (':') + 1
  return rawID [bar:]
def readGoaXrefFile (filename):
  lines = open (filename).read().split ('\n')
  result = {}
  for line in lines:
    if (len (line) < 10):
    tokens = line.split ('\t')
    ipi = tokens [2]
    np = tokens [5]
    semicolon = np.find (';')
    if (semicolon >= 0):
      np = np [:semicolon]
    if (len (ipi) > 0 and len (np) > 0):
      result [ipi] = np
  return result
if (len (sys.argv) != 3):
  print 'error!  parse   <gene_associations file from GO> <goa xrefs file> '
  sys.exit ()
associationFilename = sys.argv [1];
xrefsFilename = sys.argv [2]
species = 'Homo sapiens'
ipiToNPHash = readGoaXrefFile (xrefsFilename)
tester = 'IPI00099416'
print 'hash size: ~np~%~/np~d' ~np~%~/np~ len (ipiToNPHash)
print 'test map: ~np~%~/np~s -> NP_054861: ~np~%~/np~s ' ~np~%~/np~ (tester, ipiToNPHash [tester])
bioproc = open ('bioproc.txt', 'w')
molfunc = open ('molfunc.txt', 'w')
cellcomp = open ('cellcomp.txt', 'w')
bioproc.write ('(species=~np~%~/np~s) (type=Biological Process) (curator=GO)\n' ~np~%~/np~ species)
molfunc.write ('(species=~np~%~/np~s) (type=Molecular Function) (curator=GO)\n' ~np~%~/np~ species);
cellcomp.write ('(species=~np~%~/np~s) (type=Cellular Component) (curator=GO)\n' ~np~%~/np~ species);
sys.stderr.write ('found ~np~%~/np~d lines\n' ~np~%~/np~ len (lines))

for line in lines:
  if (line.find ('!') == 0 or len (line) < 2):
  tokens = line.split ('\t')
  goOntology = tokens [8]
  goIDraw = tokens [4]
  goID = goIDraw.split (':')[1]
  ipiName = fixCanonicalName (tokens [10])
  if (len (ipiName) < 1):

  if (not ipiToNPHash.has_key (ipiName)):
  refseqName = ipiToNPHash [ipiName]
  printName = refseqName
  #printName = ipiName
  if (ipiName == tester):
    print '~np~%~/np~s (~np~%~/np~s) has go term ~np~%~/np~s' ~np~%~/np~ (tester, printName, goID)
  if (goOntology == 'C'):
    cellcomp.write ('~np~%~/np~s = ~np~%~/np~s\n' ~np~%~/np~ (printName, goID))
  elif (goOntology == 'P'):
    bioproc.write ('~np~%~/np~s = ~np~%~/np~s\n' ~np~%~/np~ (printName, goID))
  elif (goOntology == 'F'):
    molfunc.write ('~np~%~/np~s = ~np~%~/np~s\n' ~np~%~/np~ (printName, goID))

Funding for Cytoscape is provided by a federal grant from the U.S. National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) of the Na tional Institutes of Health (NIH) under award number GM070743-01. Corporate funding is provided through a contract from Unilever PLC.

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