What are CytoPanels?

CytoPanels are floatable / dockable panels designed to cut down on the number of pop-up windows within Cytoscape and to create a more unified user experience. For example, in Cytoscape 2.1, the cPath PlugIn enables users to click on a node and immediately view node details in a pop-up window. Now with CytoPanels, we can now show these node details in an embedded CytoPanel. The image below shows a screenshot of the latest BioPAX PlugIn. When you click on a node, the node details appear directly in the left CytoPanel.

attachment:image099.png The user can then chose to resize, hide or float the left CytoPanel. For example, in the screenshot below, the user has chosen to float the CytoPanel:

attachment:image101.png Basic Usage

Cytoscape 2.2 includes three CytoPanels: CytoPanel 1 (appears on the left), CytoPanel 2 (appears on the bottom), and CytoPanel 3 (appears on the right). By default, only CytoPanel 1 will appear, and it will automatically contain the network list and network Overview component. The other panels may appear depending on the mix of PlugIns currently installed in your Cytoscape distribution.

CytoPanels can be shown or hidden by selecting the desired menu item within the CytoPanels menu.


In addition, CytoPanels can be floated or docked by selected the icon at the top-right corner of each CytoPanel. The icon and tooltip will change based on the CytoPanel state. If the CytoPanel is docked, clicking on the icon will float the CytoPanel, as indicated by the “Float Window” tooltip. Alternatively, if the CytoPanel is floating, clicking on the icon will dock the CytoPanel, as indicated by the “Dock Window” tooltip.


Funding for Cytoscape is provided by a federal grant from the U.S. National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) of the Na tional Institutes of Health (NIH) under award number GM070743-01. Corporate funding is provided through a contract from Unilever PLC.

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