← Revision 41 as of 2018-02-14 16:54:47
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= App Store Code Structure = == Terminology == * ''Django app'': Django organizes websites into separate modules called apps. Each app has its own directory at the top level typically containing files like {{{__init__.py}}}, {{{model.py}}}, and {{{views.py}}}. * ''templates'': HTML files with placeholders, which Django processes by filling in Python code. * ''static files'': general website files (images, Java Script, CSS) that are served as is without any processing from Django. * ''media files'': general website files referenced by the database backend. == Explanation of important files == * {{{settings.py}}}: Django settings file for configuring things like the database, location of templates, static files, and so on. * {{{urls.py}}}: the general URL layout of the entire site. Each URL entry in this file delegates URL paths to each Django app. * {{{django.wsgi}}}: the configuration file used when the App Store is deployed to an Apache server using mod_wsgi. * {{{apps}}}: navigation of Cytoscape apps and app pages. * {{{users}}}: user login/logout. * {{{search}}}: free text searching. * {{{backend}}}: programs can obtain details of apps from the backend; used by the Cytoscape App Manager * {{{help}}}: about, contact us, getting started pages * {{{submit_app}}}: Cytoscape 3.0 app submission pages and jar verification * {{{templates}}}: Templates in this directory are used throughout the App Store. * {{{static}}}: Each subdirectory has static files for a Django app. The {{{common}}} subdirectory has static files that belong to the entire site. When deploying the site to Apache, Apache should directly serve these files instead of through Django. * {{{util}}}: small utility functions used throughout the site's code |
Moved to https://github.com/cytoscape/cytoscape/wiki/Cytoscape-App-Store#site-administration |