## page was renamed from Export sub menu
== UI Test Cases for File Menu - Export sub menu ==
||<|2> '''Preconditions'''||<|2> '''Test Case ID'''||<|2> '''Instructions'''||<|2> '''Expected Results'''||<-2> '''Windows'''||<-2> '''Mac'''||
||'''Date Executed'''||'''Pass/Fail'''||'''Date Executed'''||'''Pass/Fail'''||
||<|10> 1. Start Cytoscape <
>2. Import a network file (eg. galFiltered.sif) <
>3. Click on File from the toolbar||FM10.1||1. Select Export → Network and attributes as XGMML… <
>2. Save as Test1.xgmml <
>3. Close Cytoscape and restart it, Select Import → Network (multiple file types)… and import Test1.xgmml||Test1 should be an exact copy of the network exported before restarting Cytoscape|| || ||May 21st 09||P||
||FM10.2||1. Select Export → Network as GML… <
>2. Save as Test2.gml <
>3. Select Import → Network (multiple file types)… and import Test2.gml||Test2 should be a copy of the network exported but should have slightly different features (eg. Background)|| || ||May 21st 09||P||
||FM10.3||1. Select Export → Network as SIF File… <
>2. Save as Test3.sif <
>3. Select Import → Network (multiple file types)… and import Test3.sif||Test3 should be a copy of the network exported and should be exactly the same as galFiltered.sif|| || ||May 21st 09||P||
||FM10.4||1. Select Export → Node Attributes <
>2. Click the GO Common Name check box from the list of attributes <
>3. Click Choose Directory and Save, select the desired directory and click Choose||Verify that the attributes were saved by opening the attribute file in a text editor, the file should contain a list of the gene IDs from the network and their corresponding GO common names|| || ||May 21st 09||P||
||FM10.5||1. Select Export → Edge Attributes <
>2. Click the interaction check box from the list of attributes <
>3. Click Choose Directory and Save, select the desired directory and click Choose||Verify that the attributes were saved by opening the attribute file in a text editor, the file should contain a list of the edge IDs from the network and their corresponding interactions|| || ||May 21st 09||P||
||FM10.6||1. Click on the galFiltered.sif network from the Networks tab <
>2. Select Export → Vizmap properties <
>3. Type Test4.props as the file name, choose the appropriate directory and click save <
>4. Click on a different network (with a different visual style) and Select Import → Vizmap Property File…||The currently selected network should now exhibit the visual style of the network whose Vizmap properties were exported|| || ||May 21st 09||P||
||FM10.7||1. Select Export → Network as Graphics… <
>2. Click Choose and type Yeast Network as the file name and click Save <
>3. Leave the Format as PDF and Click OK <
>4. Open Yeast Network.pdf in a PDF reader||The PDF should contain a screen shot of the portion of the network visible in the canvas|| || ||May 21st 09||P||
||FM10.8||1. Repeat steps 1 & 2 from FM10.7 <
>2. Select .PNG from the format menu and click OK <
>3. Leave the bitmap settings as default and click OK <
>4. Open the Yeast Network.png in a picture viewer||The PNG should contain a screen shot of the portion of the network visible in the canvas|| || ||May 21st 09||P||
||FM10.9||Export of PSI-MI 1.0 under construction|| || || || || ||
||FM10.10||Export of PSI-MI 2.5 under construction|| || || || || ||