'''Presenter: Piet Molenaar, AMC Human Genetics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands''' http://humangenetics-amc.nl '''Title: R2 and Cytoscape: Graph based integration and analysis of molecular biological data''' Abstract: {{{ Like each wet-lab working on large scale pathway identification, we also face the problem to store, integrate, retrieve and select high-throughput data in a way that identifies novel pathways and make complex interactions comprehensible. To solve this problem we are developing a plugin for Cytoscape that maintains the current state of knowledge in our group and enables analysis in a graph based way. The actual evidence from wet-lab experiments can be retrieved and analyzed in combination with array data via our in-house developed web based tool R2 . Cytoscape facilitates integration of these data with data from external databases and enables analysis through our own algorithms and a wealth of plugins published by other groups. In the near future we will make these tools available through our website (http://humangenetics-amc.nl). In my demo I'll focus on the analysis of data from timeseries experiments in a transcription factor context. }}}