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Use Cases Addressed

Overall timeline

Release Coordinator/BugMaster

2.4 New Features

The new features for Cytoscape 2.4 are grouped according to development themes.

  1. Publication quality image generation - UCSD

    1. Automatic node label position adjustment (place labels outside of the node). UCSD

    2. [:VisualLegendGenerator:Automatic Visual Legend generator] (code is already available. Needs generic GUI). UCSD - Kei

    3. Use Arrow keys to move nodes. UCSD

  2. Organization/Retrieval/Search - MSKCC/Agilent

    1. [:QuickFindRFC:Quick Find]. MSKCC - Ethan

    2. [:CytoscapeIcons:New Cytoscape icon set]. MSKCC - Ethan

    3. Context sensitive menus for edges (application: Linkout). MSKCC/Agilent - Doron or Allan

  3. Expressiveness and enrichment of the network model - UCSF/Agilent

    1. Editor support for metanodes/hyperedges Agilent - Allan/Aditya

    2. Design of GenMAPP annotations. UCSF - Alex

    3. Clarification of directed edges in GINY and use throughout Cytoscape Everyone

  4. Data Integration and Handling - UCSD

    1. Consolidated network import capabilities (i.e. gather all import plugins into one place). UCSD

    2. New BioDataServer to import everything in [http://www.geneontology.org/GO.downloads.shtml#ont OBO] and [http://www.geneontology.org/GO.current.annotations.shtml Gene Association] files directly to CyAttributes. UCSD - Kei

    3. Ability to delete attributes somehow (Unilever request). UCSD - Kei ( /!\ TODO: needs clarification by Mike)

    4. Immutable/Invisible CyAttributes (mainly for Metanodes). MSKCC/UCSD - Ethan (CyAttributes)/Kei (AttributeBrowser)

  5. General Refactoring/Other - UCSD

    1. Fix resize VizMapper windows. UCSD

    2. Fix resize filter windows. UCSD

    3. Fix node topology filter so that it doesn't depend on other filters. UCSD - Ryan

    4. Develop scheme for plugins to save state, e.g. the filters plugin should save filter.props in the session file. UCSD - Kei

    5. Add unit tests galore (including Swing tests). UCSD - undergrads

  6. Future Directions - Everyone

    1. GINY MetaNode refactoring. Everyone /!\ TODO: Consult with Scooter to decide high/low

    2. VizMapper design document. Allan/Melissa/Everyone

      • Make this a session at the retreat, with appropriate preparation. Allan/Melissa/Everyone

      • For example, create a slider bar for the VizMapper that will slide through each mapping defined for a given attribute. Imagine that you have node color mappings defined for 10 different expression values. The slider dialog would present the list (drop down menu) of visual attributes (e.g. node color, node border, node size, etc.) and a slider. Once an attribute is selected, the slider would slide through each mapping, meaning that as the slider position changed, the mapping would change and the network view would update dynamically (Unilever request).

2.4 Plugins

  1. BioPAX Editing / Support for Pathway Commons. MSKCC/Agilent (Allan for editor support) (Will be released as a plugin, separate from 2.4). Not a core plugin.

  2. Make sure JActiveModules uses NodeAttributes rather than the Expression Matrix data structure. UCSD

2.4 Refactoring Plan

  1. Migration to Java Version 5
  2. Move from CVS to [http://subversion.tigris.org Subversion]

  3. /!\ TODO: Mike to add point regarding code cleanup...

Features for 2.5 and beyond

  1. Publication quality image generation

    1. Custom edge graphics. UCSD

  2. Organization/Retrieval/Search.

    1. Linkout from node attribute browser (i.e. right click in a cell and get the linkout data for that attribute) (Unilever request). UCSD - Kei

      1. Vision: attribute browser so that it mirrors all features of the network view (basically becomes a type of matrix view of the data)
  3. Expressiveness and enrichment of the network model.

    1. Official release of Metanode plugin Scooter/Iliana++ /!\ TODO: ask Scooter if this is definitely/maybe for 2.4

    2. Design of attribute based layout. Agilent/MSKCC

    3. Ability to add "sticky notes" to a network - this basically just means adding a way to annotate a network. The current network attributes are a bit hard to use for this sort of thing. It would be hard to enter/read a paragraph of text describing a network with the current interface (Unilever request). UCSD - Kei /!\ TODO: clarify this task

  4. Data Integration and Handling

    1. ID Mapping Service. MSKCC

    2. BioGRID import. UCSD

    3. Expression Matrix import. UCSD

      • Generalize expression matrix import so that it can import any type attribute. UCSD

      • Consider new CSV based import format (e.g. GeneSpring genome definition file). UCSD

    4. GO Term viewer (display GO terms as DAG, just like [http://www.psb.ugent.be/cbd/papers/BiNGO/images/tutorial6.png BiNGO plugin]). UCSD - Kei

  5. General Refactoring / Other

    1. Move vizmapper and filters to CytoPanels.

    2. A HeatStrips visualization, which graphically displays multiple attribute values, such as expression values, as a set of color-coded bars attached to a node as a non-core plugin Agilent

2.5 Plugins

  1. A HeatStrips visualization, which graphically displays multiple attribute values, such as expression values, as a set of color-coded bars attached to a node as a non-core plugin Agilent

Funding for Cytoscape is provided by a federal grant from the U.S. National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) of the Na tional Institutes of Health (NIH) under award number GM070743-01. Corporate funding is provided through a contract from Unilever PLC.

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