- Meta Nodes, Phase 2
- Attribute Based Layout
- Multi-colored nodes
- Better hide/show for edges/ nodes
- Real-time vizmapper update
- KEGG Reader / Reaction node + editor
- Expression Matrix reader for more data formats (MIAME)
- Interactive Slider Widget
- Visual Legend
- Standardize context menus for nodes/edges
- Network specific node and edge attributes
- Generic Preference System and inteligent UI for the new preference data structure
- Tree Object viewer in Browser (For GO data)
- Background Task support (for compressing session file)
- Headless mode, Phase 2 (Web Service?)
Refactoring / Design Issues
New GraphObject class; for nodes/edges
- Formalize what goes in the core
- Improving / Refactoring Event Model
- Remove the "GO Level" idea from Gene Ontology Server
- Remove legacy code from GO Server
Expression Matrix must use CyAttribute instead of redundant data structure.