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Revision 6 as of 2010-02-10 20:46:28
Size: 2274
Editor: 142
Revision 7 as of 2010-02-16 18:58:29
Size: 4312
Editor: 142
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== UI Test Cases for View Menu ==

||'''Preconditions'''||'''Test Case ID'''||'''Instructions'''||'''Expected Results'''||'''Date Executed'''||'''Pass/Fail'''||
||<|10> 1. Start Cytoscape <<BR>>2. Import a network file (eg. galFiltered.sif) <<BR>>3. Click on View from the toolbar||V1||Click Hide Control Panel||The Control Panel should now be hidden and can be restored by clicking Show Control Panel|| || ||
||V2||Click Hide Data Panel||The Data Browser Panel should now be hidden and can be restored by clicking Show Data Panel|| || ||
||V3||Click Hide Results Panel||The Results Panel should now be hidden and can be restored by clicking Show Results Panel|| || ||
||V4||Click Hide Graphics Details||Things like the node labels should no longer be visible when zoomed out past a certain point|| || ||
||V5||With any other tab in the Control Panel selected apart from the Vizmapper™ click the Open Vizmapper™ button||The Vizmapper™ tab in the Control Panel should now be open|| || ||
||V6.1||1. Ensure that there are three different network windows open <<BR>>2. Select Arrange Network Windows → Cascade||The network windows should be arranged slightly overlapping and filling the entire view area|| || ||
||V6.2||1. Repeat step 1 from V6.1 <<BR>>2. Select Arrange Network Windows → Tiled||The network windows should not overlap but should fill the entire view area in a tiled pattern|| || ||
||V6.3||1. Repeat step 1 from V6.1 <<BR>>2. Select Arrange Network Windows → Horizontal||The network windows should not overlap but should span the width of the view area one above another|| || ||
||V6.4||1. Repeat step 1 from V6.1 <<BR>>2. Select Arrange Network Windows → Vertical||The network windows should not overlap but should span the height of the view area one beside another|| || ||
||V6.5||1. Repeat step 1 from V6.1 <<BR>>2. Select Arrange Network Windows → Default||The network windows should overlap each other completely and are positioned in the top left hand corner of the view area|| || ||

UI Test Cases for Edit Menu

All tests executed on Feb 10th' 10


Test Case ID


Expected Results

Date Executed


Click on Edit from the toolbar


1. Select the Editor tab from the Control Panel and add two nodes to a blank space on the network canvas
2. Drag and select both nodes
3. Click Connect Selected Nodes

An edge connecting the two new nodes should appear

Blocked - The Editor tab is missing


1. Drag and select the new nodes and edge
2. Click Delete Selected Nodes and Edges

The selected nodes and edges should no longer appear on the network canvas



Click Undo: Delete

The nodes and edge deleted in E2 should reappear



Click Redo: Delete

The nodes and edge should be deleted again



1. Select a network from the Network tab in the Control Panel
2. Click Destroy View

The network canvas window should be deleted



1. Select the same network as in E5
2. Click Create View

The network canvas window should appear with the network displayed in its default state



Click Destroy Network

The network canvas window should be gone and the Network tab on the Control Panel should not show the network deleted



Click on Preferences option, select Properties

'Cytoscape Preference Editor' window should show up



(Continuation from E8) - Click on the add button. Add a name and a value

Ensure the property name and value show up in the list



(Continuation from E8) - Click on the Edit button. Edit the name and/or value

Ensure the changes are reflected on the list



(Continuation from E8) - Choose the above created property and click on the Delete button

The property should get deleted



Click on the Preferences menu, select Bookmark

Ensure the bookmark window opens up



Click on the preferences menu; add, edit or delete a bookmark

Ensure you are able to add, edit or delete the bookmark



Click on the preferences menu; Select proxy. The add proxy window opens up; try adding a proxy

Ensure you are able to add a proxy


UI Test Cases for View Menu


Test Case ID


Expected Results

Date Executed


1. Start Cytoscape
2. Import a network file (eg. galFiltered.sif)
3. Click on View from the toolbar


Click Hide Control Panel

The Control Panel should now be hidden and can be restored by clicking Show Control Panel


Click Hide Data Panel

The Data Browser Panel should now be hidden and can be restored by clicking Show Data Panel


Click Hide Results Panel

The Results Panel should now be hidden and can be restored by clicking Show Results Panel


Click Hide Graphics Details

Things like the node labels should no longer be visible when zoomed out past a certain point


With any other tab in the Control Panel selected apart from the Vizmapper™ click the Open Vizmapper™ button

The Vizmapper™ tab in the Control Panel should now be open


1. Ensure that there are three different network windows open
2. Select Arrange Network Windows → Cascade

The network windows should be arranged slightly overlapping and filling the entire view area


1. Repeat step 1 from V6.1
2. Select Arrange Network Windows → Tiled

The network windows should not overlap but should fill the entire view area in a tiled pattern


1. Repeat step 1 from V6.1
2. Select Arrange Network Windows → Horizontal

The network windows should not overlap but should span the width of the view area one above another


1. Repeat step 1 from V6.1
2. Select Arrange Network Windows → Vertical

The network windows should not overlap but should span the height of the view area one beside another


1. Repeat step 1 from V6.1
2. Select Arrange Network Windows → Default

The network windows should overlap each other completely and are positioned in the top left hand corner of the view area

Cytoscape_2.7/UI Test Cases/Edit and View menus (last edited 2010-02-17 18:05:11 by 142)

Funding for Cytoscape is provided by a federal grant from the U.S. National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) of the Na tional Institutes of Health (NIH) under award number GM070743-01. Corporate funding is provided through a contract from Unilever PLC.

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