Size: 2346
Size: 4312
Deletions are marked like this. | Additions are marked like this. |
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All tests executed on Feb 10th' 10 | |
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||E2||1. Drag and select the new nodes and edge <<BR>>2. Click Delete Selected Nodes and Edges||The selected nodes and edges should no longer appear on the network canvas||Feb 10' 1 ||P || ||E3||Click Undo: Delete||The nodes and edge deleted in E2 should reappear|| Feb 10' 10|| P|| ||E4||Click Redo: Delete||The nodes and edge should be deleted again||Feb 10' 1 ||P || ||E5||1. Select a network from the Network tab in the Control Panel <<BR>>2. Click Destroy View||The network canvas window should be deleted||Feb 10' 1 || P|| ||E6||1. Select the same network as in E5 <<BR>>2. Click Create View||The network canvas window should appear with the network displayed in its default state||Feb 10' 1 ||P || |
||E2||1. Drag and select the new nodes and edge <<BR>>2. Click Delete Selected Nodes and Edges||The selected nodes and edges should no longer appear on the network canvas|| ||P || ||E3||Click Undo: Delete||The nodes and edge deleted in E2 should reappear|| || P|| ||E4||Click Redo: Delete||The nodes and edge should be deleted again|| ||P || ||E5||1. Select a network from the Network tab in the Control Panel <<BR>>2. Click Destroy View||The network canvas window should be deleted|| || P|| ||E6||1. Select the same network as in E5 <<BR>>2. Click Create View||The network canvas window should appear with the network displayed in its default state|| ||P || |
Line 10: | Line 11: |
||E8||Click on Preferences option, select Properties||'Cytoscape Preference Editor' window should show up ||Feb 10' 1 || P|| ||E8.1||(Continuation from E8) - Click on the add button. Add a name and a value|| Ensure the property name and value show up in the list||Feb 10' 1 ||P|| ||E8.2||(Continuation from E8) - Click on the Edit button. Edit the name and/or value|| Ensure the changes are reflected on the list||Feb 10' 1 || P|| ||E8.3||(Continuation from E8) - Choose the above created property and click on the Delete button||The property should get deleted|| Feb 10' 1|| P|| ||E8.4|| Click on the Preferences menu, select Bookmark||Ensure the bookmark window opens up||Feb 10' 1||P|| ||E8.5||Click on the preferences menu; add, edit or delete a bookmark||Ensure you are able to add, edit or delete the bookmark|| Feb 10' 1||P|| ||E8.6|| Click on the preferences menu; Select proxy. The add proxy window opens up; try adding a proxy||Ensure you are able to add a proxy||Feb 10' 1 || P|| |
||E8||Click on Preferences option, select Properties||'Cytoscape Preference Editor' window should show up || || P|| ||E8.1||(Continuation from E8) - Click on the add button. Add a name and a value|| Ensure the property name and value show up in the list|| ||P|| ||E8.2||(Continuation from E8) - Click on the Edit button. Edit the name and/or value|| Ensure the changes are reflected on the list|| || P|| ||E8.3||(Continuation from E8) - Choose the above created property and click on the Delete button||The property should get deleted|| || P|| ||E8.4|| Click on the Preferences menu, select Bookmark||Ensure the bookmark window opens up|| ||P|| ||E8.5||Click on the preferences menu; add, edit or delete a bookmark||Ensure you are able to add, edit or delete the bookmark|| ||P|| ||E8.6|| Click on the preferences menu; Select proxy. The add proxy window opens up; try adding a proxy||Ensure you are able to add a proxy|| || P|| == UI Test Cases for View Menu == ||'''Preconditions'''||'''Test Case ID'''||'''Instructions'''||'''Expected Results'''||'''Date Executed'''||'''Pass/Fail'''|| ||<|10> 1. Start Cytoscape <<BR>>2. Import a network file (eg. galFiltered.sif) <<BR>>3. Click on View from the toolbar||V1||Click Hide Control Panel||The Control Panel should now be hidden and can be restored by clicking Show Control Panel|| || || ||V2||Click Hide Data Panel||The Data Browser Panel should now be hidden and can be restored by clicking Show Data Panel|| || || ||V3||Click Hide Results Panel||The Results Panel should now be hidden and can be restored by clicking Show Results Panel|| || || ||V4||Click Hide Graphics Details||Things like the node labels should no longer be visible when zoomed out past a certain point|| || || ||V5||With any other tab in the Control Panel selected apart from the Vizmapper™ click the Open Vizmapper™ button||The Vizmapper™ tab in the Control Panel should now be open|| || || ||V6.1||1. Ensure that there are three different network windows open <<BR>>2. Select Arrange Network Windows → Cascade||The network windows should be arranged slightly overlapping and filling the entire view area|| || || ||V6.2||1. Repeat step 1 from V6.1 <<BR>>2. Select Arrange Network Windows → Tiled||The network windows should not overlap but should fill the entire view area in a tiled pattern|| || || ||V6.3||1. Repeat step 1 from V6.1 <<BR>>2. Select Arrange Network Windows → Horizontal||The network windows should not overlap but should span the width of the view area one above another|| || || ||V6.4||1. Repeat step 1 from V6.1 <<BR>>2. Select Arrange Network Windows → Vertical||The network windows should not overlap but should span the height of the view area one beside another|| || || ||V6.5||1. Repeat step 1 from V6.1 <<BR>>2. Select Arrange Network Windows → Default||The network windows should overlap each other completely and are positioned in the top left hand corner of the view area|| || || |
UI Test Cases for Edit Menu
All tests executed on Feb 10th' 10
Preconditions |
Test Case ID |
Instructions |
Expected Results |
Date Executed |
Pass/Fail |
Click on Edit from the toolbar |
E1 |
1. Select the Editor tab from the Control Panel and add two nodes to a blank space on the network canvas |
An edge connecting the two new nodes should appear |
Blocked - The Editor tab is missing |
E2 |
1. Drag and select the new nodes and edge |
The selected nodes and edges should no longer appear on the network canvas |
P |
E3 |
Click Undo: Delete |
The nodes and edge deleted in E2 should reappear |
P |
E4 |
Click Redo: Delete |
The nodes and edge should be deleted again |
P |
E5 |
1. Select a network from the Network tab in the Control Panel |
The network canvas window should be deleted |
P |
E6 |
1. Select the same network as in E5 |
The network canvas window should appear with the network displayed in its default state |
P |
E7 |
Click Destroy Network |
The network canvas window should be gone and the Network tab on the Control Panel should not show the network deleted |
P |
E8 |
Click on Preferences option, select Properties |
'Cytoscape Preference Editor' window should show up |
P |
E8.1 |
(Continuation from E8) - Click on the add button. Add a name and a value |
Ensure the property name and value show up in the list |
P |
E8.2 |
(Continuation from E8) - Click on the Edit button. Edit the name and/or value |
Ensure the changes are reflected on the list |
P |
E8.3 |
(Continuation from E8) - Choose the above created property and click on the Delete button |
The property should get deleted |
P |
E8.4 |
Click on the Preferences menu, select Bookmark |
Ensure the bookmark window opens up |
P |
E8.5 |
Click on the preferences menu; add, edit or delete a bookmark |
Ensure you are able to add, edit or delete the bookmark |
P |
E8.6 |
Click on the preferences menu; Select proxy. The add proxy window opens up; try adding a proxy |
Ensure you are able to add a proxy |
P |
UI Test Cases for View Menu
Preconditions |
Test Case ID |
Instructions |
Expected Results |
Date Executed |
Pass/Fail |
1. Start Cytoscape |
V1 |
Click Hide Control Panel |
The Control Panel should now be hidden and can be restored by clicking Show Control Panel |
V2 |
Click Hide Data Panel |
The Data Browser Panel should now be hidden and can be restored by clicking Show Data Panel |
V3 |
Click Hide Results Panel |
The Results Panel should now be hidden and can be restored by clicking Show Results Panel |
V4 |
Click Hide Graphics Details |
Things like the node labels should no longer be visible when zoomed out past a certain point |
V5 |
With any other tab in the Control Panel selected apart from the Vizmapper™ click the Open Vizmapper™ button |
The Vizmapper™ tab in the Control Panel should now be open |
V6.1 |
1. Ensure that there are three different network windows open |
The network windows should be arranged slightly overlapping and filling the entire view area |
V6.2 |
1. Repeat step 1 from V6.1 |
The network windows should not overlap but should fill the entire view area in a tiled pattern |
V6.3 |
1. Repeat step 1 from V6.1 |
The network windows should not overlap but should span the width of the view area one above another |
V6.4 |
1. Repeat step 1 from V6.1 |
The network windows should not overlap but should span the height of the view area one beside another |
V6.5 |
1. Repeat step 1 from V6.1 |
The network windows should overlap each other completely and are positioned in the top left hand corner of the view area |