During the testing phase, prior to a new version release, core developers are expected to fix bugs (while user testing is in progress). * Prior to the testing phase, the bug master cleans the [[http://cbio.mskcc.org/cytoscape/bugs/main_page.php|bug tracker]] * Removes bug duplicates * Transfers feature requests to the [[Future_Cytoscape_Features]] wiki page * Removes old bugs * Unassigns bugs that were previously assigned to a developer and have not been dealt with * Roughly prioritizes all bugs based on what he/she thinks are the priorities of the group * Tests bugs that are in 'resolved' status and closes them if appropriate * Once done, the bug master announces that the bug tracker is ready for use and core developers should log in and start assigning themselves bugs that they are interested in. Ideally bug fixers assign themselves bugs that they are interested in working on. High priority bugs that are not self assigned will later be assigned to developers by the bug master. * Cytoscape development groups are encouraged to provide feedback on bug prioritization either to the bug master, or by assigning a new priority to an existing bug. Note: See [[How_to_set_up_a_new_core_developer]] for instructions about how to set up your bug tracking user account for the first time.